
  • 网络Irrigation test;flooding test
  1. 基于田间实测的田间入渗及灌水试验资料,利用灌水沟水流推进、消退过程,求得波涌灌入渗参数K,a,ai和bi,并由此得出波涌灌的入渗模型。

    Based on the data , infiltration parameters k ,α , ai and bi were obtained according to the flow advance and recession course of the stream in the furrow , on the base of which , the model of surge furrow irrigation was set up .

  2. 本工程采用HDPE管材,按屋面雨水斗→支管→水平管→立管的顺序施工,并按规范要求进行灌水试验和通水试验,实践证明效果很好。

    HDPE pipe is used in this project , constructed in sequence of roofing rainwater head , branch pipe , horizontal pipe and vertical pipe . Moreover , water charge test is made in accordance with the code requirement , and practice shows a good effect .

  3. 运用正交试验设计方法在田间进行灌水试验,结果表明:波涌阀前调节阀入口压力是影响波涌阀阀片转换的主导因素;

    The main factor was the entrance pressure of the regulating valve before surge valve to influence the conversion of valve slice of surge valve .

  4. 利用蓄水单坑土壤水分运动试验装置结合负压计进行蓄水单坑灌水试验。

    By using the experimental device of soil moisture movement of single water storage pit and suction gauge , irrigation experiment of single water storage pit are conducted .

  5. 通过在大同县罗庄村玉米地进行洪水灌溉与清水灌溉的大田灌水试验,研究在不同的灌水定额下,用洪水与清水灌溉后,土壤剖面上速效钾的变化规律。

    The field experiment of irrigation with spate and clear water has been conducted in the maize field in Luo-zhuang , Datong . The variation of fast-available potassium in the soil profile has been studied .

  6. 利用蓄水多坑土壤水分水分运动的试验装置进行室内的蓄水多坑灌水试验,通过:射线仪装置测量含水率的分布状况,并观测湿润锋的推进情况。

    The irrigation experiments of multi storage pit were conducted by using the experimental device . The distribution of water contend were measured with y ray apparatus and the movement of moisture front was observed .

  7. 针对以上问题,本试验采用已获得国家专利的拉链式塑料管作为渗灌管,进行棚室蔬菜栽培渗灌灌水试验,以期为拉链式渗灌管在棚室蔬菜生产中提供理论依据和数据支持。

    In view of the above problems , zippered plastic pipes which have obtained patent was adopted as PI pipe in the providing theoretical basis and data support for the application of zippered PI pipes to the vegetable cultivation in shelves .

  8. 温室西红柿滴灌灌水制度试验研究

    Study on Irrigation Regime for Tomato under Trickle Irrigation in Greenhouse

  9. 地膜小麦膜缝灌水技术试验研究

    Experimental Study on Irrigation Technique of Wheat Through Surface Membrane Crack

  10. 石津灌区适宜田间灌水技术试验研究

    Experimental Research on Condign Field-Irrigation Technique in Shijin Irrigation District

  11. 苹果滴灌灌水定额试验研究

    Experimental Study on Application Rate of Apple Drip Irrigation

  12. 浮浮沉沉中的东北东北半干旱地区温室芹菜灌水指标试验研究

    Experiment on the Greenhouse 's Celery Watering in the Semi - Arid Region of Northeast China

  13. 通过有限灌水技术试验证实,穴灌的净增值率高达58.7%。

    The experiment of limited irrigation indicated that the increase in value of den irrigation reached up to 58.7 % .

  14. 水平畦灌灌水技术要素试验研究

    Study on hydraulic factors on furrow irrigation in horizontal direction

  15. 果树地下滴灌灌水技术田间试验研究

    Field test of apple orchard subsurface irrigation techniques

  16. 水稻纹枯病的损失估计及科学灌水控病试验与示范研究

    Damage estimation of rice sheath blight and the disease controlled test and demonstration with comprehensive irrigation method

  17. 对温室樱桃、西红柿进行了滴灌灌水制度的试验研究。

    A experiment was carried out to study the suitable irrigation regime for cherry tomato under trickle irrigation in greenhouse .

  18. 本文通过土壤入渗及灌水技术大田试验研究,指出了西营河灌区土壤入渗的规律、田间灌水质量状况及其改进途径。

    The law of soil infiltration , the current quality of field irrigation and its improvement measures will show results from thd soil infiltration and field irrigation tests in the farmer 's field .

  19. 在控制磷供应水平的条件下,通过营养液培养和控制灌水量的盆栽试验,研究了不同基因型小麦苗期的细胞膜透性、根系脱氢酶活性、SOD活性以及水分利用状况。

    Under controlled phosphorus ( P ) nutrition status , endosmosis permeability , root dehydrogenase activity of foliar , SOD activity and water utilization of different genotypic wheat seedlings were investigated in nutrient solution culture and irrigation controlled basin culture .

  20. 在控制土壤磷素供应水平及控制灌水量的盆栽试验中,采用静态压力室法测定了三叶期大麦根系导水率(Lpr)的变化。

    At different phosphorus levels , pot experiments , in different irrigations ( normal water supply , medium drought stress , drought stress ), were carried out to determine the varieties of root hydraulic conductance ( Lpr ) of barley in a pressure chamber .

  21. 新型微压滴灌灌水器水力性能试验研究

    Experimental Study on Hydraulic Property of Emitters with Tiny Water Pressure

  22. 微灌自压软管毛管灌水均匀度的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Capillary Irrigation Uniformity of Micro-irrigation Gravitational Flexible Hose

  23. 圆柱型迷宫式流道滴灌灌水器平面模型试验研究

    Plane Model of Labyrinth Path Drip Irrigation Column Emitter

  24. 中心支轴式喷灌机关键灌水组件开发及试验研究

    Development of Center Pivot Irrigation System Sprinkler Package and Experimental Study on Low Pressure Spray-head

  25. 通过建立岩体中灌浆管状模型,利用灌浆施工中常用的活塞式灌浆泵,进行了圆管模型灌水(浆)试验。

    The circular tube grouting test was made by the established model of grouting slurry tube in rock mass and using piston type grouting pump commonly used in grouting engineering .

  26. 通过三期的温室樱桃西红柿滴灌灌水制度的田间试验,和两期的温室西红柿施肥的田间试验,提出了适合温室西红柿高效节水滴灌灌水制度和最优施肥模式。

    The high efficiency water saving irrigation regime and optimal fertilizer model were presented , onthe field experiment of three times study on the drip irrigation schedule and twice fertilizer experiment .

  27. 该文依据膜上灌水技术室内外试验数据,分析探讨了膜上灌水对作物生长要素中土壤水、肥、气、热环境的影响。

    Based on inter and extra-ventricular experiment data , the effects of irrigation with mulching on the plant living factors , such as water , soil fertility , air and warm were analyzed .

  28. 本文利用运动波方法建立了自由排水沟尾边界的沟灌水力学数值计算模型,并与田间灌水试验结果进行了比较,一致性良好。

    A hydraulic mathematical model of furrow . irrigation with free draining end boundary was established by using the kinematic-wave method in this paper , and a good agreement between the model result and the field test was found .

  29. 针对塑料大棚盐渍化土壤常用的灌水洗盐方式,通过小区和原状土柱模拟灌水洗盐试验,研究了灌水洗盐降低土壤盐渍化的效果及其通过径流和渗漏流失对水环境的氮磷污染负荷。

    According to typical method of saliferous soil washed by water in protected agriculture , the reduction of saline matter in soil and the water pollution load of nitrogen and phosphorus by runoff and leakage were studied with plot scale experiments and indoor soil column experiments .

  30. 为了研究地膜覆盖栽培技术的灌水和施肥问题,我们以普通塑料薄膜管道为基本材料,进行了地膜小麦膜下灌水施肥试验。

    The problem of irrigation and fertilization in wheat covered with the plastic film was studied by using the plastic film pipe with a number of aperture and put the pipe between the soil surface and the plastic film to let the water and fertilizer get into the soil .