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guàn shuǐ
  • watering;irrigation
灌水[guàn shuǐ]
  1. 充分灌水可以获得最大的产量和极高的WUE。

    Full irrigation can obtain the maximum yield and most higher WUE .

  2. 块茎形成期和淀粉沉淀期的叶绿素a、b含量在灌水处理为1次/d~1次/2d时较高。

    At tuber form stage and starch deposit stage , when irrigation frequency was 1time / d or 1 time / 2d , contents of chlorophyll a > b in leaves were higher .

  3. 用同位素D2O和KCL作示踪物,在间断灌水的条件下,追踪了D2O和阴、阳离子在土柱中移动的动态。

    Under the conditions of uninterrupted irrigation D_2O and KCL as the tracers traced the kinesis of D_2O , positive and negative ions in the edaphic column .

  4. 石膏改良碱化土壤过程中最佳灌水量的确定&选定20cm为计划改良层

    Conformation of Optimal Irrigation During Course of Gypsum Improving Basified Soil & Select 20 cm as Planning Improvement Layer

  5. 满足作物水分利用效率最高时所需的补充灌水量为100mm;

    And the supplementary irrigation wa - ter to satisfy the highest crop water use efficiency was 100 mm ;

  6. 然后根据位置信息从IC卡的GIS信息中查询土壤属性数据或处方数据,结合机械行走速度、施水幅宽等进行运算,得出某一时刻的灌水量;

    Then , the amount of water to be applied was found from a water prescription map on the IC card based on the position data , and the water flow rate was calculated based on vehicle speed and the spray width .

  7. 在分析灌水器微小流道水力特性的基础上,利用ANSYS通用有限元分析软件实现其内流场中的流体流动仿真,可视化了灌水器的微观水力特性。

    Based on the analysis of hydraulics characteristic of the micro flow passage of emitter , using ANSYS , this paper realized the simulation of inner flow fields and the visualization of microcosmic hydraulics characteristic of the emitter .

  8. 通过原状土柱试验探讨了底泥在较长时间里发生的物质转变和演化规律,土柱内不同的pH值、C/N、灌水量对底泥演化的影响。

    Through original soil column experiment , the regularity of material transformation and evolution of sediment during a relatively long period and the influence of different pH value , C / N and the amount of water irrigated on sediment evolution were explored .

  9. 在各灌水处理中,T4处理产量和水分利用效率最高,分别达41521.5kg/hm2和54.46kg/(mm.hm2);

    Among different irrigation treatments , the highest yield and WUE of T4 could arrived 41 521.5 kg / ha and 54.46 kg / ( mm · ha ) .

  10. 灌水对冬小麦氮肥偏生产力(NPEP)影响不大。

    Irrigation had little impact on winter wheat nitrogen partial productivity ( NPEP ) .

  11. 由此我们可以得出I2处理即节约了灌水量,又使桃树的LUE达到了全天平均最大值。

    From the above we can realize that I2 treatment not only saves irrigation water , but also makes LUE reached an average maximum .

  12. 开花后不同水分处理对蛋白质含量的影响表现为,开花后只灌1水,以处理7d和处理28d的蛋白质含量较高:开花后灌水次数增加则蛋白质含量下降。

    The variation of the quality properties under different irrigation after anthesis . For the treatments of one time irrigation after anthesis , the highest protein content was treatment 7d and 28d ;

  13. 通过对灌水猪肉新鲜度指标TVB-N值的测定表明,灌水肉腐败变质速度比正常肉快。

    By dererminating TVB-N value which is one of the fresh grade guideline of pour-water pork , it showed that the pour-water pork rotted and decayed faster than the normal pork .

  14. 灌水条件下,以化肥+绿肥处理和化肥+鸡粪处理最佳,产量分别为44825kg/hm2和44450kg/hm2,分别比对照增产24.3%和23.3%;

    NPK + chicken manure and NPK + cake manure application under irrigation , which yield were 44 825 kg / hm2 and 44 450 kg / hm2 respectively and the yield increase by 24 . 3 % and 23 . 3 % ;

  15. 深施肥20cm处灌水处理,在开花后小麦叶片光合作用最强,气孔导度小,细胞间隙CO2浓度高,具有更好的节水潜力。

    Under the treatment of deep fertilization and irrigation at 20 cm , the photosynthetic rate of wheat after blooming was the highest , the stomatal conductance was low , and the intercellular CO_2 concentration was high , showing a considerable water-saving potential .

  16. 本试验采用L16(45)正交试验设计,对影响玉米产量的主要因素&密度、肥力、品种和灌水量进行了研究。

    The experiment was conducted with the L16 ( 45 ) orthogonal table design to study the main yield-influencing factors of corn : density , fertility , cultivars and water .

  17. 结果表明,灌水时供水压力大于15kPa、控制灌水下限土壤水吸力设定为30kPa,该PVC管滴灌系统出水均匀度可达到既定标准。

    The results show that the uniformity of irrigation with PVC tube can meet the designed standard , using 15 kPa as irrigation pressure and 30 kPa soil water suction as the lower limit of irrigation .

  18. 不论是筒栽试验还是大田试验,在不同灌水条件下,施用控释氮肥CRNF-1和CRNF-2对冬小麦产量均有显著影响。

    CRNF-1 and CRNF-2 could significantly increase wheat yield under different litigation conditions both in the barrel or the field trial .

  19. 在低灌水频次(W0、W1)条件下,施氮具有明显的增产效应;而高灌水频次(W2、W3),施氮的增产效应不显著。

    Nitrogen application could significantly increase grain yield under low irrigation frequency ( W0 and W1 ), while neglected effect on yield was observed with high irrigation frequency ( W2 and W3 ) .

  20. 膜下滴灌棉花的需水规律是制定灌溉制度作出灌水决策的关键依据,但是相关的Kc值的确定成果不多,使相应的灌溉制度和灌水决策方法科学性不强。

    Water demand regulation of cotton by drip irrigation under mulch is the key basis for making irrigation institution and decision , however , lacking of relative Kc value lead to the unscientific method for making institution and decision of crop irrigation .

  21. 设施栽培中渗灌技术研究现状与发展趋势试验结果表明,在渗灌管埋深为20~40cm范围内,保护地渗灌灌水后土壤全盐均表现出明显的表聚特性;

    Current Situation and Developing Trend of Subsurface Irrigation Technology in Protected Land Cultivation The results show that soil total salt accumulated in topsoil after subsurface irrigation with infiltration depth between 20 cm and 40 cm .

  22. 2040cm土层和4060cm土层硝态氮也主要受灌水和施氮的影响,但施氮影响程度大于灌水。

    Contents of nitrate nitrogen in 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm soil layers are also mainly affected by water and nitrogen fertilizer , but the effect of fertilizer is more significant than that of the water .

  23. 对河流故道区砂质土壤水分运移规律及灌溉制度研究结果表明,不同灌水量处理灌水后7d内土壤蒸发量差异较小。

    The moisture migration regularity and the new irrigation method in the sandy soil of river ancient channel were studied . The results indicate that the soil water evaporation capacity in 7 days with different treatments of irrigating water quota is not significantly different .

  24. 结果表明,在花前限量灌水条件下(135mm),花后灌水(45~90mm)可显著提高小麦籽粒产量及蛋白质产量;

    The results indicated that under a controlled irrigation ( 135 mm ) prior to anthesis , post-anthesis irrigation ( 45-90 mm ) significantly increased grain and protein yield .

  25. 对田间生长的四年生桃树在充分灌水后的22d干旱周期内,分别在早上6∶00和中午14∶00对茎、叶水势进行跟踪测定。

    After well irrigated , the leaf and stem water potential in field grown peach trees were monitored both in the early of the morning or at midday for 22 days .

  26. 结果表明,花后7~27d随灌水次数增多耗水量增大,水分利用率下降;

    Results indicated that : in 7 ~ 27 d after anthesis , the more amount of irrigation water , the higher of water consumption , meanwhile , water use efficiency declined ;

  27. 结果表明:在灌水前土壤矿质氮含量在0~60cm土层比较高,灌水后0~60cm土层矿质氮含量明显减少,对土壤硝态氮变化影响较大的是第1次和第2次灌水。

    The results showed that soil mineral nitrogen concentration was higher at 0 ~ 60 cm depth before irrigation , yet it decreased obviously after irrigation , furthermore , soil mineral nitrogen content was more affected by the first and second irrigation .

  28. 施氮量对0~100cm土体硝态氮累积量有显著影响,施氮与灌水对200cm以下土壤中的硝态氮累积都有影响,同时水氮交互作用不容忽视。

    N application significantly influenced the nitrate-N accumulation in 0 ~ 100 cm soil profile , either fertilization or irrigation could influence nitrate-N accumulation in 200 ~ 400 cm soil profile , and the interaction between them could not be neglected .

  29. 利用能模拟地下滴灌系统水流二维运动的HYDRUS-2D计算机模型在不同的地下滴灌灌水设计参数条件下,对土壤水分分布的影响进行了模拟分析。

    Under the condition of different irrigation design parameters in subsurface drip irrigation ( SDI ), the soil-water distribution are simulated and analyzed by a HYDRUS-2D computer program , which can simulate the two-dimension soil-water movement of SDI system .

  30. 采用田间对比试验、植株分析方法,研究了相同畦宽(200cm)、不同灌水量的沟灌渗透栽培和常规淹水栽培对直播水稻茎蘖生长及干物质积累的影响。

    The pairing method and the plant analysis were adopted to study the effects of water penetrations in furrow irrigations with different water amounts on tiller growth and dry matter accumulation of directly sown rice in rice farming with furrow irrigation and conventional rice farming .