
  • 网络yùn;hàng;halo
黄晕 [huáng yùn]
  • [faint;dim] 昏黄不明亮。晕,太阳或月亮周围的光圈,也指光亮周围的影子

  1. 病斑近圆形,周围有黄晕,但不象柑桔溃疡病那样有火山口开裂。

    The typical symptom appeared as approximately circular spot with a yellow halo , without crateriform symptom as that of citrus canker .

  2. 区内自上而下明显增强的硅化和扩大的黄铁绢英岩化晕圈,昭示了隐伏的中酸性岩株或次火山岩体的存在。

    Increased obviously from top to bottom of the silicification and broadened the pyrite-sericite-quartz alteration halo in this ore area shows the existence of hidden neutral-acid stock and subvolcanic rock mass .