
  • 网络chinese famous liquor;Chinese Wines
  1. 多粮浓郁型中国名酒&五粮液与饮者健康

    Chinese Famous Liquor & Wuliangye and Drinker 's Health

  2. 风尚亚洲(SceneAsia)栏目与31岁的桑德豪斯聊了聊他对这一中国名酒的热爱。

    Scene Asia talked to the 31-year-old about his love of China 's national drink .

  3. 中国名酒,风靡世界。

    This famous Chinese wine is popular worldwide .

  4. 中国名酒,滴滴凝聚天地之精华。

    China 's famous wine condenses all essences under the heaven in each drop .

  5. 茅台是高档酒之一。中国名酒&茅台,入口和醇。

    Maotai & the famous liquor of China is mild and mellow to the taste .

  6. 射洪县地处成都、重庆、绵阳三大城市等距中心,是唐代伟大诗人陈子昂的故乡,中国名酒沱牌曲酒的出产地。

    Shehong county is located in the center of Chengdu 、 Chongqing and Mianyang cities .

  7. 一杯中国名酒在手,百般烦恼全无。

    With a cup of china 's famous wine , all vexation is cast to the winds .

  8. 现在的许多中国名酒都是从古代--主要从明清发展而来。

    Many famous Chinese wine of present day developed from ancient times-mainly from the Ming and the Qing dynasties .

  9. 最后,我想尝一小瓶中国名酒“茅台”酒。

    Finally , I 'd like to try a small bottle of china 's famous liquor " maotai " .

  10. 现在的许多中国名酒,都是从古代发展而来的,主要是从明清时期发展而来。

    Many famous Chinese wines of the present day develop from ancient times , mainly from the Ming and the Qing dynasties .

  11. 中国名酒剑南春由于其独特典型的风格深受消费者的肯定和喜爱。

    The typical and special characters of Jiannanchun , one of the Chinese famous liquors , are popular and recognized by customers .

  12. 茅台是一种中国的名酒。

    Mao-tai is a famous Chinese liquor .

  13. 中国文化名酒的企业文化战略

    Series Report ⅵ: On Enterprise Culture Strategies of Top Ten Famous Liquor Enterprises with Cultural Backgrounds in China

  14. 中国各文化名酒企业都有其鲜明个性的优秀企业文化:茅台确立发展绿色茅台、人文茅台、科技茅台的文化战略思想;

    Every famous liquor enterprise with cultural backgrounds in China has its exclusive enterprise culture : Maotai Group confirms its enterprise culture strategy as " Development of Green Maotai , Cul-ture Maotai and Scientific Maotai ";

  15. 将太白酒的产品定位为做中国历史文化名酒,市场定位为做陕西省白酒第二品牌,价值定位为做理性消费酒。

    Besides , product-orientation ( become historical culture famous liquor in China ), market-orientation ( become the 2nd famous liquor brand in Shanxi ), and price-orientation ( rational consumption price ) were defined in the session .

  16. 中国十大文化名酒企业茅台、泸州老窖、剑南春等因正确实施人才战略而得以蓬勃发展。

    The top ten famous liquors enterprises with cultural backgrounds in China such as Maotai Group .

  17. 中国十大文化名酒成功案例系列报道之四&文化名酒的口感与工艺特色

    Series Report IV : on Taste & Technical Characteristics of Chinese Top Ten Famous Liquors with Cultural Backgrounds in China