
  • 网络barrier-free environment design
  1. 浅谈居住区的室外无障碍环境设计

    About outside trouble-free environmental design in residential districts

  2. 本文用多学科交叉的系统的科学方法,提出无障碍环境设计的意义和我国存在的问题,试图从设计依据、设计原则和设计方法的角度探索公共建筑无障碍环境设计。

    Using the systemic scientific means , this thesis works on the meaning to put forward Barrier-free Environment and the present problems in China .

  3. 通过对公共建筑无障碍环境设计的重要性、设计原则、经济效益等方面的阐述,认为运用现代科学条件和多学科的协作,创造适宜的无障碍环境是当代建筑师的责任和使命。

    According to the importance , design principle , economic benefits and other aspects of non-handicap environment design in public architecture , author considers that creating non-handicap environment by availing of modern science and cooperation of multi-subjects is obligation of architects .

  4. 无障碍环境设计确保了残疾人、老年人等弱势人群行动的自由,使其能平等地充分参与社会生活,回归社会主流,共享社会物质文化成果。

    The obstacle-free environment design makes sure the freedom of action of vulnerable groups , such as the disabled and the elderly , which allows them to equally and fully participate in social life , return to the mainstream of the society and enjoy the social material culture .

  5. 城市无障碍环境的规划设计

    The Planning and Design of Urban Non - obstruction Environment

  6. 无障碍环境导向系统的设计具有规范性、系统性和普遍性的特征,设计诉求具有很强的针对性。

    The character of Non-disable environmental orientation system design is standardization , systematization , and universality , the orientation of the design has a clear target group .

  7. 分析了国内外无障碍环境建设概况,从可及性、安全性、系统性方面提出了城市无障碍环境设计的原则,并讨论了城市无障碍环境设计,以早日实现城镇的环境无障碍化。

    Barrier-free design is an important content of city environment construction . Analyzed the general situation of barrier-free design abroad and in our country , put forward principles of the barrier-free design of city environment , and discussed the barrier-free design of city environment .