
  • 网络Irrigated field;sewage farming
  1. 膜孔灌溉田面水流运动特性试验研究

    Experimental Study on Surface Water Flow Motion Characteristics of Film Hole Irrigation

  2. 膜孔灌溉田面综合糙率系数的确定

    Determination of Synthetic Surface Roughness Coefficient in Film Hole Irrigation

  3. 根据零惯量模型推求膜孔灌溉田面综合糙率系数

    Determination of Surface Integrated Roughness Coefficient for Film Hole Irrigation with Zero-Inertia Model

  4. 这似乎是灌溉田小麦分施氮肥比播种前一次施用所具有的优点。

    This seems to be its main advantage for irrigated wheat over applying all the N before planting .

  5. 同一气候背景下,浅草地、灌溉田和旱田的土壤水分有效含量具有一致的变化曲线。

    Similar variation curves of effective moisture were found in soils of low grass , irrigable land and arid land under same climate .

  6. 根据膜孔灌溉田面水流运动特性,建立了膜孔灌溉田面水流运动零惯性量数学模型,并将其与优化理论相结合,提出了确定膜孔灌溉田面综合糙率系数的优化模型。

    Based on water flow movement characteristics in film hole irrigation , a zero inertia model form surface water flow movement in film hole irrigation were presented in this paper .

  7. 肯尼亚法院正在考虑终止一个价值3.7亿美元的生物燃料项目的第一阶段,该项目的目标是把多达2万公顷的沿海草原变成甘蔗灌溉田。

    The Kenyan courts are considering halting the first stage of a US $ 370 million biofuel project that aims to replace up to20,000 hectares of coastal grassland with irrigated fields of sugarcane .

  8. 灌溉苇田的稻草制浆造纸尾水养殖泥鳅试验

    A test of breeding loaches with wheat straw pulping tail water for irrigating reed fields

  9. 灌溉大豆田的反射率(0.19)比无灌溉大豆田的(0.21)略小;

    Albedo of irrigated soybean field is 0.19 slightly lower than that ( 0.21 ) of non-irrigated soybean field .

  10. 监测结果表明,用造纸尾水灌溉苇田,不仅可以提高芦苇的产量和质量,还可以改良土壤,此方法对周围生态环境无负面影响。

    Monitoring results indicate that irrigating reed fields with papermaking wastewater can enhance its output and quality , and can improve the soil as well . This method has no bad influence on the surroundings .

  11. 这可能发生在一场大雷雨或集中灌溉使低洼田被淹没之后。

    This may occur after low-lying fields have been flooded following a severe thunderstorm or intensive irrigation .

  12. 废水灌溉对苇田浅层地下水有一定影响,未对深层承压水产生不利影响。

    Although sewage irrigation brought about a light pollution to the groundwater , the deep groundwater was not affected .

  13. 通过造纸尾水灌溉海涂苇田的盆栽实验和苇地田间实验,考察了造纸尾水对芦苇生长及生态环境的影响。

    This article investigates the influence of papermaking wastewater on reed growth and zoology environment by making experiment on potted plant and field irrigated by papermaking wastewater .

  14. 灌溉与无灌溉大豆田的热量平衡

    Heat Budgets of Irrigated and Non irrigated Soybean Fields at Naiman , Inner Mongolia

  15. 波涌灌溉土壤间歇入渗数学模型是进行波涌灌溉田面水流运动数值模拟和灌水方案优化设计的基础。

    Infiltration model for surge irrigation is the base of surface water flow movement simulation and irrigation scheme design of surge irrigation .