
shā dǎo
  • Sand island;barrier island
砂岛[shā dǎo]
  1. 无序开采:砂岛面临生态灾难

    Illegal Mining :" Sand Island " Is Facing Ecological Hazard

  2. 珊瑚砂岛的侵蚀主要体现在珊瑚砂的流失,因而通过珊瑚砂的运动特性研究,控制砂岛的泥沙流失以期达到防护效果。

    The corrosion mainly manifests in the loss of coral sand , so according to the research of movement theory , to control the loss is aimed to protect island .

  3. 论珊瑚砂岛上巨砾堤地貌的形成&以琛航岛砾垒堤为例崂山顶、涧、沟、坡、麓、滩、岬一带巨砾成因研究

    ON THE FORMATION OF THE RAMPARTS BANDING A CORAL SAND CAY Study on great gravel on mountaintop , gully , channel , slope , beach , cape and foot of mountain Laoshan

  4. 作者通过对琛航岛东端巨砾堤垒发育机制的分析,提出了镶嵌珊瑚砂岛的巨砾堤形成的物质、动力和地形条件。

    By an analysis of the mechanism of development of the ramparts ban-ding the eastern rim of Chen Hang Island , the authors put forward their views on the material , dynamic and morphological conditions that contribute to the formation of the ramparts banding a coral sand cay .

  5. 珊瑚砂运动特性及珊瑚砂岛泥沙流失防治研究

    The Study on Movement Characteristics of Coral Sand and the Protection of the Loss of Sediment on Coral Island

  6. 针对珊瑚砂流失机理及路径,提出了珊瑚砂岛的防护形式理念。

    Based on the study of the loss of coral sand , the probability ideas of protection for coral island were given .