- sandy land

The total water consumption was smaller than that of the other field crops . The water consumptions of various treatments varied from 175.9 mm to 218.9 mm ;
The study proved that mulching with gravel-sand could increase yield , the soluble carbohydrate content and WUE . Proper diameter of gravel-sand was 5 ~ 20 mm .
To sum up , the optimum treatment was D3 as the advantage ( superior of water , temperature , germination , maturation and yield ), which assembled of the advantages of sandy field , plastic film cover , and shed .
Effect of Sandy Field in Soil Conservation in Arid Region
The traditional farming process on Sand field is practically an aging process .
A Study of Potassium Fertilization on Plastic Mulched Watermelon in Irrigated Sand Land
Effect of Supplemental Irrigation with Harvesting Rainwater on Yield of Watermelon and Soil Moisture in Sand-filed
So to some extent feasible to plant shrub to promote vegetation on abandoned sand fields .
Preliminary Study on Meteorological Effect on Watermelon With Different Covering Techniques in Gravel and Sand Mulched Field
Thus , studying the spatial distribution and variation of zhongwei sandy cropland has very important significance .
On The Gravel-mulched Land And Its Requirement Of Farm Mechanization In The Arid Areas On The Loess Plateau
Sandy field can effectively prevent wind and water erosion and has an effect of retaining water and preserving fertilizer .
Sand field is one of the unique forms of traditional farming method against drought in northwest arid or semi-arid regions .
Nevertheless , due to sociocultural changes , sandy-field cropping systems have been facing severe obstacles against expanding and mutual sharing .
Impact of Gravel sand Mulch with Different Size Grain and Supplemental Drip Irrigation on Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ) Root Distribution
Results of the experiment preliminary showed that the soil moisture of abandoned sand fields could meet the basic needs of shrub afforestation .
In contrast , harvested rainwater for micro-irrigation of watermelon in gravel-mulched field , of broccoli and cucumber in solar greenhouse brought large benefit .
Lanzhou gravel-mulched fields in northwest China is arid and semi-arid area unique and traditional drought-relief form of farming , which is one of the soil cover systems .
Temperature at soil surface , of soil , and moisture of soil , of sandy field or shed were greater than soil or plastic film cover during nursery stage .
Although some nonirrigated dry sandy fields were not far away from the source of water , they were left over in irrigation area , because of the natural conditions .
Degrading sand field without renovation would make it impossible to grow food crops and cash crops any longer , thus the formation of large areas of abandoned sand fields .
Evaporation at the surface of a sandy field is less than 1 . 2 mm per day , while that of a earth field is 5 ~ 10 mm per day .
The leaching ratio of the potassium fertilizer in the yellow mud field , the moist sand field , the clay lime marl field respectively is 54.9 % , 56.7 % , 67.6 % .
The result shows that the extraction accuracy of this rule set can meet the requirement . ( 4 ) In the past twenty years , Sandy cropland has developed rapidly in Zhongwei city .
Over ninety percent of new sandy croplands are formed on the basis of the existing desert scrub , and a small portion occupies the infertile farmland . The former turns waste into treasure of land , and can reduce desertification .
We can infer that abandoned sand fields have the basic water condition necessary for using and restoring vegetation ; within the whole growth period , the soil moisture of abandoned sand field afforestation fluctuated with overall downward trend , and the lowest turned up in July .