
tǔ háo
  • local tyrant
土豪 [tǔ háo]
  • [local tyrant] 旧社会农村中有钱有势的地主或地方上的恶霸豪绅

  • 打土豪,分田地

土豪[tǔ háo]
  1. 土豪生活就是富人所拥有的一种奢侈的生活方式。

    Jet setting lifestyle refers to a lavish1 lifestyle the rich leads .

  2. 乐家中国的管理人员表示,苹果(Apple)去年在华发布金色iPhone后,土豪金马桶就开始走红了。

    Roca 's China manager says the tuhaojin toilet became popular after Apple launched a golden iPhone in China last year .

  3. 这个显示社会地位的标识由汤姆福特(TomFord)上世纪90年代担任古驰创意总监时首推,但它当时是土豪的标志。

    The logo was first made a status symbol under Tom Ford in the early 1990s . Back then , it was a symbol of raw materialism .

  4. 从人民日报社的新大楼到明星大腕纸醉金迷的婚礼,到新款的金色iPhone,一切都可以被形容为土豪。

    It 's being used to describe everything from the new People 's Daily building , to expensive celebrity weddings full of bling , and the new gold-coloured iPhone .

  5. 在iPhone5s的土豪金颜色选择或指纹识别功能引发的喧哗骚动之外,人们没有意识到这款手机是拍照手机的一个转折点。

    Lost in the hype and hubbub around the 5s 's gold option or fingerprint sensor is that it marks a turning point in camera phones .

  6. 也确实应该有公共充电站了:中国是世界第二大电动车辆市场,许多土豪斥巨资购买了市面上最酷的绿色能源汽车——特斯拉S型(TeslamodelS)。

    And about time too : China is the world 's second-largest market for electric vehicles , and nouveau riche renminbi have poured into purchases of the Tesla model S , the coolest green motorcar on the block .

  7. 苹果新品iPhone5S上周五上市出售,同其他两款颜色相比,土豪金色的iPhone5S受到消费者的如潮追捧。

    Early buyers of the iPhone 5S , which went on sale Friday morning , appear to be overwhelmingly choosing the gold-colored model over the two other color options .

  8. 来自诺丁汉大学的当代中国研究学院教授曾锐生表示,土豪有点像是法语中nouveauriche暴发户,但指代更消极,还稍嫌粗俗。

    It 's like the term nouveau riche , says Professor Steve Tsang at the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies in Nottingham - but has even more negative connotations , suggesting a certain vulgarity .

  9. 是由意大利制造的土豪级建设自行车

    and it 's a luxury exercise bike made in Italy .

  10. 他是一群土豪恶棍中唯一一个堂堂正正的英国人。

    He is the one righteous Englishman in a horde of tyrants .

  11. 土豪很有可能被你吸引哦!

    Rich men will likely be attracted by you .

  12. 作为一个南非土豪,我只能在精神层面上理解你……

    As a fellow South African , I feel this on a spiritual level .

  13. 禅师说,不是我是想说,土豪,我们可以做朋友吗?

    The Zen master says , No Tuhao , can I become your friend ?

  14. 如何成为土豪的朋友:

    Suggestions on how to befriend tuhao :

  15. 推荐一下他那些土豪的朋友们

    offer up his famous friends .

  16. 他说:全世界有着越来越多的土豪。

    He said : ' In the whole world there are more and more rich people .

  17. 岛屿:新的土豪象征

    Islands : New wealth symbols

  18. 富农中亦常有较小的土豪、劣绅。

    Minor local tyrants and evil gentry are also very often to be found among the rich peasants .

  19. 土豪们的挥霍炫富似乎是没有节制的。

    There seems to be no limit to the extremes people will go to show off their wealth .

  20. 这些问题可能会让全球“土豪”望而却步,而其他富豪则可能不会介意。

    Those things may deter some of the world 's nouveaux riches . Others probably do not care .

  21. 九月份上旬以来,土豪一词在中国社交网络上出现了1亿多次。

    There have been more than 100 million references to the word tuhao on social media since early September .

  22. 例如,土豪和大妈都是老词,但已获取了新的意义。

    Tuhao and dama , for example , are both old words , but they get different meanings now .

  23. 现在大家普遍把有钱人称做“土豪”,意思是光鲜亮丽而没修养的群体。

    There is the general perception that rich Chinese are a tuhao , a group that displays uncivilized splendor .

  24. 还有那些住大别墅的土豪搞出了“卧室税”这么个玩意折腾残疾人

    Aye , and the posh dicks in their mansions who came up with the fucking bedroom tax for disabled ...

  25. 作为著名旅游胜地,土豪移民之国,摩纳哥是世界上最富裕的地区之一。

    A popular tourist destination and home to super-rich immigrants , Monaco is one of the wealthiest places on earth .

  26. 土豪通常娶知书达理的女人为妻,而不是选择那些曝光率较高的明星,以免家长里短。

    Tuhao prefer virtuous women as wives rather than high-profile celebrities , since celebrities are more likely to attract gossip .

  27. 从梁陈之际开始,南方内地的土豪,也成为割据的一方势力。

    Beginning at the time of the Xiao Liang and the Chen , the southern landlords also became overwhelming local powers .

  28. 在过去的24小时里,常乘飞机旅行的国际土豪们在网上论坛里吐槽自己旅行中最荒唐的错误。

    The internet 's international jetsetters have spent the past 24 hours revealing their silliest travelling clangers on an online forum .

  29. 许多中国人现在会说自己是土豪的反面:有文化、很时尚,鄙视挥霍消费。

    Many Chinese would now say they consider themselves the antithesis of tuhao & educated , fashionable , and disdainful of conspicuous consumption .

  30. 大土豪、大劣绅、大军阀、大官僚、大买办们的主意早就打定了。

    The big local tyrants and evil gentry , the big warlords and the big bureaucrats and compradors have long made up their minds .