
  1. 在MF摄影工作室,我们立身中国,为来自全球的客户提供产品摄影和数码影像服务。

    Description : At MF Photo studio , we offer product photography and digital imaging services to clients worldwide , directly from China .

  2. 包括人物摄影、时装摄影、产品广告摄影等。

    Including photography of characters , fashionable dress , product advertising etc.

  3. 关于家具产品商业摄影问题的探讨

    Discuss on Issues of the Commercially Photographing Furniture Products

  4. 大型复杂曲面产品近景工业摄影测量系统开发

    Exploitation and Study of Close Range Industry Photogrammetry System Based on Large-scale Complex Surface Products

  5. 目前代理的产品主要是摄影包,脚架,滤镜等国外进口产品。

    At present our partners'main agent products include imported photo packages , stands , Filters etc.

  6. 你的妆容应该浓烈、美丽,并使用可以使妆容持久的产品来使你在摄影时美艳动人。

    All your makeup should be strong , pretty and incorporate long-wear products that look best in photography .

  7. 本文根据市场细分理论,结合哈尼梯田的旅游资源,针对各类客户市场对哈尼梯田进行了旅游产品设计,主要包括观光旅游产品、摄影旅游产品、体验旅游产品、休闲旅游产品和生态旅游产品等。

    Hani Terrace Tourism product including sightseeing , photography , travel products and experience of tourism products , leisure and tourism products and eco-tourism products .