
  • 网络Sanding;satin
  1. 对中密度纤维板(MDF)砂光粉尘的粒径分布做一精确测定。

    And the testing experiments have demonstrated its competence . 2 , Accurate measurement of the size distribution of MDF sanding particles .

  2. 构树均质刨花板经砂光后的VDP可以分成上、下表层和芯层,且沿板坯中心呈两侧对称分布。

    After sanding , the broussonetia papyrifera homogeneous particleboard can be divided into upper and lower surface and core , and the slab center along the sides were symmetrical .

  3. 人造板砂光工序的降耗措施

    The Treatment of Reducing Cost for Sanding Process of Wood-Based Panel

  4. 试论砂光质量、效率和成本

    Quality , Productivity and Cost in Wood-based Panel Sanding Process

  5. 人造板砂光技术(3)&砂光设备对加工质量的影响

    Sanding Technique ( 3 ) & Influence of Sander on Sanding Quality

  6. 重力坝的劈头裂缝纵向-斜向砂光技术

    Cracks on the Upstream Face of Concrete Gravity Dams Sanding-Lengthways and Sidelong

  7. 人造板砂光设备的选型和配置

    Sander Deployment and Type Selection in Wood-based Panel Sanding Line

  8. 我有一个多一点灌装和砂光的明天。

    I have a little more filling and sanding tomorrow .

  9. 中纤板砂光工段布局及设备选型的探讨

    Discussion on Layout and Equipment Selection of MDF Sanding Line

  10. 刮腻子及砂光-油漆工作太阳发光,刮风下雨。

    The sun shines and the wind blows and the rain falls .

  11. 性能均达到进口砂光辊要求。

    All capabilities reach the standards of import sander roller .

  12. 砂光粉尘在链条炉中的辅助燃烧

    Assistant Burning of Dust in the Chain-grate Stoker Boiler

  13. 砂光除尘风送系统。

    Air conveying system for sanding and de-dusting fs .

  14. 喷漆机器人喷漆工艺分析及优化研究刮腻子及砂光-油漆工作

    Study on Technology and Optimization of Robotic Spray Painting

  15. 破坏的地方应修补并砂光。

    Damaged places shall be repaired and sanded smooth .

  16. 砂光工段电控系统。

    Electric control system of sanding section dk .

  17. 表面颜色:镜光,、砂光、钛金或根据要求定做颜色。

    Sutrface colors : Mirror , sand , titanium or other colors on clients requirements .

  18. 如何提高中密度纤维板的砂光质量

    How to Improve Sanding Quality of MDF

  19. 砂光平面边部或剖面,实木单板或基材。

    To sand flat edges or complex profiles , whether solid veneer or substrate material .

  20. 框架集成材异形拼接及砂光工艺研究

    Study on Frame-glulam of Irregular-adhesion and Sanding-processing

  21. 我有一个组合,填补一方和砂光其他的事。

    I have a combination of filling one side and sanding the other to do .

  22. 砂光粉尘危害及防护

    Harm and protection of sanding dusts

  23. 人造板砂光技术(2)&影响人造板砂光质量的一些主要因素

    Sanding Technique ( 2 ) & Main Factors of Affecting Quality of Sanded Wood Based Panel

  24. 中密度纤维板、刨花板及木材加工生产过程中产生大量砂光粉尘、废料等。

    A lot of wooden powder and scraps is produced in middle-density fiberboard and flakeboard production .

  25. 纵向-斜向砂光技术

    Sanding - Lengthways and Sidelong

  26. 我学到如何雕刻透过观看她和砂光从她的瓷娃娃了这么多年。

    I learned how to sculpt by watching her and from sanding her porcelain dolls for so many years .

  27. 一些轻微的罚款砂光会之前进行必要的绘画,但它看起来不错的作为。

    Some minor fine sanding will be necessary prior to painting , but it looks pretty good as is .

  28. 自动清除板面因砂光而残留下来之灰尘,从而提高板材涂装质量。

    Cleaning the dust automatically that remained on the flat panels after sanding , thus enhancing the quality of coating surface .

  29. 在检查之前的最后一个步骤是表面修整,砂光和最后决定采用的任何表面涂饰。

    The final steps before the review are to finish the piece , sanding and applying whatever finish is decided upon .

  30. 我花了多一点时间,我会想砂光,但原来的伟大在年底。

    I spent a little more time that I would have wanted sanding but it turned out great in the end .