
  • 网络sequential algorithm;bsas
  1. 其顺序算法描述的是非递归形式,算法并行化是基于区域分裂实现的。

    The sequential algorithm is expressed in a non recursive form . The parallel algorithm is achieved based on domain decomposition .

  2. 若不想对原系统进行大规模修改,则有序顺序算法是明智的选择。

    If does not want to modify the original system extensive , then the sorted sequential algorithm is a wise choice .

  3. 该文首先综述现有的对几何矩进行快速计算的顺序算法,然后用数字实验比较Delta方法、多线段积分方法、以及Li和Shen的格林定理法的性能。

    We investigate in this paper the previously used sequential moment computation methods , and then compare the performances of Delta method , multiple line segment integral method , and Li and Shen 's Green 's theorem method by digital experiments .

  4. 几何矩顺序算法的比较性研究

    Study of Sequential Moment Computation Methods

  5. 网络拓扑顺序搜索算法及其Web实现

    Serial Scan Method for Network Topology and its Web - based Realization

  6. XML查询结构连接顺序选择算法分析与优化

    Analysis and Improvement of Structural Join Order Selection Algorithm on XML Query

  7. 文献[1]提出了五种基于Markov链模型的顺序搜索算法,给出了平均捕获时间公式。

    The literature [ 1 ] proposes five serial-search algorithms based on Markov model and gives the mean time formula of capturing .

  8. 一种PMC模型下的自适应顺序诊断算法

    A New Adaptive Sequential Diagnosis Algorithm in the PMC Model

  9. 仿真实验结果表明,顺序增加算法能获得比LRU和Graph算法更高的缓存命中率和更低的访问延迟。

    As the simulation result shows , this sequential add algorithm has higher hit ratios and lower access latency than LRU and Graph Algorithm .

  10. 将装配序列规划描述为在复合装配图中求解特殊的最优H回路,并且基于分支定界法给出了满足优先关系、装配可行性、装配代价优化的装配顺序规划算法。

    Then , the assembly sequence planning was converted into searching a special optimal H-circle in CAG . A branch-and-bound algorithm was presented to find an optimal assembly sequence that satisfied the precedence constrains and assembly feasibility .

  11. 基于扩展ORD图的类间集成测试顺序改进算法

    Improved Inter-class Integration Testing Sequence Algorithm Based on Extended ORD

  12. 利用CPM网络自身的特点和机动时间规律,在考虑前、后继工序约束条件下,设计出带松弛量的N元行偶顺序优化算法,并分析算法的时间复杂性。

    When according restriction of preceding and succeeding activities , designs optimization algorithm of N Dimensions row-mate with relaxation quantity by utilizing rules of CPM network and characteristics of float , and analyzes the time complexity of the algorithm .

  13. 其中,Linux内核中基于顺序查找算法实现规则匹配的方式,在规则数增加时,尤其是企业级防火墙和核心路由器的应用环境中,将导致其性能急剧下降。

    As is known to all , linux implemented firewall based on linear searching algorithm . With the increasing of the number of rules , especially in the scenes of enterprise firewall or a core router , the performance of this algorithm will dramatically decrease .

  14. 实验证明BSLT的吞吐率在100条规则内比顺序匹配算法提高了近20%,而且规则越多,BSLT的优势越明显。

    Experimental performance evaluations show that the throughput of BSLT is about 20 % greater than the sequence matching algorithm .

  15. 因而需要对调度顺序和算法进行改进。

    Hence improvement is needed for scheduling order and algorithm .

  16. 关于合理确定集装箱码头装船顺序的算法

    The algorithm of getting the reasonable harbor 's shipment order

  17. 自然语言句法分析的顺序控制算法

    The sequencial algorithms of a grammar parser of natural languages

  18. 组合网络中最优施工顺序的算法

    The Algorithms of Optimum Construction Sequence in a Combinatorial Network

  19. 一种基于配合约束的装配顺序产生算法

    An Algorithm for Assembly Sequence Generation Using Mating Constraints

  20. 有序顺序链表算法的时间复杂度问题讨论

    The discussion on time complexity question of algorithm of order sequential linked list

  21. 基于点到点网络的自适应顺序诊断算法

    Adaptive Sequential Diagnosis Algorithm by Point to Point Network

  22. IEEE802.11无线网络中的冲突顺序解析算法

    Collision-Sequential Resolution Algorithm in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks

  23. 非对称模型下的顺序诊断算法

    Sequential Diagnosis Algorithms in Asymmetric Models

  24. 结果表明,数据优先级重装算法比顺序重装算法性能高。

    The experiment indicated a data priority reload algorithm is higher performance than ordered reload algorithm .

  25. 一个新的顺序统计算法

    A new algorithm for order statistics

  26. 为此,提出一种集成最近邻规则的半监督顺序回归算法。

    Therefore , a semi-supervised ordinal regression algorithm was proposed , which learned from both the labeled and unlabeled examples .

  27. 顺序聚类算法是一种非常直接和快速的算法,并且不需要提前确定聚类个数。

    Sequential algorithm is a straightforward cluster algorithm , and people do not have to provide the number of clusters in advance .

  28. 给出了版面逐层快速分解构造版面对象和基于有序树的阅读顺序确定算法。

    Based on ordered tree , an algorithm for reading order detection after page top-down decomposition for constructing layout objects is presented .

  29. 该算法不仅高效,克服了顺序查找算法速度慢、效率低的不足,而且答疑库的规模对查询平均时间影响很小,提高了系统查询的速度。

    And the average search time of this algorithm is unremarkably affected by the size of the corpora over that of other algorithms .

  30. 本文利用标记卡方值描述这种随机性,针对顺序嵌入算法和随机嵌入算法分别提出了两种卡方检测方法。

    The paper describes the randomness using chi-square of tag , and two chi-square detection methods are respectively proposed for sequentially and randomly embedding algorithms .