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  • Food Ingredients
  1. 既想省钱又想吃得健康,你需要的是真正的食物,而不是本地的有机食材。

    And to save money and still eat well you don 't need local , organic ingredients ; all you need is real food .

  2. 这让她想到了“烹饪新鲜食材”的点子。

    This brought her the idea of " fresh food cooking " .

  3. 干邑白兰地也用于浸渍食材,给砂锅炖菜提味。

    Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles

  4. 这并不是因为新鲜的食材很难买到。

    It 's not because fresh ingredients are hard to come by .

  5. 对于手头不宽裕的美国人,我的建议很简单:买你买得起的食材,自己做饭。

    To those Americans for whom money is a concern , my advice is simple : Buy what you can afford , and cook it yourself .

  6. 微波炉和快餐连锁店是罪魁祸首,但是大型食品公司才是使家庭厨师成为濒危物种的幕后黑手——它们想尽办法出售商品,却偏偏不卖新鲜食材。

    The microwave and fast-food chains were the biggest catalyst , but the big food companies — which want to sell anything except the raw ingredients that go into cooking — made the home cook an endangered species .

  7. 对于一些餐馆厨师来说,春天最期待的食材就是熊葱啦。

    For some restaurant cooks , the most exciting spring arrival is ramps .

  8. 有的博主用不同的食材将孩子们的风景画制成了立体美食。

    Another blogger uses many ingredients to recreate a landscape painting .

  9. (用搅拌器,将食材彻底地搅拌均匀。)

    Using a whisk , whisk the ingredients thoroughly .

  10. 地球日官网还建议人们摸索以植物为主的新食谱,或者用植物食材去做家人最爱吃的菜。

    EarthDay.org also recommends researching a new plant-based recipe or recreating family-favorite recipes using plant-based alternatives .

  11. “玩具食物”是用预先切好、拌合好的食材,只需极少准备工作就能制成的一盘食物。

    Toy food is a food dish that comes premeasured and premixed and so requires only a minimal amount of preparation .

  12. 大厨约瑟夫一直在用这种特色食材烹饪,以鼓励美国人把虫子重新想象为富含蛋白质的可持续食物来源。

    Chef Joseph has been cooking with the star ingredient to encourage Americans to re-imagine bugs as a protein-rich sustainable food source .

  13. 你可以自己和家人摸索新食谱,也可以给亲友直播植物食材烹饪课。

    This can be research you do as a family or by live-streaming a plant-based cooking class for your friends and family .

  14. “弗兰肯食品”是用变革性方法烹调出的食品,食材和调味料的搭配让人意想不到,结果可能是美味的一餐,也可能是一团糟。

    Frankenfoods are revolutionary culinary creations that mash up original and unexpected food combinations and ingredients , resulting in delicious dishes ... or awful misses .

  15. 要做“玩具食物”,你只需拿一点这个食材,再加一点那个食材,把它们放在一起就是一顿饭,就像搭模型一样。

    To make toy food , you just need to get a little piece of this , a little of that , put it all together and make something , just like it was an Erector Set .

  16. 事实上,他曾为他的食材新时尚出过一本书,名为《AMatterofTaste》。

    Indeed , he has dedicated an entire book , entitled A Matter of Taste , to his food fashion .

  17. ChrisCrerarStillwater餐厅的一道扇贝菜肴她的两家餐馆正是当地食材的展示窗口。

    Her two restaurants are showcases for local ingredients .

  18. 据介绍,这种新型食材具有激活免疫功能的T细胞与B细胞的作用,可抑制癌细胞生长与增殖。

    It is reported that the new food with the immune function of activated T cells and B cells , can inhibit cancer cell growth and proliferation .

  19. 在可以滑雪进出的CraftRoom餐厅,供应微酿啤酒与美妙的咖啡,而Tamon则用本地食材烹饪独创的怀石料理。

    Microbrews and excellent coffee are served at ski-in / ski-out Craft Room , while Tamon prepares innovative kaiseki cuisine using local ingredients .

  20. 他们一定有星舰级(StarTrek)的科技才能把这所有食材挤进这个小空间。

    They must have Star Trek technology to get all those ingredients into such a small space .

  21. Technomic指出,包括FiveGuys和CornerBakeryCafe在内的休闲快餐经营商把更新鲜的食材、个性化下单和快餐的便捷结合在了一起。

    Fast-casual restaurants , including others such as Five Guys and Corner Bakery Cafe , mix of fresher ingredients and custom ordering with the convenience of fast-food .

  22. AaronJoelSantosforTheWallStreetJournalLaVerticale餐厅的一道菜正如法国的食材对越南菜产生了影响一样,越南食材和烹饪技术正激发着新一代在河内的法国厨师。

    Just as French ingredients have influenced Vietnamese dishes , Vietnamese ingredients and techniques are inspiring a generation of French chefs cooking in Hanoi .

  23. 曼斯菲尔德的大道马提尼餐厅(Martini’sonMain)供应农家比萨饼,大部分食材来自本地农庄(108NorthMainStreet,电话419-775-5936;martinisonmain.net)。

    Martini 's on Main , in Mansfield , offers pizza made from scratch and gets most of its ingredients from local farms ( 108 North Main Street , 419-775-5936 ; martinisonmain . net ) .

  24. 牡蛎酒吧试图改头换面——大胆地更名为“无牡蛎酒吧”(NoOysterBar),并依靠本地食材提供餐品——但这次押注并未奏效。

    Oyster Bar tried to rebrand - boldly renaming itself No Oyster Bar and relying on a menu of local ingredients - but the gamble didn 't pay off .

  25. “大家都知道塔斯马尼亚的食材是全澳最好的,但厨师却是最差的,”当地美食作家马修·伊万斯(MatthewEvans)解释说。

    Tasmania was widely known for having the best produce in the nation , but the worst chefs , ' explained local food writer Matthew Evans .

  26. 它的大厨阿兰·帕萨尔(AlainPassard)以选用“从农场到痴迷大厨到餐桌”的食材而闻名,尤其是蔬菜。

    Its chef , Alain Passard , is famous for his farm-to-obsessed-chef-to-table ingredients , especially vegetables .

  27. 忘掉“从农场到餐桌”的口号吧,Nur是“从露台到餐桌”的,这同时也是饭店坚持使用本地食材的生动体现。

    Forget farm-to-table , this was patio-to-table - and a vivid illustration of Nur 's stated commitment to local products .

  28. 大家都知道塔斯马尼亚的食材是全澳最好的,但厨师却是最差的,当地美食作家马修·伊万斯(MatthewEvans)解释说。

    ' Tasmania was widely known for having the best produce in the nation , but the worst chefs , ' explained local food writer Matthew Evans .

  29. 托姆林森对HorrorTalk网站记者说道:我做出来的食物是通过混合的味道以及新鲜食材做出来的,所以如果我说汉堡灵感来自于食人族、那或许会有点古怪。

    ' My food is inspired by flavor combinations and fresh produce , so it was a little odd to be inspired by the words of cannibals instead , ' Mr Thomlinson told website Horror Talk .

  30. PapaMurphy's是一家拥有1360家分店的匹萨连锁企业,顾客可在未烘烤的匹萨上现加食材,然后把它放在他们自己的烤箱中烤制。

    Papa Murphy 's is a 1,360-location pizza chain where customers add ingredients to an uncooked pizza on site and then cook it in their own oven .