
  • 网络gatorade
  1. 这家生产山露和佳得乐的公司在该行业中率先推出含有较少不健康成分的产品——百事可乐公司称,现在一包著条的含盐量比一片白面包还低。

    The maker of Mountain Dew and Gatorade has been one of the earlier movers in the industry to offer products with reduced levels of unhealthy ingredients — PepsiCo claims a packet of its chips now contains less salt than a slice of white bread .

  2. 首批测试这一服务的品牌包括汰渍洗衣粉、Bounty厨房用纸以及佳得乐(Gatorade)饮料。

    The first 18 brands to test the service include Tide detergent , Bounty kitchen rolls and Gatorade drinks .

  3. 如果你需要喝许多水,那么就喝佳得乐,Propel,动乐或其他类似的除了含水外还含有维生素和电解质的饮料。

    And if you need to drink large amounts of fluid , use Gatorade , Propel , Powerade , or other similar drinks that have vitamins and electrolytes besides just water .

  4. 然后,在2000年,在桂格公司(quakeroats)与可口可乐拟议的合并破裂后,百事收购了这家麦片及佳得乐(gatorade)运动饮料制造商。

    Then , in 2000 , the group bought Quaker Oats , maker of cereal and Gatorade sports drinks , after its proposed merger with coke collapsed .

  5. 比如说,在奥运会前,博尔特在自己的社交媒体主页上发布了一些关于其赞助商的帖子,比如一张塞满了佳得乐(Gatorade)运动饮料的冰箱的照片。

    Before the games , for instance , Bolt posted messages about his sponsors , such as a picture of a refrigerator filled with Gatorade sports drinks .

  6. 饮料生产商佳得乐公司向明星运动员发送祝愿好运的信息。

    Gatorade , a drinks-maker , tweets good-luck messages to star athletes .

  7. 活力饮料佳得乐停止对老虎·伍兹的赞助。

    Energy drink firm Gatorade has ended its sponsorship of Tiger Woods .

  8. 这和伏特加和佳得乐很配。

    This pairs really nicely with Vodka and Gatorade .

  9. 离开奥兰多之前,我在周二为佳得乐拍了一只新的广告。

    Before we left Orlando , I shot a new commercial for Gatorade on Tuesday .

  10. 百事公司对本网站上发布的有关“佳得乐”的信息具有最终解释权。

    The right to interpret " Gatorade " related information published on the Site belongs to PepsiCo .

  11. 百事1998年收购了纯品康纳,2001年整合了桂格公司(包括佳得乐)。

    PepsiCo acquired Tropicana in1998 and merged with The Quaker Oats Company ( including Gatorade ) in2001 .

  12. 利用水和运动饮料(佳得乐),以保持和维护水合钠水平。

    Utilize both water and sports drinks ( Gatorade ) to stay hydrated and maintain sodium levels .

  13. 桂格公司的佳得乐网上促销活动的参加者回答几个问题即可获赠一件T恤衫。

    Online participants in Quaker Oats'Gatorade promotion received a free T-shirt in exchange for answering a few questions .

  14. 每个救护站有水,佳得乐,厕所,医疗设施和获得亚军的辍学车辆。

    Each Aid Station has water , Gatorade , toilets , medical facilities and access to runner drop-out vehicles .

  15. 比如说,百事公司本身并非奥运赞助商,但其旗下的佳得乐品牌却赞助了一些中国运动员。

    Pepsico , for instance , is not an Olympic sponsor , but its Gatorade brand sponsors some Chinese athletes .

  16. 我是个水桶,喝很多汽水、饮用水、还有佳得乐,但你别担心,瓶子我都会回收的。

    I am a heavy soda , water , and Gatorade drinker , but don 't worry , I always recycle .

  17. 汤姆。福克斯是百事可乐饮料食品公司的佳得乐解渴冲剂品牌的体育和赛事营销高级副总裁。

    Tom Fox is Senior Vice President of Sports Event Marketing for Gatorade Thirst Quencher , a division of PepsiCo Beverages Foods .

  18. 部分诊所建议在发生卵巢过激后要吃高蛋白、低盐、低钾的食物&佳得乐的盐含量看来有点高。

    Some clinics believe that a diet that is high in protein and low in salt and potassium can help you avoid hyperstimulation .

  19. 随着时间的推移,人们将对此习以为常,我相信人们今后对‘佳得乐·霜冻’产品就不会再有相同的反应了。

    " Over time , people get used to it . I don 't think people have this reaction to Gatorade Frost anymore ," she says .

  20. 领先饮料制造商百事可乐公司表示,近期涉及美国国家橄榄球大联盟球员的家暴丑闻提出了一个解决问题的机会,百事可乐旗下产品包括佳得乐。

    Head beverage maker PepsiCo , whose products include Gatorade , says recent allegations to domestic violence involving players in the NFL present an opportunity to address the matter .

  21. 他们主要负责清理空酒瓶、脏盘子和派对剩下的食物残渣,给宿醉者外带墨西哥卷和佳得乐,帮助他们减轻宿醉后的不适。

    They make money off easing the pain of hangovers , through serving breakfast burritos and Gatorade , and cleaning up every bottle , dirty dish , and mess left over from the party .

  22. 老虎伍兹在早先失去了与AT&T,埃森哲,佳得乐和豪雅表代言权时候,将不再代表吉列,该公司已经宣布合约有效期截止十二月底。

    Tiger Woods , who previously lost endorsement deals with AT & T , Accenture , Gatorade and Tag Heuer , will no longer represent Gillette , effective the end of December , the company has announced .

  23. 伍兹的性丑闻让他失去了埃森哲、电信公司AT&T、和佳得乐三个主要赞助商,损失达数百万美元。同时他也失去了在体育代言中的“黄金标准”形象。

    The sordid sex scandal cost Woods three major corporate sponsors - Accenture , AT & T and Gatorade - worth millions of dollars , and he lost his image as the gold standard in sports endorsements .