
  1. 或许该让我们的故事画上句点。

    That maybe it 's time for us to end our story forever .

  2. 我为我的故事画了一幅画。

    I draw a picture for my story .

  3. 本生故事画作为一种佛教题材,用油画形式表现较少。

    Bunsen story painting as a kind of Buddhism , with less oil painting form .

  4. 她架好画板,开始给杂志里的故事画一张钢笔插图。

    She began making a pen and ink drawing for a story in a magazine .

  5. 试论莫高窟275窟北壁故事画的佛经依据&附275窟等年代再探讨

    Study on the Basis of the Pictures of Jataka stories in Mogao Grottoes Cave 275

  6. 另一个方法是把故事画在图表上并简单地标明它们之间的相互关系。

    Another approach is to place stories on the graph above to simply mark where they sit relative to each other .

  7. 用你的故事画一幅没用你的产品或服务会怎么样的图画。

    Use your stories to paint them a picture of what it would be like to not have your product or service .

  8. 笔者认为可以借鉴本生故事画的内容、艺术性来创作一批油画。

    The author thinks that the content of the picture can draw lessons from Bunsen story , art to create a batch of paintings .

  9. 年轻的画家为了铺平通向艺术的道路,不得不给杂志里的故事画插图,而这些故事又是年轻的作家为了铺平通向文学的道路而不得不写的。

    Young artists must pave their way to Art by drawing pictures for magazine stories that young authors write to pave their way to Literature .

  10. 山西繁峙岩山寺文殊殿西壁绘制的佛传故事画,是我国金代现存为数不多的佛教壁画之一。

    The west wall painted the life of the Buddha in Shanxi Fanshi Yanshan Temple is one of the few existing Buddhist murals in Jin Dynasty in China .

  11. 敦煌故事画是非常宝贵的美术遗迹和文化遗产,是中国美术史上的重要组成部分,也是中华民族传统文化,民族审美特色的宝贵的资料,这些就是它无与伦比的价值所在。

    Dunhuang story frescoes are valuable art and cultural heritage , are important parts of Chinese art history , and also valuable materials about Chinese traditional culture and national aesthetic .

  12. 作为中国最早最丰富的连环画&敦煌故事画,发掘其中造型手法、造型思维、视觉表达方式对现代动画创作都有极大意义与潜质。

    Dunhuang story frescoes as Chinese earliest comic paintings , which has got great significance and potential to explore its modeling practices , design thinking and visual expression in modern animation .

  13. 莫高窟第275窟故事画与主尊造像关系新探他在民俗学一般理论研究、少数民族文学研究、神话史诗故事研究等方面也有不少建树。

    A New Approaching to the Relationship Between the Narrative Painting and the Main Image of Cave 275 His achievements in folklore and literature research of minority nationalities as well as epics are outstanding .

  14. 在内容方面,本生故事画主要是体现善恶有报、知恩图报等思想,用油画将这些思想表现出来,对现代人很有教育意义。

    In terms of content , Bunsen story paintings mainly reflect the good and evil have reported , such as thought , honest Abe will show these thoughts with canvas , to modern education significance .

  15. 深入研究民族文化精髓,让敦煌故事画当中的线条、透视、构图、想象力、夸张变形、造型思维等为动画造型找到新的思路。

    We should study the core essence of traditional culture deeply , and make the lines among story frescoes , perspective , composition , imagination , exaggeration , modeling thinking to find new ideas for animation modeling .

  16. 在艺术性方面,可以参考本生故事画的构图、色彩、造型等表现手法。通过传承、借鉴中国经典艺术样式,创作出符合时代性的优秀艺术作品。

    Can draw reference Bunsen story in terms of artistic quality , composition , color , shape , etc. Through inheritance and reference to Chinese classical art style , to create conform to The Times of outstanding works of art .

  17. 这种思想观始终贯穿在他的作品之中,不管是他早期的风景版画、中期的寓言故事及讽刺画,还是他晚期那种赞颂日常生活的风俗画。

    This idea runs through the concept of being in his work , whether it is the scenery of his early prints , mid-fable set of caricature , or the kind of tribute to his later genre paintings of everyday life .

  18. 孩子们也喜欢它,因为他们可以听故事,看艺术家画故事的图片。

    Kids also like it because they can listen to stories and watch artists draw pictures of the stories .

  19. 他喜欢编故事,为故事画图画,在图书馆里读许多书。

    He enjoyed himself by making up stories , drawing pictures for his stories and reading many books in the library .

  20. 即使在他死后,他的故事也没就此画上句号。

    Even after he died , his story didn 't quite end .

  21. 因此道教的神仙信仰及神仙世界和众多的神仙人物传说故事,给予文人画取之不尽用之不竭的创作资源和艺术营养,极大地丰富和发展了中国传统绘画艺术。

    The belief of immortals and their paradise and the tales are inexhaustible resources and nutrition for the paintings , thus greatly enrich and develop Chinese traditional painting arts .