
  • 网络freshwater crab;Pacifastacus leniusculus;FROZEN FRESH CRAB
  1. 湖北省淡水蟹的地域分布及并殖吸虫囊蚴感染

    The geographical distribution of freshwater crabs ( the second intermediate host of lung fluke ) and the infective rate of Paragonimus metacercaria

  2. 淡水蟹类是短尾类(Brachyuran)中完全适应淡水生活的一个特殊类群。

    Freshwater crabs are special taxa in Brachyuran crabs which completely live in the freshwater .

  3. 在四川省二种淡水蟹中发现自然感染肺吸虫囊蚴

    Discovery of metacercaria in two freshwater crabs infected naturally by Paragonimus

  4. 携带肺吸虫囊蚴的淡水蟹类新种记述

    On new species of freshwater crabs harbouring metacercariae of lung flukes

  5. 广西淡水蟹类新种与新纪录记要

    New species and new record of freshwater crabs from Guangxi

  6. 这些是靠近苏州的湖里的淡水蟹。

    Those are fresh-water crabs from a lake near Soochow .

  7. 在这次评估中,他们也列入了对小龙虾、淡水蟹类、造礁珊瑚和头足类动物的综合评价。

    They also included comprehensive assessments ofcrayfish , freshwater crabs , reef-building corals and cephalopods in theevaluation .

  8. 湖北省淡水蟹类的动物地理学分析及新亚种的记述(软甲纲:十足目)

    Zoogeographical analysis of the freshwater crab from Hubei province , with descriptions of new subspecies ( malacostraca : decapoda )

  9. 动物学家是在对一条流经帝国广场地下的水道进行水质测试时,发现淡水蟹的栖居地。

    Zoologists discovered the colony of freshwater crabs when they examined water quality in a channel running under the imperial forum .

  10. 中国海南岛淡水蟹类一新属二新种描述(甲壳亚门:十足目:短尾派:溪蟹科)

    On a new genus and two new species of freshwater crabs from Hainan island , china ( crustacea : decapoda : brachyura : potamidae )

  11. 在28例阳性者均有生食或半生食淡水蟹或蝲蛄史,以及饮用生溪水史;

    Among the 28 positives , 26 cases had a history of eating raw freshwater crab or crayfishes and the other 2 cases drank freshwater from brook before .

  12. 淡水蟹类的系统发生研究显示,华溪蟹属与仿溪蟹属起源于一个共同的海生蟹类祖先,二者之间的歧异时间在36~44Mya。

    The freshwater crab phylogeny suggested that the genus Sinopotamon and the genus Potamonautes arose from a common ancestor and the estimated divergence time is about 36-44 Mya .

  13. 一项新调查显示,所有种类的淡水蟹有三分之二面临绝迹,其中六分之一特别容易受到伤害。

    Two thirds of all species of freshwater crab maybe at risk of going extinct , with one in six species particularly vulnerable , according to a new survey .

  14. 湖北省淡水蟹类共21种隶属于3科3属,其中包括10个新种和新亚种,地域分布广。

    The fauna of freshwater crab in Hubei Province has a total of 21 species belonging to 3 genera of 3 families , including 10 new species and subspecies .

  15. 本文以长江华溪蟹为代表,通过对线粒体基因组序列的测定,从基因序列和排列顺序2个方面探讨淡水蟹类在短尾类中的系统地位;

    We determined the mitochondrial DNA sequence of 5 . yangtsekiense and discussed the phylogenetic status of freshwater crabs in Brachyuran according to gene arrangement features and sequence data sets .

  16. 华溪蟹是我国淡水蟹类特有属的代表,种类最多,分布最广,数量也最大,见于整个长江水系及其支流等广阔地区的中高山区及丘陵、平原等不同的生态区。

    Sinopotamon is representative of the most widely distributed endemic freshwater crabs in our country , and the variety and numbers are the largest in the Yangtze River and its tributaries such as wide area of high mountains and hills , plains and other different ecological zones .

  17. 日本淡水渓蟹栖息在山溪中。

    Japanese Freshwater Crab lives in mountain stream .