
chǎn qū
  • product area
  1. 我国的玉米产区与消费区不一致,致使玉米在国内也缺乏竞争力。

    And our maize lack competition in domestic market because of the disaccord between the maize product area and consumption area .

  2. 福建杉木一般产区实生林标准收获表的编制研究

    Studies of Compilation of Standard Yield Table of Seedling Stand of Cunninghamia lanceolata in General Product Area in Fujian

  3. 查一查世界地图(见图1),就能找到主要的葡萄酒产区。

    If you look at a world map ( see Figure 1 ) you can identify the major wine-producing regions

  4. 问题不在于它是否会抵达欧洲其他的稻米产区,而在于何时到达。

    " The question is not if it will reach other rice-growing areas of Europe , but when . "

  5. 埃布罗河三角洲坐落于地中海地区,距离巴塞罗那仅两个小时的车程,这里一年的稻米产量是1。2亿公斤,是欧洲大陆最重要的稻米产区之一。

    Located on the Mediterranean just two hours south of Barcelona , the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year , making it one of the continent 's most important rice-growing areas .

  6. 2018年,农民将在埃布罗河三角洲和欧洲其他两处主要的稻米产区——意大利的波河沿岸和法国的罗纳河种植最有希望的品种。

    In 2018 , farmers will plant the varieties with the most promise in the Ebro Delta and Europe 's other two main rice-growing regions — along the Po in Italy , and France 's Rh ô ne .

  7. 企业产区MES网络支撑系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of MES network support system in plant of enterprise

  8. 为明确鲁东出口区花生Cd污染状况,2004年开展了青岛产区花生田及其产品Cd污染调查研究。

    The study was conducted in Qingdao in 2004 to ascertain current status of cadmium contamination in peanut and soil in the city .

  9. 采用地统计及地理信息(GIS)技术研究了山东省淄博玉米产区土壤砷含量空间变异性及其分布特点。

    Spatial variability and distribution of soil arsenic in Zibo maize producing area , Shandong Province were studied using geostatistics and geographic information system ( GIS ) techniques .

  10. 不同花型牡丹品种的随机扩增DNA多态性分析。根据《中国牡丹品种图志》中对牡丹品种花型的分类,在山东菏泽牡丹产区采集了8种花型40个牡丹品种用于本次RAPD分析。

    Random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) was used to analyze the genetic relationship of 40 Paeonia cultivars of 8 different flower form derived from Shandong province .

  11. 澳大利亚最广为人知的葡萄产区HunterValley(猎人谷)也位于新南威尔士州。

    One of Australia 's best known and most historic wine regions the Hunter Valley is located just north of Sydney , Australia 's business and multicultural centre .

  12. 马铃薯疮痂病主要由植物病原链霉菌(Streptomycesspp.)引起,在世界各马铃薯产区普遍发生。

    Potato scab is mainly caused by plant pathogenic Streptomyces spp. It is distributed widely in the potato growing regions worldwide .

  13. 方法:比较5个不同产区同一种质金银花的地质背景系统(GBS),分析土壤理化状况。

    Method : The analysis on the physicochemical properties of cultivated soil , the geologic background system in 5 producing areas of Flos Lonicerae was compared .

  14. 本文采用ISSR和AFLP技术分析了河南、湖北不同小麦产区的白粉菌群体遗传结构、起源和进化关系。

    This paper researched the relations of the genetic structure , origin and evolution and of strains of wheat powdery mildew from Henan and Hubei Provinces by ISSR and AFLP . 1 .

  15. 在罗讷河(Rhone)北部,它见于埃米塔日(Hermitage)和罗帝丘(Cote-Rotie)等著名产区。

    In the northern Rh ô ne it is found in such famous appellations as Hermitage and C ô te-R ô tie .

  16. 交易员和政府官员认为,在强台风鲶鱼(megi)重创菲律宾大米产区后,大米产量将出现下滑。

    Traders and officials believe production will be lower after the powerful Typhoon Megi damaged rice fields in the Philippines .

  17. 在加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)的普里奥拉托(Priorat)产区,有些地势较高的葡萄园含有闪闪发光的黑色板岩和石英岩(quartz)(这种土壤在当地叫做llicorella),来自这里的很多红葡萄酒也都有着一种共同的风味。

    And in Priorat , Catalonia , there is a flavour common to many of the red wines from vineyards high in the sparkling mix of black slate and quartz known locally as llicorella .

  18. 柑橘脚腐病(Footrotofcitrus)又名裙腐病、烂蔸疤,是危害柑橘主干基部的土传性病害,在我国各柑橘产区均有发生。

    Foot rot of Citrus , also known as foot rot and rotten stump scar , is a kind of disease that via ground to spread and harms the bottom of citrus stem and has occurred in all citrus production areas of China .

  19. 有很浓的坚果香气。口感尝起来像是纯的汝拉(Jura)产区葡萄酒,有亮光漆和核桃味道。

    Pale gold and very nutty on the nose - this tastes like pure Jura with a hint of varnishas well as walnuts .

  20. 有一点紧缩,但是对于一款以取自莫索(Meursault)地区原料来酿造的葡萄酒来说,价格非常好——即便来自产区边缘也是如此。

    A bit pinched but very well priced for a wine grown in Meursault , even if on the fringes .

  21. 说明SX126砧木适合在陕西各类型苹果产区推广应用。

    It shows that SX126 apple rootstock suits to be used in apple growing area of Shaanxi .

  22. 玉米纹枯病是世界范围内玉米产区广泛发生的土传性病害,严重影响世界各国的玉米生产,造成巨大的经济损失,其主要病原菌是立枯丝核菌(RhizoctoniasolaniKühn)。

    Corn sheath blight is a soil-borne disease in the Corn Belt around the world , which impact on worldwide corn yield , and cause enormous economic loss . The main pathogen is Rhizoctonia solani K ü hn , which belonged to Rhizoctonia .

  23. 在大面积调查的基础上,通过现场取样、实验室检测、数据统计分析,对河北省13县(市)18.2万hm2优势小麦产区土壤中重金属的污染现状进行了研究。

    Based on the investigation in large area , the heavy metal pollution situation of soil in dominant wheat areas was assessed , including 182 hectares involved 13 counties in Hebei province , through field sampling , monitoring in lab and data statistical analyzing .

  24. 利用英国产CIRAS-1光合测定系统测定比较了田间自然条件下苏州产区几种类型的枇杷品种冬春季节的光合特性及其变化。

    CIRAS-1 photosynthetic measure system was used to study the photosynthetic characteristics of loquat in spring and winter under field conditions in Suzhou area of Jiangsu province .

  25. 通过6a系统调查,在云南省香料烟主产区烟田内共发现7目31科88种昆虫和野蛞蝓、灰巴蜗牛2种软体动物危害云南冬春香料烟。

    In a six-year investigation carried out in tobacco fields in Yunnan , a total of 88 insect species belonging to 31 families , 7 orders , and 2 kinds of mollusc were found in the oriental tobacco fields .

  26. 小麦蚜虫是我国西北小麦产区的重要害虫,除直接为害小麦造成减产外,由它传播的小麦黄矮病(BYDV),也给小麦生产带来严重损失。

    Wheat aphid is one of the most important pests in wheat region in Northwest China . It could reduce the wheat productions directly , and transmit the Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus ( BYDV ) to lead considerable losing indirectly .

  27. RajibBarooah,茶种植在Jorhat,阿萨姆邦的主要茶叶产区,一致认为,强有力的阿萨姆茶的味道已经减弱。

    Rajib Barooah , a tea planter in Jorhat , Assam 's main tea growing district , agreed that the potent taste of Assam tea has weakened .

  28. 结果表明,重污染区集中在长江、黄河流域的粮、棉产区,而且我国农业环境中BHC、DDT污染程度是向南或向北逐渐减弱。

    The results show that the heavily polluted regions usually located in the grain and cotton growing area between the Yellow River and the Yangzi River . The extent of pollution by BHC and DDT in agricultural environment gradually decreases toward the northern and southern parts of China .

  29. 以随机采样的方式,从湖北、湖南和江西3省10县的柑橘产区收集242份温州蜜柑(CitrusunshiuMarc.)、橘(C.reticulataBlanc.)、甜橙(C.sinensisOsb.))和柚(C.grandisOsb.)样品。

    242 samples of satsuma mandarin ( Citrus unshiu Marc ), tangerine ( C. reticulata Blanc ), sweet orange ( C. sinensis Osb . ) and pummelo ( C. grandis Osb . ) were randomly collected from ten counties of Hubei , Hunan , and Jiangxi .

  30. 1981至1982年,在辽宁省绥申县白梨产区用合成梨小食心虫性信息素诱捕法进行了大面积防治梨小食心虫Grapholithamolesta(Busck)的田间试验。防治面积分别为4000公顷和5400公顷。

    Sex pheromone mass trapping trials for the control of the oriental fruit moth , Grapholitha molesta Busck , were conducted in pear orchards of Suizhong County of Liaoning Province from 1981-1982 . The mass-trapped areas were about 4,000 and 5,400 hectares in 1981 and 1982 , respectively .