
  • 网络Well-Made Play;Well Made Play
  1. 好了,佳构剧有哪些必备元素呢?

    Ok , what are the necessary elements of well-made play ?

  2. 但是佳构剧的规则需要遵循一些特定排列的元素,

    But the formula for well-made play required certain elements being included ,

  3. 现在,佳构剧的剧情通常都是由谜团驱使的。

    Now , the plot of well-made plays is usually driven by secrets .

  4. 但是对于佳构剧来说,即便是叙述,也必须符合逻辑,令人信服。

    but for the well-made play , even the exposition had to be logic , believable .

  5. 为了理解这一思想,我们首先需要研究早期被称作“佳构剧”的戏剧形式,

    Um .. to understand this thought , we first need to look at the early form of drama known as the well-made play ,

  6. 那么就像我说的一样,佳构剧成为了现实主义戏剧以及19世纪很多受欢迎戏剧的基石。

    So , as I said , the well-made play , this form of playwriting , became the base for realism in drama , and for a lot of very popular 19 century plays .