
  • 网络Filling equipment
  1. 是中、小型饮料厂的理想灌装设备。

    It is an ideal filling equipment of medium-small scale drink factory .

  2. 液化气自动灌装设备控制系统的研制

    Liquefied gas filling equipment automatic control system

  3. 高级排程计划APS发展综述与众不同的灌装设备

    A Review of the Development of Advanced Planning System

  4. ESL塑胶瓶保鲜奶灌装设备及特点

    Filling machine for ESL PE bottle dairy

  5. 介绍一种用于软管灌装设备上的软管自动对位系统。

    In this paper , we introduce an automatic tube fill contraposition system .

  6. 热灌装设备在茶饮料生产中的应用

    Application of Hot Filling Machinery in Tea Drink

  7. 液体灌装设备阀开启和破瓶冲洗控制的调试技巧

    Adjustment Skill of Valve Opening and Broken Bottle Flushing Control System Using PLC in Fillers

  8. 公司拥有先进的自动化灌装设备,完善的检测设备,经验丰富的管理人才。

    We have advanced automatic filling lines , complete testing equipment and an experienced team of management .

  9. 纸基复合材料感应封合系统是一个含运动导体的电、磁、热相耦合的多材料非线性系统,具备可靠封合效果是无菌灌装设备封合系统的关键要求。

    The induction sealing system of paper-based composite material is a nonlinear multi-material system coupling electric , magnetic and thermo .

  10. 我司生产和制造饮品纸包装盒及灌装设备,随着在中国市场的迅速发展,现诚聘所述职位。

    According to the rapid expansion in China market , our company is searching for highly qualified and motivated candidates for the positions based in shanghai .

  11. 在液体奶方面,选择无菌灌装设备和工艺显得尤为突出,但也存在配套设备选型降低操作费用问题。

    In the liquid milk , choose non-bacterial pour pack set and technology is especially protruding , but also , it exist form a complete set choose type problem .

  12. 异型瓶的使用和灌装设备的非通用性给酒类灌装带来难度,造成灌装定位不准。

    However , it is difficult in practice for the filling of special-shaped bottle by filling machine and the use of special-shaped bottle will result in inaccurate filling positioning .

  13. 液化气自动灌装设备是融合传感器技术、电子称重技术、计算机控制技术的自动化装置。

    Auto pouring equipment of LPG ( liquefied petroleum gas ) is an automatic device integrated the knowledge with multiple disciplines which are sensor technology , electronic weighing technology , computer control technology etc.

  14. 国内灌装设备制造企业可以生产灌装线整套设备,能基本满足需求,但产品规格不齐全、自动化水平和控制水平低、单击性能不稳定、先进技术应用较少。

    Domestic filling equipment of manufacturing enterprises may set of equipment , production lines can satisfy demand , but the product specification is not complete , the control and automation level is low , Single performance is unstable , the advanced technology is seldom used .

  15. 德国KR公司是全球领先的啤酒、饮料灌装及包装设备的供应商,占据着啤酒、饮料灌装和包装设备的最大市场份额。

    As a market leader of filling and packing product device in beer soft drink industry , the Germany KR Company has the largest market share of the filling packing device market .

  16. 因此,是水泥厂家袋装灌装的理想设备。

    So , is ideal for filling bags of cement home equipment .

  17. 茶饮料无菌冷灌装工艺及设备

    Cold-aseptic filling technology and equipment of tea beverage

  18. 瓶装饮料的热灌装生产工艺和设备

    Hot filling technology and equipment of bottle beverage

  19. 啤酒灌装量在线检测设备市场基本上被德国和美国企业所垄断,设备价格昂贵。

    The Germany and the United States enterprises have been dominated the market of beer volume on line detection equipment in china , so the detection equipment is very expensive .

  20. 介绍了目前国内饮料行业热灌装和无菌冷灌装设备的技术、工艺、应用等情况,并从多方面对两者做了较细致的比较。

    This paper introduces the hot filling and aseptic cold filling techniques and application in domestic beverage industry at present , and makes more detailed comparison of the two forms in various aspects .

  21. 主要包括确定灌装机的工艺要求,了解灌装机的设备状况和统计系统I/O点数和种类。

    Include determining filling machine process requirement , filling machine equipment status and statistical system I / O points and species .

  22. 介绍液体灌装硬胶囊技术的研究应用情况,对灌装材料、应用、灌装设备和工艺条件等方面进行概述。

    The profile of liquid filled hard capsules technology is introduced . Filling material , applications , equip - ments and preparation are summarized .

  23. 该灌装机为半自动膏体灌装机,是日化行业、医药行业、食品行业、油墨行业和涂料行业的理想灌装充填设备。

    Is suitable to the medicine , the date , food , the agricultural chemicals and the special profession , is the ideal viscosity fluid fills the equipment .