
  • 网络Turkish carpet;Turkish rug
  1. 我想创办一家进口土耳其地毯的公司。

    I 'm thinking of floating a company to import Turkish carpet .

  2. 一张土耳其地毯盖在长椅的靠背上。

    A Turkish rug lay draped over the back of the settee .

  3. 那是间富丽堂皇的大屋子,有紫色的椅子和帷幔,一条土耳其地毯。

    It was a large , stately apartment , with purple chairs and curtains , a Turkey carpet .

  4. 这次他们谈的是一笔大生意,即要在一艘船上装载土耳其地毯,勒旺绒布和克什米尔毛织品。

    This time it was a great matter that was under discussion , connected with a vessel laden with Turkey carpets , stuffs of the Levant , and cashmeres .

  5. 我容身的牢房地板上本可以铺上九乘十一针的土耳其地毯的,但这样一来也就把他们数十年来所沉积在木地板上的脚底板的污秽陈迹给掩盖住咯。

    The floor of my cell could have been covered by a nine-by-twelve rug , but that would have hidden the decades of filth that had left their stamp upon the wooden floor .

  6. 天花板上悬下一盏突尼斯琉璃灯,式样和色彩都很美丽,脚下是土耳其地毯,软得陷及脚背;

    From the ceiling hung a lamp of Venetian glass , of beautiful shape and color , while the feet rested on a Turkey carpet , in which they sunk to the instep ;

  7. 提示:枝形吊灯是埃及捐赠的,蓝色瓷砖来自土耳其,地毯产自伊朗,彩花玻璃则来自摩洛哥。

    Hint : Egypt donated the chandelier , the blue tiles are from Turkey , the carpets are Iranian and the stained glass came from Morocco .