
  • 网络INSPECTION;product inspection;product test;production test
  1. X射线荧光光谱无标样分析技术在出入境矿产品检验中的应用

    Application of XRFS Without Using Standard Samples to Inspection of Mineral Products in Exits and Entrances at Customs

  2. 同时也表明,XPS作为一种重要的表面分析技术将会在商品检验和产品检验中得到有效地应用。

    XPS as a important method for analyzing surface will be used in product and commodity inspection .

  3. 本检测方法完全可作为DSP工业丝用聚酯切片生产的过程控制和产品检验的粘度评价方法。

    And this method can be applied to evaluate the product viscosity and process control during producing the PET chips for DSP industrial fiber .

  4. 工艺流程全自动控制,简化了人员管理、物料统计、产品检验等工作,达到了MES对系统实时性、可集成性和自动化的要求。

    Automatic process control module simplifies the personnel management , materials statistical management , product testing and so on .

  5. 目前中国家电行业的OEM生产模式普遍注重生产过程监控和产品检验。

    Generally , it pays more attention on monitoring whole production process and product inspection in OEM mode for home appliance production in China now .

  6. 原告利用了一项联邦成文法(参阅《家禽产品检验法》[PoultryProductsInspectionAct])来推翻禁令,这让一些动物权益倡导人士感到不安,但联邦法律经常成为对付州监管的杀手锏,有时是好事有时是坏事。

    Although the plaintiffs used a federal statute ( see the Poultry Products Inspection Act ) to overturn the ban , and although that makes some animal welfare advocates uneasy , federal law is often used to trump state regulations , both good and bad .

  7. 通过对CIMS/MIS信息技术和CAQ系统的重要性论述,提出了产品检验信息管理的新思路。通过对四种常用软件开发方法的分析比较,最终确立了本系统的开发方法与步骤。

    By the description of CIMS / MIS and the importance of CAQ system , it provided the new solution about the management of inspection information Comparing with the four methods of software exploiting , it finally confirmed the exploiting method and the steps for this system .

  8. 本文系探讨利用田口质量工程方法于积层陶瓷电容器的质量检验,尝试寻找该产品检验设备(M3300)之最佳参数设定值,以提升产品的内裂缺陷筛选率,增进产品质量水准。

    The objective of this paper is to examine the parameter setting to multiplayer ceramic capacitor test machine ( M3300 ) by using Taguchi method . Cracking inside the capacitor is always the major concern to the quality of this product .

  9. 产品检验的结果,基本满意。

    The result of the test on the product is adequate .

  10. 负责处理公司产品检验、确认并出具报告;

    Responsible for product inspection , to confirm and issue a report ;

  11. 完善产品检验模式有效控制产品质量

    Guaranteeing the Effective Control of Quality by Perfecting the Testing Mode of Products

  12. 基于B/S体系结构的化工机械产品检验工艺设计

    Inspect Plan Design for Chemical Machinery Products Based on B / S Structure

  13. 电子产品检验实验室对测量不确定度的评定探讨

    Discussion and Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement for Testing Laboratory of Electronic Products

  14. 完善的在线主动测量设备可以动态采集制造质量检测数据,一方面直接用于产品检验,另一方面为后续的制造质量在线预测控制提供有效、充足、真实的检测信息。

    It can provide examine data collected dynamic to forecast and control on-line .

  15. 将成品交到顾客指定的地方定性等产品检验。

    Finished products will be delivered to the place where the customers designated .

  16. 宁波地区出口机电产品检验监管的现状与对策研究

    Research on the Status and Countermeasures of Export Electric Products Inspection Supervision in Ningbo

  17. 独立故障统计分析在电器产品检验中的应用

    The " Independent Failure " Statistic Analysis in the Test Application of Electrical Apparatus

  18. 产品检验中的抽样个数

    The Sample Size in the Product Hypothesis Test

  19. 对钢材产品检验技术的探讨

    Exploration of inspection technology for the steel products

  20. 负责生产线首件、末件产品检验和试验;

    Responsible for first product 's capability test ;

  21. 计数抽检在测绘产品检验中的应用

    On the Lot - by - lot Test in Surveying and Mapping Products Inspection

  22. 电器产品检验计划的制订

    How to Make Appliance Products Test Plan

  23. GB/T14572-1993热塑性塑料树脂产品检验规则及标志、包装、贮运规定

    " Rules for inspecting , marking , packing , storing and transporting of thermoplastic materials "

  24. 肉食产品检验情况综述

    A summary of meat product inspection

  25. 另外,公司对每批次产品检验都作取样留存,以便进行品质追踪。

    Besides we keep retained sample in our stock to trace the variations of product quality meanwhile .

  26. 目的建立快速的中间产品检验方法,控制头孢拉定胶囊制备过程中头孢拉定的含量。

    Objective To establish a rapid assay method of cefradine to control the quality of cefradine capsules .

  27. GB/T8143-1987紫胶产品检验方法

    Methods of testing lac products

  28. 甘肃省电器科学研究院(简称甘肃电科院)是高低压电器产品检验检测和研究专业机构。

    Gansu Electronics Science Research Institute is a high and low voltage electrical product testing and research institutions .

  29. 为进出口石油产品检验硫醇硫提供了更好的科学技术依据。

    This method provids a better technology in the inspection of sulfur mercaptan in import and export petroleum products .

  30. 锻件弯曲形态和参数的检测,不论是对于实现矫直过程的自动检测还是产品检验都是十分必需的。

    It is very necessary to measure the pattern and parameters of the bending in automatic rectification and product inspection .