
bái diǎn bìnɡ
  • White spot disease;ichthyophthiriasis
  1. 中华鳖(Trionyxsinensis)稚鳖白点病的病原菌及其防治的研究

    Studies on the pathogen and control of white point disease of larval Trionyx sinensis

  2. 禽(番鸭)呼肠孤病毒(Muscovyduckreovirus,DRV)是新近发现的番鸭肝白点病或花肝病的病原。

    Muscovy duck ( Cairina moschata ) reovirus ( DRV ) is the causative agent of Muscovy duck Liver white spots disease , a newly recognized Muscovy duck disease of economic importance , characterized by apathy , weak foot .

  3. 一种新的番鸭疫病(暂名番鸭肝白点病)病原的发现

    Discovery of the Pathogen of Muscovy Duck Liver White Spots Disease

  4. 海水硬骨鱼白点病组织病理学研究

    Studies on the histopathology of ' white spot ' disease in marine teleost

  5. 番鸭肝白点病病理学研究

    Pathology of Muscovy duck liver white - spots disease

  6. 稚鳖白点病病原的研究

    Study on White Point Diseuse Pathogen in Larva Turtle

  7. 治疗小瓜虫引起的白点病(胡椒粉病),蒙眼病。

    Treat white spot disease and blindfolded disease caused by small melon worms .

  8. 海水鱼白点病引起的宿主脏器组织化学变化

    The Host Visceral Histochemical Changes Caused by " White Spot " Disease in Marine Fishes

  9. 呼肠孤病毒病是一种以肝、脾出现多处灰白色坏死点为主要病变特征的急性传染病,俗称番鸭肝白点病、花肝病。

    Reovirus disease is acute infectious disease with the main pathological characteristics of a number off-white necrosis dot appeared at liver and spleen .

  10. 建立的两种哈维氏弧菌快速检测方法具有操作简单,检出时间短,灵敏度高等优点,为鲈鱼内脏白点病的研究与防治提供了参考。

    The two rapid detection method of Vibrio harveyi method had the virtue of simple operation , short detection time and high sensitivity . It provided a reference for Vibrio harveyi-disease .