
  • Iced Coffee;Ice Coffee;Frappe
  1. 我同情地答应着,正要伸出手那冰咖啡,这时候,Michelle抢先一步。

    I clucked sympathetically and reached for my iced coffee when Michelle beat me to it .

  2. 在那暖和的房间里,装冰咖啡的玻璃杯冒着水珠。

    The glass of iced coffee sweated in the warm room .

  3. 在一些国家这种饮品更多的是被称作“Capheda”,而越南冰咖啡这个名字仅仅是为了显示其越南“血统”。

    In some countries it 's more popular and known as Ca phe da , and the name simply suggests its traditional Vietnamese roots .

  4. 在咖世家咖啡店里,一个最大杯冰咖啡(massimocoffeefrescato)含有332卡路里热量,而最大杯全脂牛奶冰摩卡(massimoicedmocha)则含有361卡路里热量。

    At Costa Coffee , a massimo coffee frescato contains 332 calories , and a massimo iced mocha with full fat milk has 361 .

  5. 在尼路咖啡店里,半脱脂牛奶的双重巧克力冰咖啡(doublechocolatefrappe)和摩卡冰咖啡拿铁(mochafrappelatte)含有483卡路里热量,而脱脂牛奶的则有452卡路里热量。

    At Caffe Nero the double chocolate frappe and mocha frappe latte with semi-skimmed milk contains 483 calories , while the skimmed milk version has 452 .

  6. 当DrivingBarista感知到手机在至少100公里内没有被摆弄时,就会奖励司机一张Komeda咖啡馆的混合咖啡或冰咖啡免费券。

    When Driving Barista determines that the smartphone has not been tampered with for at least 100 kilometers , it will reward the driver with a coupon for a cup of blended or iced coffee at a Komeda Coffee Shop .

  7. 冰咖啡吗?请告诉我是冰咖啡。

    Iced coffee ? Tell me it 's iced coffee .

  8. 我可以把我的柳橙汁换成冰咖啡吗?

    Can I change my orange juice into iced coffee ?

  9. 她坐在阳光下啜饮冰咖啡。

    She sat in the sun and sipped iced coffee .

  10. 你来杯冰咖啡带走吗?

    Do you want a coffee freezer for the road ?

  11. 给我来点奶酪汉堡包和冰咖啡。

    Make mine a cheeseburger and an iced coffee .

  12. 冰咖啡色,有种清凉的感觉。

    Iced coffee with a frosty hint .

  13. 我们想点一份冰咖啡、一杯可乐和一瓶矿泉水。

    We 'd like to order an iced coffee , a Coke and a mineral water .

  14. 现在,你冰咖啡泼到玻璃、搅拌来平衡温度。

    Now , pour your chilled coffee into the glass and stir to equalize the temperature .

  15. 有冰咖啡吗?

    Do you have iced coffee ?

  16. 我喜欢冰咖啡。

    I prefer iced coffee .

  17. 冰咖啡和热咖啡在制作和品尝时,方法究竟有什么样的不同?

    What are the different methods between making and tasting the ice coffee or the hot coffee ?

  18. 世界癌症研究基金会认为,健康卡路里含量的冰咖啡饮料还是存在的。

    The World Cancer Research Fund , which identified the drinks'calories , noted healthier versions were available .

  19. 而且用速溶咖啡制作冰咖啡也很,这在天热的季节里非常流行。

    Moreover , instant coffee is also convenient for preparing iced coffee , which is popular in hot seasons .

  20. 此外,车内还提供冰咖啡、冰沙、降噪耳机、毛巾等。

    In addition , it also provides iced coffee , ice sand , noise reduction headphones , towels and so on .

  21. 比如茶和冰咖啡,但我们得出的结论是我们需要专注,

    such as teas and iced coffee , but we ' ve come to the conclusion that we need to stay focussed ,

  22. 一家癌症慈善机构警告大家,一些商家出售的冰咖啡所含热量堪比一顿晚餐。

    Some iced coffees being sold on the high street contain as many calories as a hot dinner , a cancer charity warns .

  23. 半数的受试者被要求拿着一杯热咖啡而另外半数拿着冰咖啡。

    Half the participants were asked to hold a cup of warm coffee and half were asked to hold a cup of iced coffee .

  24. 当你沾沾自喜喝着搅匀的马蒂,或是冰咖啡时,候殊不知你的遮羞布已经被掀掉啦。

    Unfortunately , while you smugly sip a shaken martini - uh , iced coffee - you may not realize that your cover was blown .

  25. 那些拿过热咖啡的人对这个虚拟人物的评价要远远高于拿过冰咖啡的人。

    Participants who had held the warm coffee were much more likely to score the pretend person as warmer than those who had held the iced coffee .

  26. 由于加入了糖、全脂牛奶和奶油,冰咖啡的卡路里含量已可以与饱餐一顿获得的热量等量齐观。

    It is the combination of sugar , full-fat milk and cream which appears to push some of the cool coffees into the upper echelons of the calorie scale .

  27. 像冰淇淋饮料、冰咖啡饮品、玛格丽特酒、热带鸡尾酒和冰沙等季节性饮料是春季休闲或是在甲板上结交朋友时候的最爱。

    Seasonal beverages like ice cream drinks , iced coffee drinks , margaritas , tropical cocktails and smoothies are favorites on spring break or for sipping with friends on the deck .

  28. 一名女子因涉嫌在朋友的冰咖啡里下毒而被警方逮捕,她的朋友喝了她点的咖啡之后倒地抽搐,最后死亡。

    A woman has been arrested after police found cyanide in the iced coffee that she ordered for her friend in the moments before she dropped to the floor , started convulsing and died .

  29. 世界癌症研究基金会负责科学研究项目的雷切尔·汤普森博士表示,市场上销售的冰咖啡热量超过成年女性一天正常摄入卡路里的四分之一,这是应该引起人们警惕的。

    Dr Rachel Thompson , Science Programme Manager for WCRF , said : " The fact that there is an iced coffee on the market with over a quarter of a woman 's daily calorie allowance is alarming .

  30. 制作这种冰咖啡,得用上好的越南本土生长的深色现磨咖啡,把其单独煮好后,用金属制成的法式小滴滤壶,过滤进杯子里,加上咖啡一半量的甜炼乳,搅拌一下,加一点冰块。

    Ca phe da is made with finely ground Vietnamese-grown dark roast coffee , separately brewed with a small metal French drip filter into a cup containing about a half as much sweetened condensed milk , stirred and poured over ice .