
  • 网络Chicken Curry;curry chicken
  1. 你想要哪一种,咖喱鸡肉还是咖喱牛肉?

    Which would you like , chicken curry or beef curry ?

  2. 我点的是咖喱鸡肉,不是咖喱牛肉。

    I ordered the chicken curry , not the beef curry .

  3. 食品将是五香三角菜饺,咖喱鸡肉饭和印度飞饼。

    The food will be samosas , chicken curry and rice , and naan bread .

  4. 经常订咖喱鸡肉餐的人,标志着他们非常爱吃辣味食物。

    Ordering a chicken vindaloo is usually the sign of someone who has taste for very spicy food .

  5. 典型的毛里求斯正餐可能包括印度咖喱鸡肉、中式猪肉、英国烤牛肉和法式蔬菜等。

    A typical Mauritian dinner might have Indian chicken curry , Chinese pork , British roast beef and French-style vegetables .

  6. 一项新的研究发现,喜欢像咖喱鸡肉这种挑战味蕾的食物的人是天生的冒险家。

    A new study has found that people who like stimulating their taste buds with meals such as a vindaloo curry also have risk-taking personalities .

  7. 黄油草莓酱、奶油烤饼加糖奶茶我将出售印度食品食品将是五香三角菜饺,咖喱鸡肉饭和印度飞饼。

    Scones with butter , strawberry jam and cream tea with milk and sugar I 'll sell Indian food . The food will be samosas , chicken curry and rice , and naan bread .

  8. 喜欢点咖喱鸡肉的人通常是很偏爱辣的食物,这也表示他们的性格也有很辣的一面。

    Ordering a chicken vindaloo is usually the sign of someone who has taste for very spicy food . It is also turns out to be an indication that their personality is also on the spicy side .

  9. 首先是煮面条,然后是咖喱酱和鸡肉,再撒上香脆面,最后是作料。

    First , the boiled noodles , then the curry sauce and chicken , top with the fried noodles , and finally , the condiments .