
bǎo kù
  • treasure-house;treasury;storehouse;gold mine;Aladdin's cave;treasury vault;armoury;any valuable collection
宝库 [bǎo kù]
  • (1) [treasure house]∶储存金银财宝的地方

  • (2) [treasury]∶值钱的收藏品、储存品;宝贵物品

  • 知识宝库

  • 思想宝库

  • (3) [storehouse]∶丰富的资源

  • 海洋是世界上最丰富的原料宝库

宝库[bǎo kù]
  1. 而这次展览会有利于促销它。SP促销是现代市场营销宝库中使用最为广泛的一种拓展市场,促进销售的利器。

    And the show will help promote it . Promoting sale by SP is a good tool which most extensively used for reclaiming market 、 promoting sale in present treasure-house of marketing .

  2. 图书馆是人类文化的宝库;

    Library is treasure-house of the human culture .

  3. 这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。

    The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics .

  4. 这本书是一座丰富的知识宝库。

    The book is a rich seam of information .

  5. 拥有一座藏满了珍贵记忆的宝库真是令人欣慰。

    It is comforting to have a storehouse of treasured memories .

  6. 那本词典是个巨大的信息宝库。

    The dictionary is a vast treasure trove of information

  7. 这本书是名副其实的信息宝库。

    This book is a veritable storehouse of information

  8. 这本书是一个宝库。

    The book is a goldmine

  9. 新来者正迈入他们视为资源宝库的地方。

    The newer players are stepping into what they view as a treasure house of resources .

  10. 这个画廊是中世纪艺术的宝库。

    The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art .

  11. 他们考虑来自外部的感染公司的病毒,他们设想黑客侵入到信息宝库中

    They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside.They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults .

  12. INTERNET是一个极其重要的信息资源宝库,在这个信息宝库上有着巨大的化学文献情报资源。

    Internet is a important information library , There are a huge amounts of chemical literature resources on it .

  13. 《TheoreticalandAppliedGenetics》杂志:汇集杰出遗传育种家智慧的宝库

    《 Theoretical and Applied Genetics 》 Journal : Uniting Great Intelligence of Outstanding Genetic and Breeding Scientists

  14. Internet是一个巨大的信息资源宝库,几乎所有的Internet用户都希望宝库中的资源越来越丰富,使之多姿多彩。

    Internet is the huge treasure of information resources . Almost all the Internet users want to get richer resources to make it better .

  15. 不过,拓宽读者群可能拥有巨大的好处开放访问的科学期刊《plosone》便是有趣资料的宝库。

    But there could be big benefits to broadening reach PLoS One , the science journal , is a trove of fascinating material .

  16. Portentsofthemodernworld现代世界的先兆该化石宝库发现了许多不为人所知的物种,包括微型海绵动物,未知的自然小型管状结构,像水母但又不是,显示出两个对称的胚胎(右图所示)。

    This Lagerst ä tte has yielded many previously unknown species , including microscopic sponges , small tubular organisms of unknown nature , things that look like jellyfish but might not be and a range of what appear to be embryos that show bilateral symmetry ( pictured right ) .

  17. DOMUS收藏期望为当代久负盛名和崭露头角的艺术家建造一座独一无二的宝库,在国际上引领艺术新视域。

    The DOMUS vision looks to build a unique repository of emerging and established contemporary artists to raise new questions about art internationally .

  18. 劳伦斯·斯特恩(LaurenceSterne1713-1768)被认为是最不为规则所囿的十八世纪英国小说家,他的代表作《相狄传》常被视为英国小说宝库中最为独特怪异的一部作品。

    Laurence Sterne has always been considered the least rule-bound of the British eighteenth-century novelists , and his Tristram Shandy is generally cited as the most eccentric production within the already varied collection of narrative types of eighteenth-century fiction .

  19. 我国古代文化宝库中蕴藏着丰富的变革思想。

    There are plenty of reform thoughts in ancient China culture .

  20. 宋词是中国古典文学宝库中的珍宝。

    Ci poetry is a precious treasure in classical Chinese literature .

  21. 他的书是音乐知识的宝库。

    His book is a treasure trove of information about music .

  22. 它的诗学意蕴和哲理内涵,丰富了人类的智慧宝库;

    Its poetical and philosophical connotations enrich human being 's wisdom ;

  23. 自学是打开知识宝库的一把金钥匙。

    Self-study is the golden key to the treasure-trove of knowledge .

  24. 知识的源泉[宝库]集成电路知识产权问题专家委员会

    Committee of Experts on Intellectual property in Respect of Integrated Circuits

  25. 这本词典是一个知识信息的宝库。

    This dictionary has a gold mine of information in it .

  26. 培根是他那时代的学问宝库。

    Bacon was a repository of the leaning of his time .

  27. 文学名著是人类语言和文明的宝库,对中学生具有重要的教育价值。

    Literature masterpiece is the treasury of human language and civilization .

  28. 地域文化是地方传媒特有的资源宝库。

    Regional culture is a special local media resources treasure house .

  29. 它是中华民族农业思想宝库中的瑰宝。

    It is the treasure of the Chinese nation agriculture thinking .

  30. 歌剧是人类音乐艺术文化宝库中的重要组成部分。

    Opera is the important part within musical culture treasure of mankind .