
  • 网络Discharge Rate;firing rate
  1. 在0.1、0.2、0.5和1C的充放电速率下,研究了材料的比容量和循环稳定性的变化。

    The capacity and cycle performance were studied at the charge and discharge rate of C / 10 , C / 5 , C / 2 and 1C .

  2. 放电深度(DOD)、放电速率、循环次数对MHNi电池的记忆效应影响很大。

    The memory effect of MH Ni battery was investigated . The depth of discharge , discharge rate and cycle number influence the memory effect greatly .

  3. RVM中的细胞放电速率(cellfiringrate,CFR)的变化可用作应用止血带时引起的痛觉刺激的监测指标。

    Cell firing rate ( CFR ) of RVM can be used as the monitoring index of tourniquet pain .

  4. 神经细胞Ca2+内流及脑内5HT、NE、DA等神经递质的变化影响了神经细胞放电速率,从而影响脑电节律。

    The Ca ~ ( 2 + ) influx and neurotransmitters can change the discharge frequency of neurons , thereby influence the brain wave rhythm .

  5. 电极材料LiY0.02Mn1.98O4显示了最优的电化学性能,在02C放电速率下,其初始放电容量为118mA·h·g-1100次循环后仍能保持初始容量的98%

    The electrode of LiY_ 0.02Mn _ 1.98O_4 shows excellent electrochemical properties with a first discharge capacity of 118 mA · h · g - 1 and retaining 98 % of the initial capacity after 100 cycles at the current rate 0.2 C.

  6. 材料在0.1C的充放电速率下,首次充放电曲线具有平稳的电压平台和较大的充放电容量。

    When batteries were cycled at a rate of 0.1 C , the charge and discharge curves showed flat work voltages and large capacities .

  7. 用2.83%MgO处理的材料,在0.5C放电速率下,循环20次后,25℃与55℃下的容量保持率分别为96%和90%以上。

    The capacity retention of samples modified with 2.83 % MgO is more than 96 % after 20 cycles at 25 ℃ at the current rate 0.5C , and more than 90 % after same cycles at 55 ℃ at the current rate 0.5C .

  8. 本文指出了降低电池自放电速率应采取的措施,对锌&溴电池的设计和操作都具实际意义。

    The methods to reduce self-discharge in a cell have been also pointed out and they are practically useful for the design and operation of Zn-Br cell .

  9. 这种新型的电子器件有着比蓄电池高10倍以上的功率密度和100倍以上的充放电速率。

    This new kind of electronic component has over ten times of power density and more than a hundred limes of charge and discharge velocity than storage batteries .

  10. 颗粒尺寸大的钴酸锂粉末比表面积小,电化学反应的活性低,导致充放电速率慢且能量密度较低。

    The larger particle sizes not only have smaller surface areas that limit electrochemical reactivity , but also lead to slower charging and discharging rates and lower power density .

  11. 不同锂源含量的钛酸锂材料均具有较好的循环性能,在不同的充放电速率下经过30次循环,容量保持率均能保持在96%以上。

    All the samples have an excellent cycle performance both for heat-treatment in air and Ar. After 30 cycles at various charge-discharge rate , the retention efficiency of capacity can keep above 96 % .

  12. 研究了Co,Mn,Al等取代元素对Mm-Ni基贮氢合金放电温度和速率特性的影响。

    The influence of Co , Mn and Al as the replacement elements on the performance of Mm-Ni based hydrogen storage electrode alloys at different temperature and different discharging rate has been studied .

  13. 该模型考虑了放电深度和放电速率对电池寿命的影响。

    This model uses depth and rate of discharge and to estimate battery lifetime .

  14. 碳电极充放电容量与充放电速率成负相关关系,对聚苯树脂碳电极在1.0A/m2电流密度下的稳定充放电容量高达580A·h/kg。

    And the charge-discharge capacity of carbon electrodes varied inversely with charge-discharge velocity . The stable charge-discharge capacity of carbon electrodes derived from poly ( p-phenylene ) resin could reach 580 mA · h / g when the charge-discharge current density was 1 0 A / m 2 .

  15. 结果表明,恒压时间越长,超级电容器的放电电容越大,自放电速率越低。

    The result shows that the longer is the time of constant potential , the bigger is the discharge capacitance and the lower is the self-discharge rate .

  16. 结果表明,表面修饰有效地抑制了LiNi0.8Co0.2O2和电解液之间的恶性相互作用,材料的实际比容量提高,充放电循环稳定性改善,自放电速率减小。

    It was shown that the surface modification effectively reduced the harmful interactions between the LiNi 0.8 Co 0.2 O 2 and the electrolyte . The surface modified LiNi 0.8 Co 0.2 O 2 cathode material had increased actual specific capacity , stabilized cycling performance and reduced self discharge .

  17. 高压脉冲放电降解水溶液中4-氯酚过程的数学模型(Ⅰ)氧气放电形成臭氧的速率计算

    Mathematical model of 4-chlorophenol degradation in aqueous solution by pulsed high-voltage discharge (ⅰ) Calculation of formation rate of ozone due to oxygen discharge