
  • 网络Ding;Serto;The Tomb Mounds;RoofCrown
  1. 宝顶二月香会至香火福气满人间

    Baoding Ushers in Pilgrims in February Burning Incense and Good Fortune Fill the World

  2. 通过对网架宝顶结构的分析,结合工程实例,论述了网架结构在高层建筑宝顶设计中不同的应用形式;

    With analysis of grid pagoda top structure and its project example design , it discusses various grid structure applied form of high-building pagoda top design .

  3. 同时,根据工程实际的归类整理,提出了宝顶设计中应注意的问题。

    Then according to classified clear-up of project practice , it bring forward some problems in pagoda top design which should be paid more attention to .

  4. 意义系统的生成与阐释:大足宝顶石窟造像分析师范生顶岗支教实习的现实意义与存在的问题

    The Birth and Explanation of Meaning System : Analyzing the Statues of Baoding Grotto at Dazu Significance and Problems of Working Practice for Students Majoring in Teaching

  5. 从大足宝顶石刻牧牛道场谈大学生心性培育牛蹄豆、智利牧豆的培育技术及抗旱性研究

    Discussion on Cultivating the University Students Nature based on Herding Cattle in the Rock Carvings on Mount Baoding ; The Cultivation Techniques and Drought-tolerance Research on Pithecellobium Dulce and Prosopis Chilensis

  6. 重庆大足宝顶山大佛湾是一个布局合理,构思严密、三教合一的雕像群。

    Dafo sinus of Baoding Mountain in Dazu county , Chongqing city is a reasonable community of integrated overall arrangement , rigorous conceptual design , and three religions in the same places .