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  1. 咖啡(Coffea)是世界三大饮料作物之一,是典型的热带经济作物。

    Coffee ( Coffea ) is known globally as one of the most important beverage crops and extensively cultivated and distributed in many tropical countries .

  2. 咖啡是世界三大饮料之一。

    Coffee is one of the world 's three major beverages .

  3. 茶叶是与可可、啡并列的世界三大饮料之一。

    Tea is one of three drinks such as tea , coca and coffer .

  4. 茶叶是世界三大饮料(茶,咖啡和可可)中消费数量最多的。

    Of the three major beverages of the world-tea , coffee and cocoa-tea is consumed by the largest number of people .

  5. 茶是世界三大饮料之一,世界上许多饮茶国家都与茶文化有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Tea is one of the three most popular drinks in the world and many countries are related to tea culture more or less .

  6. 咖啡与茶叶、可可并称为世界三大饮料,全世界约有三分之一的人口饮用,咖啡在全球贸易额仅次于石油。

    Coffee and tea , cocoa and called the world three big drink , around the world , about a third of the population drink , coffee in global trade second only to oil .

  7. 茶、咖啡和可乐已成为21世纪世界三大饮料,特别是茶饮料具有绿色健康的保健功效,在未来的饮料市场上存在巨大的发展潜力。

    The tea , coffee and coke were the three world drink in 21st century , especially the tea drink , which is good for health , have the great potential in future drink market .

  8. 茶叶是我国的传统饮料,是驰名世界的三大饮料之一。

    Tea is China 's traditional drink , is well-known one of the world 's three major beverages .

  9. 茶是世界上三大饮料之一,20多亿人热衷于茶饮。

    Tea is one of three biggest drink in the world , more than 20 hundred million people craves on the tea drinks .

  10. 茶叶是世界三大传统饮料之一,深受各国人民的喜爱,是世界上重要的经济作物之一。

    Tea is one of the most famous three traditional beverages , which is an important industrial crop in the world . People all over the world like it .

  11. 茶树(camelliasinensis)起源于中国西南部,是一种重要的经济作物。茶叶为世界三大无酒精饮料之一。

    Tea plant ( Camellia sinensis ) is an important cash crop which originates in southwestern China , and now has become one of the three largest non alcoholic beverages in the world .

  12. 茶,中国的国饮,是世界公认的三大健康饮料之一。

    Tea , the traditional drinks of Chinese , is one of the three major healthy drinks in theworld .