
bīng zhèn
  • iced;frappe
冰镇 [bīng zhèn]
  • [iced] 把食物、饮料等和冰放在一起使凉

  • 冰镇啤酒

冰镇[bīng zhèn]
  1. 好的,一份冰镇果羹,一份拔丝苹果。

    Good , an iced fruit jelly and a caramelized apple .

  2. 炎炎夏日,冰镇饮料,挡不住的诱惑。

    Iced drinks , the irresistible temptation in hot summer days .

  3. 她叫了一杯高玻璃杯装的冰镇啤酒。

    She ordered cold beer in a tall glass .

  4. 这种葡萄酒冰镇后饮用最佳。

    This wine is best served chilled .

  5. 冰镇啤酒是吃咖喱的绝配。

    A cold beer is the perfect foil for a curry .

  6. 一般认为,鱼子酱和冰镇牡蛎是顶级美味。

    Caviar and oysters on ice are generally considered the ultimate luxury foods .

  7. 把水果色拉冰镇一下,吃的时候再拿出来。

    Chill the fruit salad until serving time

  8. 把威士忌酒放在冰盒里冰镇。

    Put the whisky in the ice box to chill .

  9. 他让侍者为他冰镇一下啤酒。

    He asked the waiter to ice the beer for him .

  10. 星冰乐(Frappuccino)是星巴克的一种标志冰镇咖啡饮料。

    Frappuccino A Frappuccino is a trademarked type of frozen coffee beverage sold by Starbucks .

  11. 他最终希望岛民可以用iphone的应用软件来控制自己的家用电器,“自己的家人回来前2小时,可以给冰柜发啤酒冰镇的指令。”

    Eventually , he hopes , that means people will control their household appliances from an iPhone app , " so you can give it instructions that you want your beer fridge on two hours before your mates come around . "

  12. 马克宾格利定下了供应过量的基调,他带来了两瓶冰镇的1983年louisroederer,其中一瓶可能已没有气体,或者二氧化碳。

    Mark Bingley set the tone of over-supply by bringing two chilled bottles of Louis Roederer 1983 on the basis that one of them might have run out of steam , or rather carbon dioxide .

  13. 店铺由工厂改造而来,房梁露在外面,悬挂着优雅的红灯笼,这里供应冰镇堡林爵香槟(Bollinger),上菜时会敲一下锣。

    Set in a renovated factory with exposed beams and elegant red lanterns , this is the kind of place that has Bollinger on ice and a gong to announce the arrival of your bird .

  14. 瞬间冰镇功能和预先设定剂量的饮料糖浆是新款Keurig汽水机与SodaStream的区别所在,很可能也是极重质量的可口可乐愿意采取这一非常举措的原因。但可口可乐并不一定能一举成功。

    The flash-chilling and pre-measured doses of drink syrup are what differentiates the new Keurig soda maker from SodaStream and are probably why quality-obsessive Coke is willing to take such an unusual step . But the move is no guaranteed home run .

  15. 稍凉后,放入冰箱中冰镇一下更好。

    After cooled , placed in the refrigerator cool look better .

  16. 冰镇着的香槟,上千针的高级床单

    You know , champagne on ice , thousand thread-count sheets .

  17. 冰镇饮用,可以与色拉或者海鲜等食物搭配。

    Serve it chilled to match any salad and seafood dishes .

  18. 想想冰镇西瓜,多汁的西红柿,清新可口的浆果。

    Think cold watermelon , juicy tomatoes , and refreshing berries .

  19. 你知道做真正好喝的冰镇薄荷酒的秘密吗?

    You know the secret to a really good julep ?

  20. 冰镇的饮料,尤其是白葡萄酒和水果汁。

    An iced drink especially white wine and fruit juice .

  21. 通常用冰块冰镇。

    It is usually served very cold , over ice .

  22. 美国人喝啤酒或其他饮料,多半喜欢冰镇的。

    Americans like most of their drinks , including beer , cold .

  23. 如果不太麻烦的话,请给我冰镇香槟。

    Champagne on rock , if it 's not too much trouble .

  24. 听起来像是一个卖冰镇啤酒的好地方。

    Sounds like a good place to sell cold beverages .

  25. 冰镇气泡酒的味道让我感觉好像已经回到了德国。

    Cold sparkling made me feel to have been back in Deutschland .

  26. 我们就能回城里喝冰镇的啤酒了。

    The sooner we 'll be back in town drinking cold beer .

  27. 那家酒巴有冰镇香槟吗?

    Does the bar ice the champagne before serving ?

  28. 麻烦给我来两瓶冰镇啤酒。

    I 'd like two bottles of beer chilled with ice , please .

  29. 接着你必须做的是把牛奶彻底冰镇一下。

    The next thing you must do is to ice the milk completely .

  30. 如果稍加冰镇,白葡萄酒的口感总会更好一些。

    White wine always taste better if it 's been chilled a little .