
  • 网络Depth Of Discharge;DoD;Depth of discharge DOD
  1. 结果表明,正极活性物质中加入一定量的硫酸钙和邻苯二甲酸降低了电池175%放电深度循环寿命;

    Results showed that addition of certain amount of CaSO_4 and phthalic acid in PAM ( positive active material ) reduced 17.5 % DOD cycle life ;

  2. 正极活性物质中加入适量的石墨明显改善电池低温起动性能,提高电池初期容量和175%放电深度循环寿命。

    While with addition of suitable amount of graphite in PAM , the cold cranking performance , the initial capacity and 17.5 % DOD cycle life was remarkably improved .

  3. 若加装光学尺Z轴具有零点输出功能放电深度的设定及变更容易。

    The Z axis is provided with zero output to facilitate the setting and changing of electrical charging depth if installed with optical ruler .

  4. MH-Ni蓄电池在不同放电深度下的阻抗行为

    Electrochemical impedance behavior of Ni-MH battery under different depth of discharge

  5. 放电深度(DOD)、放电速率、循环次数对MHNi电池的记忆效应影响很大。

    The memory effect of MH Ni battery was investigated . The depth of discharge , discharge rate and cycle number influence the memory effect greatly .

  6. 结果表明:(1)随放电深度的增加,电荷传递阻抗R3先减小后增大;

    The results shows : ( 1 ) charge-transfer resistance R3 decreases at first and then increases with the increasing of DOD ;

  7. RE(NiCoMnTi)5合金不同放电深度下的交流阻抗谱

    AC Impedance of RE ( NiCoMnTi ) _5 Alloy under Different Depth of Discharge

  8. 在部分荷电状态(PSOC)下采用不同的充电模式,进行了100%放电深度的对比试验,同时对失效单体电池进行了容量恢复实验。

    Under the partial state of charge ( PSOC ) condition , the experiments for 100 % depth of discharge were carried out by using different charging algorithms .

  9. 虽然不同放电深度的该合金电极EN信号有明显的区别,但其功率密度谱(PSD)曲线均由低频区的白噪音和高频区的闪烁噪音组成。

    PSD ( Power Spectral Density ) curves of EN for the alloy with various DOD are composed of white noise at low frequency and flick noise ( 1 / f α noise ) at high frequency , though their EN are seriously different .

  10. 随放电深度的增大,锰的第一近邻的配位数减小,Mn-O键键长增大。

    With the increasing of the depth of discharge , the coordination numbers of the first shell decreased and the Mn O distance increased .

  11. 特别在寿命特性方面,着重阐述了电池组在模拟GEO,79%DOD下40个阴影期间最大放电深度时终止电压变化特性,电池组容量变化以及第3阴影期和第36阴影期放电终止电压变化情况。

    Especially in life performance respect it emphasizes the EOD potential characteristic in simulated GEO , 79 % DOD and the maximum DOD of 40 eclipse season s , the capacity change and the EOD potential change of the 3rd and 36th eclipse season of the batteries .

  12. 本文用化学分析方法研究了在固定的电流强度50A,不同的放电深度(100%,50%,20%)放电后椭圆形密封铅酸蓄电池正极板的电流密度分布。

    This paper studies the electrical distribution on positive electrode surface of sealed lead - acid battery when the electrical current intensity is 50A and the discharge depth is 100 % , 50 % and 20 % respectively .

  13. 在一定的放电深度范围内,电池具有较好的循环充放电可逆性。

    Within certain range , the battery possessed good reversibility of charge - discharge .

  14. 该模型考虑了放电深度和放电速率对电池寿命的影响。

    This model uses depth and rate of discharge and to estimate battery lifetime .

  15. 试验结果表明,试验温度对蓄电池循环放电深度有较大的影响。

    Test results show that the depth of discharge may be influenced by temperature during cycling .

  16. 分析了温度对电池容量的影响和放电深度与循环次数的关系;

    The effect of temperature on the battery capacity and the relation of recycle number and degree of discharge were analysed .

  17. 在40℃水浴中以25%放电深度循环128次后。

    After the battery was cycled 128 times at deep 25 % of discharge in the water bath of 40 ℃ .

  18. 当高铁电池的放电深度为35%时,其循环寿命可达150次以上。

    The cycle life of Zn-super-iron (ⅵ) battery is up to more than 150 times at 35 % depth of discharge .

  19. 在独立光伏系统设计中,目前国内普遍采用的计算蓄电池容量的公式不尽合理。本文根据能量平衡方程和放电深度要求,通过对光伏系统工作状态的分析,提出一种实用的设计方法。

    His paper presents a practical design method for sizing the stand-alone PV system according to the energy balance equation and the demand on DOD .

  20. 着重介绍了蓄电池和充电器之间的匹配和优化以及蓄电池放电深度与循环寿命之间的关系。

    The matching and optimization between batteries and their chargers as well as the relationship between the discharge depth and the cycle life were described in this paper .

  21. 试验了3种正极活性物质添加剂石墨、硫酸钙、邻苯二甲酸对铅酸蓄电池初期性能及175%放电深度循环寿命的影响。

    Influence of positive additives , namely graphite , calcium sulfate and phthalic acid on the initial performance and 17.5 % DOD ( depth of discharge ) cycle life of lead-acid battery was experimented .

  22. 不同充放电深度测试表明,人造石墨用作工作电极的不可逆容量主要由溶剂在表面的不可逆分解和石墨内部晶格的缺陷所致;

    The charge / discharge curves as a function of the state of charge indicate that irreversible capacities loss was caused by solvent decomposition on AG surface and intercalation into irreversible carbon sites inside the AG .

  23. 通过改变相应放电深度的简便计算方法,即可得到相应于不同负载缺电率的一系列光伏方阵与蓄电池容量组合,从而确定最佳的方阵和蓄电池容量。

    With the simple calculation method of changing correlative depth of discharge , a series of array / storage combination corresponding to different LOLP can be achieved , thus optimum PV array and storage battery capacity can be obtained .

  24. 电池组容量衰减程度与不一致度随着充放电深度的增加而呈扩大趋势,在实际使用过程中,应尽量避免电池组的长期的深度放电。

    Capacity fade and inconsistent of the battery pack degree with the increase with the depth of the charge and discharge and the tendency was expanding , in practical application , long-term depth discharge of the battery pack should be avoided .

  25. 通过分析麦斯三定律,指出铅酸蓄电池充电接受能力与放电电流及放电深度的关系。

    With the analysis of three Mas Regulations , the correlation between charge acceptance of lead-acid batteries and its discharge current and discharge depth is elucidated .

  26. 锌电极作为锌/空气电池的阳极,其性能的好坏将直接影响电池的放电性能(输出功率、循环寿命、放电深度等)和贮藏性能。

    As the anode materials of alkaline zinc air battery , zinc electrode influences the electro-performance ( output power , cycling life , depth of discharge ) and store performance of battery .

  27. 同时采用不同的测试方法测试了不同动力电池的充放电效率,分析了不同放电率和不同放电深度对电池效率的影响。

    Different battery efficiency including Pb-lead and NiMH were determined by different methods and the effects of different depth of discharge and different charging and discharging rates was analyzed .

  28. 通过研究不同放电条件下镀锡钢板的光谱行为,确定了具有较好深度分辨率的放电条件,建立了镀锡钢板的辉光放电发射光谱定量深度分析方法。

    Discharge conditions at which depth profile analysis of tinplate had good depth resolution were selected by researching spectrometric behaviors of tinplate at different discharge conditions .

  29. 在放电过程中,贮氢电极表面电化学反应阻抗随放电深度增加而减小,当放电深度大于80%时电化学反应阻抗又增大。

    Electrochemical reaction impedance of the MH electrode decreased with the increase of depth of discharge , and increased when the DOD was above 80 % in discharge process .

  30. 从理论上对动力电池充放电效率的不同测试方法进行了分析,建立了电池充放电效率的测试模型,提出了直流脉冲法快速测试电池在不同放电率和放电深度下的充放电效率。

    The different test methods of traction battery efficiency were analyzed theoretically and the efficiency test models were setup . A test method called DC pulse was brought up to test the charging and discharging efficiency under different depth of discharge and different discharge rates .