
dàn shuǐ shēnɡ wù
  • Freshwater organisms;fresh water organisms
  1. 应用物种敏感性分布评估DDT和林丹对淡水生物的生态风险

    Assessing ecological risks of DDT and lindane to freshwater organisms by species sensitivity distributions

  2. 几种除草剂对淡水生物和微观水生生态系分解功能的影响

    Impacts of Several Herbicides on Aquatic Organisms and Decomposition Function of Microcosms Aquatic Ecosystem

  3. 变形虫,一种淡水生物,就是这种情况。

    The amoeba , a denizen of fresh water , is such a case .

  4. 大家公认淡水生物比海水生物更容易镉中毒。

    Salt-water organisms are known to be more resistant to cadmium poisoning than freshwater organisms .

  5. 网站描述:这是一个具有大量高质量的海水和淡水生物信息的网站。

    Description : This is website contains large quantity information on Marine organisms and fresh-water Organisms information .

  6. 为满足对水质变化进行实时监测的要求,设计了淡水生物监测仪。

    A freshwater biomonitor system is designed to perform in situ monitoring of the organism behaviors in freshwater .

  7. 水产专业的学生将学习鱼类,软体动物和其他淡水生物的养殖知识。

    Students of aquaculture learn to cultivate fish , mollusks , and other foods that may be raised in fresh water or salt water .

  8. 从全球来看,淡水生物如两栖动物、淡水鱼和哺乳动物等的状况更糟,最新数据显示,1970年至2010年间其平均数量减少了76%。

    The global picture is worst for freshwater creatures such as amphibians , river fish and mammals , with average population declines of 76 per cent between 1970 and 2010 , says the latest data available .

  9. 以三峡梯级水库为研究对象,结合上文分析得出的恢复与保护性生态径流,从面向河流生态系统整体与特定淡水生物恢复和保护两个角度对生态调度进行研究。

    The this paper take the Three Gorges cascade reservoir as a research object , combines the ecological flow which analyzed above , the ecological operation from the restoration of whole river ecosystem and specific protection of freshwater habitat is studied .

  10. 讨论了FCM在淡水微型生物和环境生物学中的应用。

    The application of FCM to freshwater microbiota and environment biology of aquatic microbiota research were also discussed .

  11. 采用市售PBS构建一套连续式淡水PBS生物脱氮反应器,采用人工污水自然挂膜。

    Using the commercially available PBS built a continuous freshwater PBS biological denitrification reactor and using artificial sewage to build natural biofilm .

  12. 长江口春季表层水的pCO2分布存在着较大的不均匀性,低盐的长江淡水区生物活动应是低盐区表层pCO2分布的主要影响因素。

    The pCO_2 distribution in lower salinity region was mainly influenced by the biological activities at the side of freshwater in Yangtze estuary .

  13. 中国淡水藻类生物多样性研究进展

    Advances in freshwater algal biodiversity in China

  14. 出口淡水小龙虾产品生物危害风险管理措施研究

    Study on risk management measures of biological hazards existing in exported crawfish products

  15. 水族馆将重建,以便在更加接近自然的环境下展示淡水和海洋生物。

    The aquarium will be rebuilt to display freshwater and marine life in more naturalisticsettings .

  16. 世界自然基金会在中国开展工作的另外一个重要领域是保护淡水资源和生物多样性。

    Another area that is a priority for WWF in China is conservation of freshwater resources and biodiversity .

  17. 描述了淡水沉积物毒性的生物测试方法。

    The bioassay of freshwater sediment toxicity is described .

  18. 分析了河口淡水对盐度乃至生物产生的影响。

    The impact of estuarine freshwater inflow on the salinity and organism was analyzed .

  19. 强化对土地、矿产、淡水、海洋和生物等资源的管理。

    Management of land , mineral , fresh water , sea , biological and other resources was improved .

  20. 从热带雨林砍伐到海洋渔业枯竭,从淡水日益紧缺到生物多样性迅速退化,再到世界许多地区空气和海洋污染日趋严重,我们感到了人类双手的重量。

    From tropical deforestation to depleted ocean fisheries , from growing freshwater shortages to the rapid decline of biodiversity and increasingly polluted skies and seas in many parts of the world , we see the heavy hand of humankind .

  21. 中国淡水鱼油的研究&Ⅰ淡水生物中n-3不饱和脂肪酸含量的研究

    FRESH WATER FISH OIL OF CHINA & I. Study of n-3 Unsaturated Fatty Acids Contents in Fresh Water Living Beings

  22. 淡水贝类与人类关系密切,是淡水生物中分布最广、但最易受到威胁的类群之一。

    Freshwater mussels have a tight connection with humans , and they are the most widely distributed genus . Freshwater mussel is one of the most seriously threatened species .

  23. 淡水蚌类是食物链上的重要环节和淡水生物群落的重要组成部分,可作为小型动物、底层鱼类和一些鸟类的食物。

    Freshwater mussels which can be used as food for the small animals , groundfish and birds is an important part of the food chain and important component of the freshwater biomes .