
  • 网络Ice blockage
  1. 通过声波测量法的数学推导,建立了利用传感器对冰堵段位置检测的实验装置,并详细介绍了其工作原理。

    Through the mathematics deduction of sound wave detecting method , an experiment equipment detecting ice blockage position with sensors was designed and its work principle was introduced in details .

  2. 每次排堵都要实施管线钻孔作业,以配合利用油品体积压缩(膨胀)公式来寻找并确定冰堵点位置。

    Every time , the drilling of the pipe and use of the volumetric compression ( expansion ) formula were needed for locating the position of ice blockage along the pipeline .

  3. 利用SCADA系统趋势图预判冰堵以及解堵措施探讨

    Applying SCADA system trend map to predict ice plug and remove plugging

  4. 根据温泉井、黄龙场气田的实际情况,分析易发生冰堵的原因以及在生产调度中,如何有效利用SCADA系统趋势图来分析处理冰堵,提出预防冰堵的建议。

    Based on the practical instance of two fields , the paper analyzes the reason for ice plug and advances making an efficient use of SCADA system trend map in ice-plug analysis . Finally suggestions of preventing of ice plug are presented .

  5. 北方冬季输送成品油管线冰堵的探讨

    Discussion on Ice Block During Transportation of Product Oil in Frigid Region

  6. 输油管道冰堵监测与定位技术的研究

    Study of the Detection and Location of Ice Block in Oil Pipeline

  7. 地上不保温成品油管道冰堵的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Ice Clogging in Above Ground Product Pipeline Without Insulation

  8. 家用电冰箱的冰堵原因及其测试方法

    Account for the ice blocking in house-hold refrigerator and its method of detecting

  9. 因此,温控加热系统很好地解决了阀门架上冰堵的问题。

    So auto-heat system solve the ice block problem on recall valve successfully .

  10. 冰堵位置检测中应变电桥的非线性问题研究

    Research on nonlinear problems of strained bridge in detecting the ice barrier spot

  11. 航道冬天被冰堵上了。

    The waterways are clogged with ice in winter .

  12. 恒流源在输油管线冰堵位置测定的应用

    Application of Constant-source on Detection and Location of Ice Barrier in Oil Pipeline

  13. 管道冰堵位置检测传感器的卡具优化

    Optimal design of the clamp of the sensor in surveying ice-jamming position of pipe

  14. 该限流器通过给阀体控温加热,彻底解决了超,临界萃取中的冰堵问题。

    The restrictor solved the " ice block " problem by heating the valve 's body .

  15. 高寒地区成品油管道冰堵点判断与预防措施

    Judgment and protective measure of ice plug point for oil product pipeline in high and cold region

  16. 油气输送管线冰堵定位检测技术的开发与应用

    Development and Application of The Orientation Test Technique of Ice Jam of Pipes for Transporting Oil and Gas

  17. 与传统过冷水制冰方法相比,该方法不存在冰堵问题,而且制冰效率有所提高。

    Compared with traditional supercooled water ice production system , there is no ice blockage and its ice production efficiency is improved .

  18. 在寒冷地区的冬季,用输油管道输油时,通过常年冻土地带的管线,其输送的油中的水会在管内壁结冰,严重时会发生冰堵事故。

    Ice jam of pipes for transporting oil and gas in winter threatens momently the safety running of petrochemical units in cold area .

  19. 重庆气矿的部分采输气管线在冬季不同程度地受到水合物冰堵的影响。

    Part of gas production and transportation pipelines in Chongqing Gas Well Area is affected to some extent by hydrate ice barrier in winter .

  20. 为此,提出应用集肤效应电伴热技术防治采输气管线水合物冰堵。

    Therefore , it is put forward that surface action electrical heating technique is applied to prevent ice barrier in gas production and transportation pipelines .

  21. 分析了虚拟仪器技术的特点,基于虚拟仪器技术设计了管道冰堵分布式光纤检测软件系统,完成信号的采集、处理、存储及相关计算功能。

    Analyze the characteristics of virtual instrument technology , design the detection software system of distributed optical fiber pipeline ice block based on virtual instrument technology .

  22. 输气管道的实际运行情况证明,天然气水合物不仅腐蚀管道,而且在气温较低时,容易形成冰堵,严重时会造成管道爆裂,从而影响输气管道的安全平稳运行。

    If the ice blocking is serious , it will cause the accident of pipe explosion , which will affect the safety and stability of pipeline transportation badly .

  23. 化霜电磁阀安装在机台内,用于控制机台的冷凝压力,避免机台冷凝压力过低,造成蒸发器冰堵。

    Thirdly , defrosting electromagnetic valve is arranged on the machine table , is used to control the machine condensing pressure , avoid machine low pressure evaporator condensate , causing ice jam .

  24. 或者向管道内发射压力波,测量其返回时间,推算管道堵塞基本位置。提出了预防管道冰堵现象的相应措施。

    Or emit pressure wave into pipeline to measure its return time in order to calculate basic location in pipeline pluged , in which , also provides corresponding measures for preventing pipeline from ice plug .

  25. 电阻应变式传感器基于它的结构设计的随意性和适用性,在输油管线冰堵位置检测中取得了良好的应用,但是普通的应变式传感器不经改造是无法在现场测量中直接应用的。

    Resistance strained sensor base on its randomness and applicability in constructional design , it applies well in detecting spot in ice barrier of oil pipeline , but common strained sensor cannot be directly used in locale detection unless it was reconstructed .

  26. 天然气中水的存在会引起管线水堵,造成管线冰堵,腐蚀管线、设备和仪表,影响天然气计量的准确度,给天然气的安全生产和使用造成极大危害。

    The presence of water in the natural gas could result in natural gas pipeline water blocking and ice blocking which will corrode pipelines , equipment and instrumentation , Influence the measurement accuracy of natural gas , do great harm for the safety of the natural gas production and use .

  27. 在冬季的寒冷地区进行成品油管道输送时,由于多种原因存在于油中的水会在管内壁上结成冰,严重时会形成冰堵,影响输送。

    In cold seasons , the residual water in the product transported may freeze on the internal wall of the pipe , and even cause ice clogging and influence normal transmission .