
  • 网络Potting material;potting compound
  1. 讨论了其主要组分对灌封料性能的影响,并确定了最佳工艺条件。

    The effects of primary compounds on the property of the potting compound were studied and the optimum technological factors were determined .

  2. FBT阻燃环氧灌封料的发展

    Progress of FBT flame-retard ant epoxy resin potting compounds

  3. 以中温硫化硅橡胶(以下简称LTV硅橡胶)为基胶,混入稀释剂、石英粉、链增长剂、交联剂、阻聚剂、炭黑及铂催化剂等组分,制得新型有机硅阻燃灌封料。

    New silicone flame retardant potting compound was prepared by blending of LTV silicone rubber as base gum with diluent , crystalline quartz filler , chain extension agent , crosslinking agent , inhibitor , carbon black and platinum catalyst .

  4. 研究了某型号产品用两种环氧树脂灌封料(E-4X和828/871/140)在规定环境条件下的使用寿命。

    The life of two kind of epoxy resin ( E-4X and 828 / 871 / 140 ) under the special environmental condition was studied in this paper .

  5. 汽车点火线圈环氧灌封料开裂问题的探讨

    Discussion on Dehiscence of Annular Oxygen Filling on Vehicle Ignition Coil

  6. 加成型硅橡胶灌封料流变性能的研究

    Study on Rheological Property of Addition Silicone Casting Compound

  7. 简要分析了环氧树脂灌封料产生开裂的原因;

    The reasons of the crack initiation are analyzed .

  8. 导热环氧树脂灌封料的研制

    Development of Heat Conducting Epoxy Resin Sealing Material

  9. 双组分加成型硅橡胶电子灌封料的制备

    Preparation of Two-part Addition Cure Potting Silicone Rubber

  10. 硬质聚氨酯灌封料的研制

    Development of the rigid polyurethane pouring material

  11. 阻燃弹性环氧灌封料的研制一种中温固化的单组分弹性环氧胶的研究

    The Study on Fire Retardant Elastic Epoxy Potting Syrups The middle temperature cure and one-part elastic epoxy resin sealant

  12. 针对如何解决环氧树脂灌封料在低温下易产生开裂这一问题进行了探讨。

    The problem of crack initiation in epoxy resin sealing compounds at low temperature is discussed in this paper .

  13. 电子工业用加成型液体硅橡胶灌封料的关键技术指标为:胶料黏度、硫化胶力学性能和电性能。

    The key properties of additional liquid silicone potting material in electronic industry are viscosity , mechanical property and dielectric property .

  14. 研究了汽车点火线圈用聚氨酯灌封料的应用工艺。

    This paper introduces the advantage , the technical performance and application of polyurethane potting material used in automobile ignition coils .

  15. 在特种灌封料灌封偏转线圈技术的研究中,针对特种料的强腐蚀性和强毒性对灌封设备中管接头和球阀进行了密封设计;

    In the technology of dosing deflecting coil , special material as solid reagent of resin is one kind of intensional caustic reagent .

  16. 随着电子工业的快速发展,加成型液体硅橡胶灌封料由于其优异的性能在电子元件灌封中的应用日渐加大,被认为是极有发展前途的电子工业用新型材料。

    With the rapid development of electronic industry , additional liquid silicone potting material , for its outstanding performance , is increasingly used in electronic parts and is considered as a new prospective material used in electronic industry .

  17. 为了提高灌封料的流动性以及保证灌封工艺的顺利进行,本文对影响点火线圈质量控制的主要工艺参数&温度进行有效地控制。

    In order to accelerating flow capability of encapsulation materials and assuring favorable progress of dosing process , the paper effectively controls temperature of encapsulation materials , which is one of the main process parameters affecting quality control of ignition coil .

  18. 介绍了一些航空电器产品对灌封材料的要求及双组份聚氨酯泡沫灌封料在航空电器产品中的应用。

    This article introduces some requirements of aviation electric apparatus to packing materials and a two-pot polyurethane foam pouring compound for this purpose .