
  1. 他也是咖啡师,为美国最有鉴赏力的咖啡客户服务。在美国,蓝瓶咖啡馆(BlueBottle)和Toby’sEstate等精品咖啡馆在社区占主导地位。

    He 's also a barista for what must be among the most discerning coffee clientele in the country , where boutique roasters like Blue Bottle and Toby 's Estate dominate the neighborhood .

  2. 都挺好的。咖啡师沙龙(BaristaParlor)于2012年5月开张,由昔日的汽修厂车库改建而成。它位于日益新潮的东纳什维尔一座蒙尘的老店“彩虹时尚”(RainbowFashions)后面。

    SATURDAY Barista Parlor opened in May 2012 in a converted auto-repair garage behind a dusty old store called Rainbow Fashions in increasingly hip East Nashville .

  3. 今年年初,星巴克鼓励咖啡师在顾客的咖啡杯上写“RaceTogether”,以激发关于种族问题的讨论,因此遭到嘲笑。

    Earlier this year , Starbucks was derided for encouraging baristas to write the phrase " Race Together " on customers " coffee cups to stir a discussion of racial issues .

  4. 我拍照,随后画了两个陌生人和朋友的种类繁多,从制造商的DJ到卷饼咖啡师。

    I 've photographed and subsequently painted a wide variety of both strangers and friends , from DJs to baristas to burrito makers .

  5. 最近遇到了一件尴尬事:我在星巴克(Starbucks)点了杯意式浓缩,那位留着一头凌乱金发、打扮入时的年轻咖啡师问我,你叫什么名字。

    An awkward moment recently : I ordered an espresso from Starbucks and the barista , a young fellow with fashionably chaotic blond hair , asked my name .

  6. 咖啡师的皮束带帆布围裙来自河对面马拉松村埃米尔厄尔文(EmilErwin)皮革制品公司的车间;

    the baristas " canvas aprons with leather straps are from the workshop of the leather goods company Emil Erwin , across the river in Marathon Village ;

  7. 由于维也纳2012年举办了世界咖啡师大赛,新型的独立咖啡店开始开张,浓缩咖啡的质量在稳定提升,Abdul-Malik说。

    Since Vienna hosted the World Barista Championships in 2012 , and new-style independent coffee shops began to open up , the quality of espresso drinks is steadily improving , says Abdul-Malik .

  8. 他还花大量时间培训年轻的全职咖啡师。

    He has also spent serious time training his young staff of full-time baristas .

  9. 我们看起来像血腥的威廉斯堡潮人咖啡师!

    We look like bloody Williamsburg hipster baristas !

  10. 也许最好的卡布奇诺不需要花哨的咖啡师技法或其他装饰。

    Perhaps the best cappuccino is made without the fancy barista work or other trappings .

  11. 她花了八个月的时间才找到了咖啡师这份工作,她说。

    It took her eight months to find work as a barista , she said .

  12. 都说咖啡师苦涩的,而我对于它的最早的记忆却偏偏怀着几分温馨。

    It was said coffee was bitter , but my earliest memory embraced it with some coziness .

  13. 也是不能的。咖啡师不允许因为政治、宗教或个人原因佩戴徽章。

    Again , no. Baristas are not permitted to wear pins for political , religious or personal causes .

  14. 她赢得了美国地区的咖啡师大赛,喜欢用不同的咖啡豆和饮料做测试。

    She 's won barista competitions around the US , and loves experimenting with different beans and drinks .

  15. 作为日本第一位,也是唯一一位专业咖啡师,他曾在意大利接受过严格的专业训练。

    As Japan 's one and only professional coffee expert , he underwent rigorous professional training in Italy .

  16. 星巴克使用微软的云电子邮件来保证大批咖啡师能即时获悉销售及日常交易的情况。

    Starbucks uses Microsoft 's cloud email to keep its army of baristas up to date about sales and daily deals .

  17. 每天喝一杯咖啡师可以的,但是有的人整天都在喝咖啡。这样子喝咖啡很容易引起反胃。

    One cup of coffee a day is fine , but people who drink coffee all day long are courting reflux .

  18. 他称至少有一位顾客忍不住再次打量了一下他的枪,但咖啡师们并未做出偷看的举动。

    He says the firearm drew a double-take from at least one customer , but not a peep from the baristas .

  19. 咖啡师“伯洋”,他,会为一种口味而众里寻她到最终的角落。

    Coffee division " Yang ", he , for a taste of people in search of her to the final corner .

  20. 说有一条与波西米亚咖啡师有关的便道,然后他意识到他是17岁的亿万富翁。

    Huck says there was a detour with a boho barista , but then he realised he 's a17 year old billionaire .

  21. 和大部分咖啡师一样,她开始研究拿铁艺术,整天研究拿铁拉花艺术、混合研磨咖啡粉、沏上一杯杯咖啡。

    Like many baristas , she began experimenting with latte art to mix up the grind of pulling shots all day long 。

  22. 那些咖啡师们做一杯咖啡用得着这么长时间吗?人们边聊天边耐心地等着自己的咖啡。

    What takes those baristas so long anyway ? People are patiently waiting their turn by making small talk about the day ahead .

  23. 但是最好的咖啡师都把罗马称为咖啡之都,要想喝一杯高品质的咖啡,罗马是你最好的选择。

    But with the best of the nation 's baristas calling it home , Rome is your best bet for a quality cup .

  24. 几乎所有的初创公司都已部分筹得资金,这种方式就好像咖啡师先往小费罐里放一些钱,让其他人觉得不好意思不掏钱。

    Nearly all of them have already raised part of it , the way baristas seed the tip jar to guilt others into ponying up .

  25. “嗨,安德烈?”说话的是这个高个红发的咖啡师。“你想要杯饮料么?你可以免费来一杯”

    " Hi , Andre ?" It was the tall , red-haired barista . " Do you want your drink ? You get a free drink . "

  26. 看到机器人咖啡师制作咖啡、机器人服务员服务,顾客们都非常兴奋,而诸如声控灯和音频设备之类的东西也让他们惊叹不已。

    Visitors are thrilled to see robot coffee masters make coffee and robot waiters serve , while things such as voice-controlled lights and audio devices wow them as well .

  27. 年轻咖啡师的脸色一沉,说:我恼火的事情多了,不过要是你不愿意告诉我你的名字,那也没关系。

    The young man 's face darkened perceptibly . A lot of things annoy me , he said , but if you don 't want to tell me your name , that 's fine .

  28. 英国顶尖的咖啡师罗伯特·亨利将向我们展示如何使用家用咖啡机制作最好的卡布奇诺。

    Top UK barista Robert Henry shows you how to make a perfect cappuccino using a domestic coffee machine . Learn how to make a cappuccino the Videojug way , with this helpful video .

  29. 让咖啡师在顾客的杯子上写口号的做法,舒尔茨写道,只是促进更广泛、更长期讨论的催化剂,这种做法将按照最初的计划,于今天即3月22日结束。

    Having baristas write on customers ' cups , Mr. Schultz wrote , which was always just the catalyst for a much broader and longer-term conversation & will be completed as originally planned today , March 22 .

  30. 那可不是这种事情:我愿意轻信一个半醒拿着纸杯和一大壶全脂奶颤颤巍巍的咖啡师。如果这样调制茶饮,我宁可喝咖啡或者(凑合)一杯花生热饮。

    It 's not the kind of thing I 'm willing to entrust to a half-awake barista with a paper cup and a heavy plastic jug of shudder - full-fat milk ; I 'd rather drink a coffee or ( almost ) a Peanut Hottie .