
  • 网络white day
  1. Nissl染色结果显示人脑纹状体壳核内侧缘靠近苍白球外节边缘,可见有一条明显的梭形细胞带。

    In the Nissl stained section , there is a distinct fusiform cell zone between the putamen and globus pallidus of the human striatum .

  2. 观察ASL灌注图像,并对病例组和正常对照组的感兴趣区(双侧灰质、白质、基底节区)进行信号强度值定量测量,求其平均值并进行组间比较。

    ASL perfusion images were examined , and the signal intensity values of region of interest ( bilateral gray and white matter , basal ganglia ) of the two groups were quantitatively measured , and mean value were calculated and compared between groups .