
  1. 安部公房(KoboAbe)的经典小说《砂女》(TheWomanintheDunes)的背景就设在这里,但在日本游客中,日本人口最少的地区鸟取在47个县吸引的游客数方面仅排在第43位。

    They were the setting for Kobo Abe 's classic novel " The Woman in the Dunes , " but among Japanese tourists , Tottori , the least-populated region in Japan , ranks just 43rd among 47 prefectures in attracting visitors .

  2. 他最负盛名的作品是经典影片《砂之女》,该片对极端环境下的艰难求生进行了逼真的刻画。

    His most celebrated work is the film classic , ' Woman in the Dunes , ' a gritty look at survival in an extreme environment .