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  1. 你是想来个椰子咖啡味的,巧克力咖喱味还是蓝莓柠檬味

    Would you like coconut-coffee , chocolate-curry , or blueberry-lemon zest ?

  2. 可用于焖炖鱼、虾、牛肉、牛排、鸡等肉制品,还可做其它咖喱味的食品。

    It can be used for stewing or braizing of fish , shrimp , beef , steak and chicken etc , and can also be made into other curried food .

  3. 霍伊韦尔将咖喱粉加入用火慢炖的番茄里,做出了一种咖喱味的番茄酱,然后她将这种番茄酱浇在廉价的香肠上,做出了咖喱香肠。

    Heuwer added the powder to stewed tomatoes to make a kind of curried ketchup , which she poured over sausages , a cheap national staple .