
  1. 佳能数码lxus300。数字数据码-用二进制码代表数字

    Canon Digital Ixus 300 . numeric data code

  2. 当她找到了佳能数码照相机的广告时,她曾经在因特网上查询了两个小时。

    She had searched the internet for two hours when she found an ad for the Canon digital camera .

  3. 这是一个操作佳能数码相机照相的例子,希望对需要的人有一点帮助!

    This is a Canon digital camera , camera operator example , in the hope that those who need a little help !

  4. 我们将选取最有见地的月报建议和反馈,赠送时尚佳能便携数码打印机!

    We will select three most constructive ideas and give Canon portable photos printer as rewards .

  5. 根据PhotographyBay网站最近披露的一份佳能专利文件显示,佳能旗下的数码单反相机很可能会是首批采用触屏控制系统的相机产品。

    Future Canon DSLRs could be some of the first to switch to touchscreens for much of their input , a newly unearthed patent filing shows .