
fàng fēng
  • let in fresh air;spread news;let prisoners out for exercise or to relieve themselves;leak certain information;spread news or rumours
放风 [fàng fēng]
  • (1) [let in fresh air]∶使空气流通

  • (2) [let prisoners out for exercise or to relieve themselves]∶监狱里定时让犯人到院子里散步或上厕所叫放风

  • (3) [leak certain information;spread news]∶向人透露或散布消息

放风[fàng fēng]
  1. 规定有所放宽,犯人可以出去短暂放风。

    The regulations were relaxed and the prisoners could get out and about a bit .

  2. 有人放风说东西要涨价了。

    It was rumoured that prices would be raised .

  3. 傍晚由于群体光合作用降低,加上放风结束,CO2浓度又有小幅度的回升。

    In dusk for photosynthesis of colony descended and closing the air door , CO_2 concentration rising in small degree .

  4. 中午由于群体光合作用增加和放风的影响,CO2浓度降至最低;

    At noon for letting in fresh air and photosynthesis of colony enhanced , the CO_2 concentration descend to the lowest ;

  5. 本文分析了番茄长季节栽培日光温室内CO2浓度的变化,结果表明:在不放风的条件下,日光温室内的CO2浓度存在着垂直差异和水平差异;

    The changes of CO_2 concentration in solar greenhouse during the long & season tomato cultivation were analyses . The results showed that there were vertical and horizontal differences of CO_2 concentration in solar greenhouse without ventilation .

  6. 结果表明:①晴天不放风情况下,PAR、温度和CO2浓度日变化模拟较好,上午番茄单叶光合速率的模拟效果好于下午;

    The simulated values were compared with the observed values , and the results showed : ① On fine day and no ventilation , PAR , air temperature and CO_ 2 concentration were well simulated , photosynthetic rate was well simulated in the morning .

  7. 每次放风的时候,总有一群犯人围在那里。

    Every yard period , a group of prisoners gathered there .

  8. 刚才放风?的时间太短了!

    What a short time I had flying the kite !

  9. 他放风说,他不愿做这样的事。

    He put it about that he would do no such thing .

  10. 对紧急放风阀动态特性的研究

    Study on the dynamic characteristics of emergency vent valve s

  11. 他们到处放风说,他要退出内阁。

    They put it about that he will resign from the cabinet .

  12. 我看见你和他在放风的时候说话了你说没新发现?

    I seen you talking to him in the yard and the geezer .

  13. 免旁路放风高硫碱比物料工艺配方研究

    Study on technical formula of high sulfur alkali ratio materials by bypass free process

  14. 国外某水泥工厂的旁路放风装置

    By - pass System Application in Cement Plant

  15. 囚犯每天可以放风两小时。

    The prisoners are allowed out of their cells for two hours a day .

  16. 每天去放风的时候我都经过教堂。

    Every day on my way to the yard , I waiked by the chapei .

  17. 我就带他出去转转,放放风。

    I 'm just going to take him out for a bit . Run him .

  18. 目前国内外主要使用旁路放风技术解决这个问题,但是都没有对其进行深入的研究。

    At present , domestic and overseas commonly used by-pass technology to solve this problem .

  19. 高炉冷风放风阀传动装置故障对策

    Countermeasures of Failure of the Device of BLow Down Valve for Cold Air of the Blast Furnace

  20. 介绍了高炉用新型冷风放风阀的结构特点和工作原理。

    Herein introduce the structural feature and operating principle of new-style cold blast snort valve of blast furnace .

  21. 放风时酸度较大的,成品曲酸度相对稍高。

    Due to the highest acidity value during ventilation , the acidity of product daqu was comparatively higher .

  22. 麦道夫与一位高龄囚犯进行的肢体冲突发生在监狱的运动场附近,当时现场有20名囚犯正在那里放风。

    The fight occurred near a ball field of the prison in front of20 inmates during a rare time .

  23. 高炉用冷风放风阀本文推导了空气制动机中的一种紧急放风阀的数学模型。

    A mathematical model for a type of emergency vent valves used in airbrakes is derived in this paper .

  24. 电液控制机构在主风机放风阀和防阻塞阀的技术应用及分析

    Technical application and analysis of electro liquid control mechanism on bleed valve and anti jamming valve for main air compressor

  25. 带孩子到花园或公园去放放风,和他们谈你所看到的东西。

    Take your child to explore in a garden or a park and talk to them about what you see .

  26. 那条狗获得了特权,定期会被放风,不过它似乎很乐意回到监狱。

    The dog receives special privileges . He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return .

  27. 如果生料中的氯离子含量超过万分之十五,则应该使用旁路放风系统。

    A by-pass system should be used if the content of chloride anion in raw meal is greater than ( over ) 0.015 % .

  28. 他们做了这个研究称,囚犯每天放风呆在外面的时间比小孩都要多两个小时。

    And they did this study and it said , that at two hours a day , prisoners get more outside time than children .

  29. 彭老婆子又四处放风,说杏花跟一个八路军战士私奔了,企图以此来平息人们对杏花突然失踪的议论。

    Old Lady Peng , to quiet talk over Fortunate Flower 's disappearance , said she had run off with a soldier of the8th Route Army .

  30. 介绍了国外某水泥厂旁路放风装置的设计思想、工艺流程、操作参数和使用效果。

    This paper introduced the design strategy , process diagram , operation parameter and application results of a by-pass system installed in a cement plant in Japan .