
  • 网络Soil drainage;soil draining
  1. 土壤排水畅通,鼻涕虫就不会造成什么麻烦。

    The soil drains freely and slugs aren 't a problem .

  2. 有蚯蚓的比没有蚯蚓的土壤排水快4-10倍。

    Soils with earthworms drain from four to ten times faster than soils without earthworms .

  3. 土壤排水良好,水分充足。

    The drainage of the soil is good , and the moisture of the soil is sufficient .

  4. 受地下水位波动影响,土壤排水程度中等,有机质、磷和钾含量低(表2、3)。

    They are moderately well drained with a fluctuating water table and contain low amounts of organic matter , phosphorus and potassium and .

  5. 本文根据田间土壤排水试验的观测数据,初步探讨了地下水浅埋区土壤水分运动参数的确定方法。

    A parameter estimation method of determing water retention and hydraulic permeability functions simultaneously from field drainage experiment was discussed for the zone where a shallow groundwater table is prevailing .

  6. 早稻试验在绍兴采用土壤排水,而在富阳采用深厚水层方法,晚稻试验两地都用土壤排水方法。

    In the experiments , soil drainage method was used at Shaoxing and deep water method at Fuyang for early rice , and soil drainage method was adopted at both sites for late rice .

  7. 上海郊区土壤的排水问题

    The drainage problem of the soils in the suburbs of Shanghai

  8. 迪克耐心地解释土壤、排水和工人工资等事情。

    Dick was patiently explaining about soils and drains and native wages .

  9. 水田土壤的排水主要发生在水稻生长的5~10月,泥沙流失和养分流失也主要出现在这一时期。

    Drainage of paddy field was mainly occurred May to October , duration of rice growth , loss of soil and nutrients also mainly appeared in this period .

  10. 在水稻栽培管理中,免耕稻田应及时清理沟系,保持农田排灌系统的畅通,以提高土壤内排水能力;

    In rice cultivation management , the irrigation and drainage system in zero-tillage rice fields should be kept unblocked , inorder to enhance the drainage ability of soil .

  11. 地面积水情况下层状土壤的水平排水

    Horizontal ditch drainage for layered soil with surface ponded water percolated

  12. 丰富和潮湿的土壤,如排水良好的冲积土壤,不支持檀香很好,在这些树木心材将在石油不足。

    Rich and moist soils such as well – drained alluvial soils , do not support sandalwood well ; the heartwood in such trees will be deficient in oil .

  13. 提出基于无限坡模型的边坡生态防护计算模型,并依据活性土壤技术、排水保水保肥技术、边坡特征及植被景观要素进行生态护坡的分析设计。

    The calculation model for ecological slope protection based on " infinite slope " model is given and ecological slope protection is analyzed and designed according to nutritious soil technique , irrigation and drainage technique , slope characteristics and key factors of vegetation view .

  14. 沟灌条件下层状土壤入渗与排水实验研究

    Experiment Research on Infiltration and Drainage in Layered Soil Under Furrow Irrigation

  15. 种植土豆最好的土壤应肥沃、排水良好、不太湿。

    For potatoes , the best soil is fertile and well drained , not wet .

  16. 宏观上,在将灌溉水系统、地下水系统、土壤水系统和排水系统相结合的基础上,结合灌区监测资料,分析灌区内总体的盐分转移情况。

    On macroscopic , the salt transfer within the irrigation area was analyzed using the monitoring data and integrating the irrigation system , the groundwater system , the soil water system and the drainage system .

  17. 对地下水位高或土壤黏重的油桃园,要改良土壤,及时排水。

    Tall to subterranean water level or soil is sticky heavy nectarine garden , want improved soil , seasonable catchment .