
  1. 纸基复合材料感应封合系统是一个含运动导体的电、磁、热相耦合的多材料非线性系统,具备可靠封合效果是无菌灌装设备封合系统的关键要求。

    The induction sealing system of paper-based composite material is a nonlinear multi-material system coupling electric , magnetic and thermo .

  2. 在液体奶方面,选择无菌灌装设备和工艺显得尤为突出,但也存在配套设备选型降低操作费用问题。

    In the liquid milk , choose non-bacterial pour pack set and technology is especially protruding , but also , it exist form a complete set choose type problem .

  3. 介绍了目前国内饮料行业热灌装和无菌冷灌装设备的技术、工艺、应用等情况,并从多方面对两者做了较细致的比较。

    This paper introduces the hot filling and aseptic cold filling techniques and application in domestic beverage industry at present , and makes more detailed comparison of the two forms in various aspects .

  4. 茶饮料无菌冷灌装工艺及设备

    Cold-aseptic filling technology and equipment of tea beverage