
  1. 基于ANN技术的大型灌区节水改造后农田水环境预测

    Prediction of farmland water environment after reconstruction of water-saving in the large-scale irrigation district based on the ANN technology

  2. 灌区节水改造中防渗渠道断面的优化设计

    Optimal design of anti-seepage channel section for water-saving transformation in irrigation district

  3. 灌区节水改造工程影响质量控制因素的分析

    Analysis on the Quality Influencing Factors of Water-saving Transformation in Irrigation Areas

  4. 灌区节水改造工程的质量控制问题是工程的关键和核心。

    Benefit analysis of the water-saving improvement project in Zaohe Irrigation District ;

  5. 灌区节水改造工程中人工预算单价问题浅析

    Analysis on the Problem of Estimated Unit-price of Labor Cost in Water-economizing Project

  6. 为我国重点中型灌区节水改造提供科学依据。

    For our country major medium-sized irrigation water saving transformation provide the scientific basis .

  7. 为何要赶在新技术革命浪潮前沿?浅谈新疆灌区节水改造的技术措施

    Discussion on the technic measure of reconstructing for saving water in Xinjiang irrigation area

  8. 大型农业灌区节水改造工程实践与效果分析

    Practice and Effect of the Water Saving Reconstructing Engineering in the Large-scale Irrigation District

  9. 对样本灌区节水改造效益的综合主成分进行的正态性检验结果表明,它服从正态分布。

    The analysis on sampling shows that it obeys the law of normal distribution .

  10. 汾河灌区节水改造工程建设监理刍议

    Discussion on the Construction Monitoring of the Water-saving Transformation Engineering in Fenhe Irrigation Area

  11. 加快大型灌区节水改造增加粮食生产能力

    Speeding up Rehabilitation for water saving in Large-scale Irrigation Districts for Increasing Grain Production Capacity

  12. 北方大型灌区节水改造规划的几个问题

    Several Problems about Remake Plan for Water Saving in Large Sized Irrigation District in North China

  13. 灌区节水改造综合评估指标权重确定方法研究

    Study on determination of comprehensive evaluation index weight in irrigation district 's water saving and improvement

  14. 汾河灌区节水改造工程中施工企业资质的探讨

    Probe into Qualification of Construction Enterprises in Water Conservation & Transformation Engineering in Fenhe River Irrigated Area

  15. 防渗抗冻措施在某灌区节水改造中的应用

    On the application of the anti-leakage an anti-freezing measures in the water-saving reform of some irrigation areas

  16. 灌区节水改造综合效益评价和灌溉水资源合理配置研究

    Integrated Benefit Evaluation of Water Saving Improvement in Irrigation Districts and Reasonable Distribution Research of Irrigation Water Resources

  17. 分析了水利工程现场施工现状和特点,就汾河灌区节水改造工程施工现场管理的具体措施展开分析和探讨。

    The paper analyzes the current situation and characteristics and probes into some specific measures to improve Fenhe Irrigation Area .

  18. 基于离差平方和的综合赋权法在灌区节水改造评价中的应用研究

    Application of Comprehensive Weight Method Based on Sum of Squares of Deviations in Evaluation of Water-saving Reconstruction Project in Irrigation District

  19. 为了全面、客观地分析大型灌区节水改造项目实施后的效果,需要对项目进行综合评估。

    It is necessary to comprehensively evaluate water saving improvement project in large-scale irrigation area for analyzing the implemented effect completely and objectively .

  20. 经过5年的国产化过程,在铁路、公路、水利建设中已逐步由研究开发到推广应用,本文对葛沟灌区节水改造工程中土渠土壤固化试验段情况进行介绍。

    It is gradually used in widely railways , highways , and water conservancy project constructions through five years ' study and practice .

  21. 在对评估指标的定量计算进行研究的基础上,制定了一套适用于大型自流灌区节水改造项目的评估标准。

    A set of evaluation standard for water saving improvement project in large-scale canal irrigation area is constituted based on studying quantitative calculation of each indicator .

  22. 论大型灌区节水改造对策阐述了密山灌区选择具有代表性的田块进行水田典型区设计的步骤与方法。

    Countermeasure on reconstruction for large irrigation area This paper discusses the representative field selected to be designed as typical paddy field area by Mishan Irrigation Area .

  23. 目前,国内外对大型灌区节水改造从社会、经济、技术、生态环境等多方面综合效益量化评价方面的研究成果并不多见。

    At present , there are a few research results about quantitative evaluation of integrated benefit from social , economic , technology , ecologic environment at home and abroad .

  24. 因此在构建重点中型灌区节水改造效益评价指标体系时,包括社会效益、经济效益、工程效益、管理效益、生态效益5个方面15个指标。

    So in constructing the water-saving irrigation major medium transformation benefit evaluation index system , including social benefits , engineering benefit , management benefit , ecological benefit four aspects 15 index .

  25. 随着西部大开发和灌区节水改造工程的实施,土地盐碱化问题,已成为影响灌区经济可持续发展的最大障碍。

    Along with the Western Developments and the implementation of saving modification works of irrigation area , and the land salinization has become the largest obstacle influencing the development of irrigated area economy .

  26. 研究大型灌区节水改造综合效益评价问题,对重新认识灌区节水改造的重要性,发现灌区节水改造存在的问题及指导灌区开展后评估工作是十分必要的。

    Study on water-saving reform integrated benefit evaluation of water saving reform is very necessary for recognizing the importance of water saving reform , found the existing problems and guide the irrigation development assessment .

  27. 研究灌区节水改造综合效益评价及地面水与地下水联合调度问题,对指导灌区节水改造项目后评估和保障灌区水资源可持续利用是十分必要的。

    Study on the integrated benefit evaluation of water saving improvement in irrigation distracts ( IDs ) and the problem of associated regulation with surface water and groundwater is very necessary for guiding the after-evaluation of water saving improvement project and ensuring sustainable utilization of water resources in IDs .

  28. 通过对策研究,将该对策应用于项目实际,达到灌区项目节水改造后的可持续发展。

    Through the countermeasure research , used the countermeasure in the actual project , achieve in sustainable development at the water saving improvement irrigation .

  29. 自1997年开始实施农业综合开发中型灌区节水配套改造项目,截止到2010年我国共安排支持了332个重点中型灌区节水配套改造项目。

    Since 1997 implement comprehensive agricultural development medium-sized irrigation water saving supporting reconstruction project , by 2010 China for the support of 332 major medium-sized irrigation water saving supporting reconstruction project .

  30. 大型灌区现状和节水改造紧迫程度评价

    Evaluation of Present Situation of Large-Sized Irrigation Districts and Urgency of Water Saving Reform