
  1. 凡是性质严重的土地违法行为,几乎都涉及政府。

    All of the serious land illegal behaviors , almost involving governments .

  2. 土地违法行为是我国社会转型期失范现象之一。

    Violation of land law is one of the anomie phenomenon during Chinese transitional period .

  3. 从四个方面构建了遏制土地违法行为的机制:一是预防机制。

    This article constructs mechanisms from the four aspects to curb land violations : First , prevention mechanisms .

  4. 土地违法行为在内部制度成因方面,存在着土地供给制度的缺陷和土地收益分配制度缺陷。

    Land illegal behavior exists defects of the system of land supply and land income distribution system defects in the internal institutional factors .

  5. 因变量土地违法行为,是指社会个体由于社会其他影响或行为投射而产生的共生性与共时性违法行为。

    Dependent variable land illegal act refers to the individual symbiotic and synchronic illegal behaviors are formed by social factors and general projection .

  6. 因此,我国的土地违法行为具有浓重的行政性,其本质就是地方政府土地违法问题。

    So these illegal land cases in our country have rich administrative quality and their essence is local governments ' violation of land laws .

  7. 这也从相反的侧面验证了,在社会转型期,人们价值观越来越物质化,迷乱彷徨,土地违法行为相应增加。

    This also from the opposite side verified , in the period of social transition , people more and more materialistic values , land illegal behavior is increasing .

  8. 随着治理力度的不断加强,地方政府的土地违法行为有所抑制,但总体形势依然严峻。

    The local governments ' land law violations have been gotten under control to certain extent with the continuous strengthening of governing ; however , the overall situation is still rigorous .

  9. 第四部分对引发地方政府土地违法行为的原因进行了剖析,指出了地方政府土地违法的一般原因及其法律和制度方面的深层次原因。

    In chapter 4 , the reasons of illegal land administration of local government are anatomized . The general causes and the deep-seated reasons in legal and institutional aspects are analyzed .

  10. 在土地违法行为屡禁不止的同时,地方政府成为土地违法主体使我国土地违法形势更为严峻。

    While land law violations are difficult to be prohibited , local government becoming the main subject of illegal land use makes the situation of land law violations in China more severe .

  11. 土地违法行为的空间蔓延趋势较为明显,违法现象的空间分布呈现出由东部逐步向中部和西部地区蔓延的态势。

    It also shows significant spatial propagation trend in land law violations and the spatial distribution of land law violations has gradually spread from the eastern regions to the central and western regions .

  12. 土地违法行为的外部制度成因,重点在于包括中央与地方的利益取向不同、地方政府的绩效考核制度缺陷和农村基层治理制度缺陷三个方面。

    The external system cause of Land violations come from three aspects including the difference between government and the local interest orientation , the local government performance evaluation system defects and rural grassroots governance system defects .

  13. 本命题从宏观视角描述为:在社会转型期,土地违法行为主要由于价值观念的改变、社会分层结构的失衡与断裂而产生的社会紧张。

    This thesis from the macroscopic perspective described as : land illegal behavior mainly due to changes in values , social stratification structure imbalance and fracture , resulting in social tensions in the period of social transition .

  14. 其基本的理论内涵是:我国转型期土地违法行为,重要原因是我国转型期内社会结构组成(价值观、社会规范)无法有效缓解的矛盾及这种矛盾在社会个体生活中的投射。

    Its theoretical connotation : land illegal in Chinese transitional time mainly due to the rapid social transition period social structure ( value , specification ), unable to ease the contradiction and its projection in individual life .

  15. 第四,在分析土地违法行为的制度成因的基础上,针对产生土地违法行为的原因进行了遏制土地违法行为的相关机制设计,进而明确了相关主体的责任。

    These are all become illegal land system for the ongoing case . Fourth , based on the analysis of the system causes of the land violations , we make the relevant mechanism design which can against the land violations , and further clear the responsibility of the relevant subjects .

  16. 本文采用微观调研数据,构建结构方程模型并进行实证检验,分析当前地方政府土地违法治理对象的行为动机。

    By means of the micro survey data , this dissertation established a structural equation model for verification and to analyze the behavioral motive of the control objects of local governments ' land law violations at present .

  17. 第六十九条有关单位和个人对县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门就土地违法行为进行的监督检查应当支持与配合,并提供工作方便,不得拒绝与阻碍土地管理监督检查人员依法执行职务。

    Article 69 Units or individuals concerned should provide active support and cooperation to land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level in their supervision and examination of violations to land administration and provide all the conveniences to facilitate but not in any way refuse or obstruct their work in such a regard .

  18. 主要包括建立土地管理的共同责任机制、建立土地违法行为的问责机制。

    It mainly Includes the establishment of a common land management accountability mechanisms 、 the establishment of the land violations of the " accountability " mechanisms .

  19. 土地督察制度的实施对于减少地方政府土地违法行为、降低地方政府违法比重有显著影响。

    The implementation of land supervision system is significantly effective in decreasing land law violations of local government and its proportion in the law violation subject structure .

  20. 因此,必须从建立公开透明的土地市场、界定政府的行政空间和职能范围、提高行政行为的透明度、加大土地违法行为的查处力度等方面入手,规范政府行政行为,促进土地市场的健康发展。

    Therefore , this paper argues , government actions must be regulated to promote healthy development of land market by establishing transparent and open land market , defining government administration scope , increasing administrative clarity and punishing illegal deeds .