
tǔ sī
  • native silk
  1. 结晶器内喂稀土丝的方法及作用

    The method of feeding rare earth wire in mould and its effect

  2. 从楚墓出土丝织品的色彩看楚人尚红

    Color Preference Revealed by Silk Fabrics from Chu Tombs

  3. 德安宋墓出土丝织品与服饰初探

    A Preliminary Investigation on the Silk Fabrics and Clothing Ornaments Unearthed from the Song Tomb at Delan

  4. 文章对定陵地宫的发掘经过,及出土丝织品和服饰的研究整理成果作了介绍。

    This paper presents the excavation , collation and research of those unearthed silk fabrics and garment .

  5. 检验了稀土加入量对钢中氧含量、钢的晶粒度、钢中夹杂物状况以及对钢材冲击韧性的影响。提出在结晶器内喂稀土丝的工艺及稀土的合适加入量为0.10%~1.12%。

    The effects of rare earth quantity added into steel on oxygen content in steel , grain size , inclusions and impact property are inspected , and the appropriate addition quantity is found to be 0.10 % ~ 0.12 % in the process of feeding rare earth wires into mould .