
shā tián
  • sandy land
砂田[shā tián]
  1. 砂田西瓜全生育期耗水较少,不同补灌量处理的耗水量在175.9~218.9mm之间,比小麦等大田作物低100mm以上。

    The total water consumption was smaller than that of the other field crops . The water consumptions of various treatments varied from 175.9 mm to 218.9 mm ;

  2. 研究结果还证明,西瓜田覆砂能有效地提高其产量,含糖量和水分生产率,适合砂田覆盖的砂砾石粒径以5~20mm为宜。

    The study proved that mulching with gravel-sand could increase yield , the soluble carbohydrate content and WUE . Proper diameter of gravel-sand was 5 ~ 20 mm .

  3. 通过综合分析,认为D3处理最佳。为砂田双覆盖,同时具备了砂田、地膜、小拱棚三种覆盖方式的优点,水、温度条件好,出苗早、早成熟、产量高,市场优势明显。

    To sum up , the optimum treatment was D3 as the advantage ( superior of water , temperature , germination , maturation and yield ), which assembled of the advantages of sandy field , plastic film cover , and shed .

  4. 砂田在干旱地区的水土保持作用

    Effect of Sandy Field in Soil Conservation in Arid Region

  5. 传统的砂田耕作过程实际上是砂田衰老的过程。

    The traditional farming process on Sand field is practically an aging process .

  6. 水砂田地膜西瓜钾肥施用效果试验研究初报

    A Study of Potassium Fertilization on Plastic Mulched Watermelon in Irrigated Sand Land

  7. 砂田集雨补灌对西瓜产量和土壤水分的影响

    Effect of Supplemental Irrigation with Harvesting Rainwater on Yield of Watermelon and Soil Moisture in Sand-filed

  8. 因此认为,通过营造人工灌木林来促进弃耕砂田的植被恢复具有一定的可行性。

    So to some extent feasible to plant shrub to promote vegetation on abandoned sand fields .

  9. 西瓜砂田不同覆盖方式的增温保墒效应初探

    Preliminary Study on Meteorological Effect on Watermelon With Different Covering Techniques in Gravel and Sand Mulched Field

  10. 研究该地区砂田的空间分布及变化具有十分重要的意义。

    Thus , studying the spatial distribution and variation of zhongwei sandy cropland has very important significance .

  11. 黄土高原干旱地区铺压砂田及其对农机化的需求

    On The Gravel-mulched Land And Its Requirement Of Farm Mechanization In The Arid Areas On The Loess Plateau

  12. 砂田还可有效地防止风蚀和水蚀,具有保水保土保肥的作用。

    Sandy field can effectively prevent wind and water erosion and has an effect of retaining water and preserving fertilizer .

  13. 砂田是我国西北干旱、半干旱地区独特的、传统的抗旱耕作形式之一。

    Sand field is one of the unique forms of traditional farming method against drought in northwest arid or semi-arid regions .

  14. 但由于社会文化背景的变迁,砂田农耕体制面临严重的推广和共享难题。

    Nevertheless , due to sociocultural changes , sandy-field cropping systems have been facing severe obstacles against expanding and mutual sharing .

  15. 砾石直径和补灌量对砂田西瓜根系分布的影响

    Impact of Gravel sand Mulch with Different Size Grain and Supplemental Drip Irrigation on Watermelon ( Citrullus lanatus ) Root Distribution

  16. 试验研究结果初步表明,弃耕砂田的土壤水分条件基本上可以满足抗旱类灌木树种的生长需要。

    Results of the experiment preliminary showed that the soil moisture of abandoned sand fields could meet the basic needs of shrub afforestation .

  17. 集雨水用于微灌砂田西瓜、西兰花和日光温室黄瓜都能产生很好的经济效益。

    In contrast , harvested rainwater for micro-irrigation of watermelon in gravel-mulched field , of broccoli and cucumber in solar greenhouse brought large benefit .

  18. 兰州砂田是我国西北干早、半干旱地区独特的、传统的抗早耕作方式,属土壤覆盖制度之一。

    Lanzhou gravel-mulched fields in northwest China is arid and semi-arid area unique and traditional drought-relief form of farming , which is one of the soil cover systems .

  19. 甜瓜苗期的地表气温、土壤温度和土壤水分基本规律为砂田高于土田,拱棚高于地膜。

    Temperature at soil surface , of soil , and moisture of soil , of sandy field or shed were greater than soil or plastic film cover during nursery stage .

  20. 引大灌区遗留了一些离水源较近,但因受自然条件所限而无法变为水浇地的旱砂田。

    Although some nonirrigated dry sandy fields were not far away from the source of water , they were left over in irrigation area , because of the natural conditions .

  21. 砂田衰老退化以后若不能更新改造,就无法继续种植粮食作物和经济作物,便形成了大面积的弃耕砂田。

    Degrading sand field without renovation would make it impossible to grow food crops and cash crops any longer , thus the formation of large areas of abandoned sand fields .

  22. 砂田可使土壤表层水分蒸发量不超过1.2mm/天,而对照土田则为5~10mm/天;

    Evaporation at the surface of a sandy field is less than 1 . 2 mm per day , while that of a earth field is 5 ~ 10 mm per day .

  23. 钾肥在黄泥田、潮砂田、青格灰泥田中的淋洗率分别为54.9%、56.7%、67.6%。

    The leaching ratio of the potassium fertilizer in the yellow mud field , the moist sand field , the clay lime marl field respectively is 54.9 % , 56.7 % , 67.6 % .

  24. 结果表明,建立的砂田规则集提取精度可以满足要求。(4)过去20年来,中卫砂田发展迅速,空间分布日益广泛。

    The result shows that the extraction accuracy of this rule set can meet the requirement . ( 4 ) In the past twenty years , Sandy cropland has developed rapidly in Zhongwei city .

  25. 90%以上的新砂田是在未开发的荒漠灌丛基础上压砂而成,使土地变废为宝,减少了荒漠化;少量占用贫瘠的农田地,使土地增值。

    Over ninety percent of new sandy croplands are formed on the basis of the existing desert scrub , and a small portion occupies the infertile farmland . The former turns waste into treasure of land , and can reduce desertification .

  26. 研究认为,弃耕砂田具有植被恢复与利用必要的水分基础条件;在整个生长期内,弃耕砂田造林地土壤水分变化虽有波动,但总体呈下降趋势,7月份达到最低。

    We can infer that abandoned sand fields have the basic water condition necessary for using and restoring vegetation ; within the whole growth period , the soil moisture of abandoned sand field afforestation fluctuated with overall downward trend , and the lowest turned up in July .