
  1. 产业衰退期中企业退出的博弈模型分析

    Game Model Analysis of Corporation Withdrawal Strategy in the Period of Industry Recession

  2. 产业衰退及退出产业援助机制

    Industry Declining and Help Mechanism for Withdrawing Industry

  3. 产业衰退的原因多而复杂,但主要是市场需求的变化和科学技术的进步。

    The major reasons are the change of market demand and the progress of science and technology .

  4. 日本大型纺织企业实施多角化经营战略应对产业衰退。

    Japanese large textile enterprises choose to implement diversification strategy in responding to the recession of the original principal businesses .

  5. 资源枯竭造成的产业衰退,如果单独依靠市场的调节,不足以解决全部的问题甚至经济问题。

    The industrial recession problem caused by depletion of resources , relying on the single market regulation , will not be solved completely .

  6. 几乎所有人都表示,担心房地产业衰退和次级抵押贷款市场引发的金融危机会使美国经济增长大幅放缓,甚至可能影响全球经济。

    Virtually everyone expressed concern that the housing slump and the financial crisis triggered by the subprime mortgage market would significantly slow down the US economy , and perhaps the world economy .

  7. 但东三省市场化程度低,国有经济比重高,企业设备和技术老化,资源型城市主导产业衰退,经济发展活力不足。

    But it is the area with low level in market , high proportion of state-owned-enterprises , out-dated enterprise facilities and technology , the decline in the dominant industries of resources city and weak economic development with little vitality .

  8. 从城市治理的物理性与精神性维度上看,传统产业衰退与生态环境破坏构成了硬性城市困题,而历史文化遗落与生活品质不高则构成了软性城市困题。

    From the point of view Urban Governance Dimensions of Physical and mental , The decline of traditional industries and Ecological destruction constitute a " Hard " city questions , Culture lost and quality of life constitute a " soft " city questions .

  9. 在金融市场的改革方面,我们也能够知道金融产业到底衰退了多少。

    On the reform of financial markets , there , we will be able to see how much the financing industry fall back .

  10. 目前,内蒙古马产业急剧衰退,同历史上的辉煌形成了巨大反差。

    At present , the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region horse industry declined sharply , with the once splendid compared to a great contrast .

  11. 进入1990年代,中国城市进入一个以更新再开发为主的发展阶段,兴建于上个世纪初期和中期的传统产业逐渐衰退。

    The 1990s witnessed a stage when cities in China develop mainly through innovation and the traditional industries begun in the early and middle phase of the last century .

  12. 海上的供应货轮如同巨大的漂浮的火车塞满了整个维多利亚港码头,但是却找不到租赁者,这似乎是英国的石油产业进入衰退的迹象。

    Offshore supply vessels resembling large , floating trucks fill Victoria Dock , unable to find charters , in a sign of the downturn in the British oil industry .

  13. 如果没有一个基准价格协议,铁矿石将公开在市场上出售,这可能导致中国钢铁企业容易受到由于世界资源产业从衰退中恢复而带来的价格飙升的影响。

    Without a benchmark deal , iron ore is sold in the open market , which could leave Chinese steelmakers vulnerable to soaring prices as the world 's resources sector recovers from the downturn .

  14. 在开放经济和市场经济条件下,贵州原生态蜡染文化产业日趋衰退,如何保护和振兴这一民族传统文化产业是地方经济研究的重要课题。

    In an open economy and market economy ," protogenesis " batik culture industry in Guizhou has declined day by day , and how to protect and revitalize this traditional ethnic culture industry is an important issue for local economic research .

  15. 并且待遇确定型计划面临着风险和不可持续性,在经济危机和产业结构衰退的情况下,必然将其巨额债务转嫁给政府担保机构,给政府财政和纳税人造成巨大风险和潜在负担。

    In case of economic crisis or recession , substantive liabilities caused by the risks and unsustainability of public pension insurance system of DB plans will be transferred to the governmental guarantee institutions and load the government and tax-payers with potential burdens .

  16. 从风险的来源划分,本文把导致产业集群衰退的潜在风险分为内生性风险与外生性风险两类,并简要述评了现有产业集群风险研究现状,指出目前集群风险研究上的缺陷。

    From the sources of risk , this paper divided underlying risk of leading industry cluster to recession into two kinds : endogenous risk and exogenous risk , and based on a brief comment on the study actuality , this paper points out the deficiency of previous study .

  17. 产业创新是衰退产业中企业的生存选择。

    Industrial innovation is the strategic choice for enterprise to surviving .

  18. 甚至连国家的出版产业也在衰退。

    Even the country 's publishing industry is feeling the pinch .

  19. 产业转移是衰退产业退出的最优选择。

    The industrial transference is the best choice to withdraw declining industries .

  20. 但由于种种原因,广东南珠产业已进入衰退期。

    But for lots of reasons , Guangdong south-pearl industry began to decay .

  21. 四是制度变迁的路径依赖和锁定会导致产业集群的衰退。

    Fourth , path-dependence and lock of institutional change will lead to recession in industrial clusters .

  22. 虽然一些分析师怀疑中国农民在拉动电子产业走出全球严重衰退的泥潭方面能发挥多大作用,但中国国内的大型家电制造商却相当乐观。

    But while some analysts are sceptical about how much Chinese farmers can do to pull the electronics industry out of a severe global slump , big domestic electrical appliances makers are bullish .

  23. 在产业融合背景下,衰退产业通过与信息产业、绿色产业、生命科学产业的融合,实现产业创新,摆脱衰退。

    Under industry convergence Environment , innovation can be put into practice by convergence of declining industry with IT industry , green industry or life science industry .

  24. 产业创新是企业对付产业衰退的基本战略,也是衰退产业中企业的生存之道。

    Industrial innovation is the basic strategy of an enterprise against industrial decline and for survival .

  25. 这些就为我们制定和实施衰退产业政策提供了依据。解决好产业衰退的问题要靠政策的指导,科学地制定和有效地实施衰退产业政策对产业经济乃至整个国民经济都有十分重要的意义。

    It is very important to draw the policies for recession industry scientifically and implement them effectively .

  26. DEA分析湖北省文化产业技术效率没有达到有效,Malmquist分析显示湖北省文化产业技术水平在衰退。

    Malmquist analysis shows technical level of the cultural industry in Hubei Province is in a recession .

  27. 以产业兴衰的综合识别模型作为判断依据,我国广告业在持续增长的背后,隐现产业衰退的危机。

    According to the compound recognition model of industry life cycle , China advertising industry shows a superficial increase as well as an essential trend to a recession .

  28. 为了使产业长期持续稳定发展,必须使其营销能力大于制造能力,否则,其产业制造能力扩张越快,则产业衰退速度也就越快。

    To ensure stable and long-term industrial development , its marketing ability must outweigh its manufacturing power .

  29. 从产业集群的发展过程来看,当产业集群发展到成熟阶段以后,可能会形成某种特定意义上的“超稳定结构”,从而抑制产业集群的学习效率和创新效率,致使产业集群走向衰退。

    When industrial clusters enter into maturity phase , the super-stabilization structure of industrial clusters may be shaped , which restrains the learning efficiency and the innovation efficiency of industrial clusters , and forces it into petrified phase .