
  • 网络discharge rate;discharging rate;firing rate
  1. 2)阈上10dB(SPL)放电率抑制百分比与神经元最佳频率(BF)及记录深度呈负相关;

    2 ) Percent inhibition in firing rate at 10 dB above MT decreased with increasing either best frequencies ( BFs ) or recording depth significantly .

  2. 盐酸二氢埃托啡对大鼠蓝斑放电率的影响

    Influence of dihydroetorphine on locus coeruleus firing rate in rats

  3. 将24h动态脑电图对儿童发作性疾病的异常率、痫样放电率与常规脑电图、CT或MRI结果进行对比分析。

    Comparison of abnormal rate and epileptiform discharge of paroxysmal disorder in children during 24 hours dynamic EEG monitoring with the results of routine EEG , CT or MRI examinations .

  4. MH-Ni蓄电池的自放电率随搁置时间的增加而增大,但增大幅度逐渐变小。

    The self-discharge rate of Ni-MH battery increases with the increasing of interval in an open circuit state .

  5. 结果表明,微电泳bicuculline使听神经元的放电率显著提高,多数神经元的强度放电率曲线变为单调型;

    The results showed that bicuculline increased impulse rate of neurons to acoustic stimulus and changed intensity-rate functions of most neurons from non-monotonic to monotonic .

  6. 结论:24h动态脑电图用于诊断儿童发作性脑疾病的痫样放电率明显增高,并能确定放电部位及时间,充分体现了动态脑电图对儿童发作性脑疾病评估的优越性。

    CONCLUSION : Twenty-four hours dynamic EEG examination results in remarkable high detectable rate of epileptiform discharge in diagnosis of paroxysmal disorder in children and determines discharge location and time , indicating fully the advantage of dynamic EEG in evaluation of paroxysmal cerebral disorder in children .

  7. 测量时,电流在0.5~100A范围能自动转换量程。蓄电池的放电率为0.2C时,适用于2.5~500Ah的电池。

    The measuring range of the new device is automatically changeable when the current is in the range of 0.5 ~ 100 A , and it is suitable for measuring the batteries with the capacity within 2.5 ~ 500 Ah when the discharge rate is 0.2 C.

  8. 工作环境温度为25℃的过充保护电压为2.4V,过放恢复电压为2.25V。文章还给出了不同放电率的过放保护电压参数。

    The over charging protection voltage is 2.4 V in the operational environment temperature of 25 ℃ and the over discharging recovery voltage is 2.25 V.It is also presented in the text the over discharging protection voltage parameters with various discharge rates .

  9. 高放电率固定型密封铅蓄电池

    A stationary sealed lead-acid battery with high-rate discharge ability

  10. 蓄电池的自放电率随环境温度的增大而增大;

    The self - discharge rate increases with the increasing of ambient temperature ;

  11. 电火花加工过程相对放电率统计建模及分析

    Statistical modelling and analysis of relative discharge ratios in electrical discharge machining process

  12. 锂电池自放电率检测系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Inspecting System for the Self-discharge Rate of Lithium Battery

  13. 基于前馈神经网络,模拟了任意放电率下的恒流放电规律。

    Firstly , using forward neural networks , the constant current discharge rule is simulated .

  14. 电池自放电率检测分选系统的研究

    Research of Battery Testing and Selecting System

  15. 最初的分析应用热力学和动力学知识预测碱性电池在低放电率下的性能。

    Initial analysis utilizes thermodynamic and kinetic information to predict alkaline cell performance under low discharge rates .

  16. 蓄电池容量及起动放电率检测的计算机控制

    The measurement of the capacity of battery and of the starting discharge rate by using of computer controll

  17. 采用优质合金板册,超纯电解液,自放电率极小,失水极少。

    High quality spacer and pure electrolyte are adopted and the self discharging and water loss are low .

  18. 锂电池有工作电压高、能量密度大、自放电率小等优良特性。

    Li-Ion battery has advantages such as high operation voltage , high power density and little self-discharge rate .

  19. 4个(7%)神经元只对第一个声刺激产生反应,且放电率增加,随后放电急剧减少。

    There are 4 ( 7 % ) neurons responding strongly only to the first pulse of 90 pps sound train .

  20. 在长期贮存期内电池的自放电率是一个十分重要、用户非常关心的性能指标,而这一指标又是不能在短期内测试得到的。

    The self discharge rate during long storage , which can not be determined in short term , is a very important specification .

  21. 利用火花放电率误差及误差变化作为参数调节器的输入,调节模糊控制器的尺度变换比例因子。

    Furthermore , a parameter adjuster with two input : error and error change of discharge rate , is developed to adjust proportionality factors of the FC .

  22. 电池贮存30天自放电率为22.6%,其原因为电极中氢的解吸和贮氢合金的氧化。

    Since the hydrogen desorption and hydrogen storage alloy oxidation in the electrode , the self-discharge ratio of the battery is 22.6 % in 30 days storage .

  23. 它电压高、自放电率低、循环寿命长、高低温性能好、使用安全。

    It has high energy , low rate of local action , long repeat service life , good capability at high and low temperature , safe in use .

  24. 锂电池具有体积小、能量密度高、无记忆效应、循环寿命高、高电压电池和自放电率低等优点。

    Li battery have the good features of small size , high power density , no memory effect , long cycle life , high voltage and low self-discharge .

  25. 锂电池由于具备体积小、能量密度大、单体电压高、自放电率低、内阻小等特点而被广泛应用于混合动力系统中。

    Because the merits of small size , high power density , high voltage , low self-discharge and low resistance , lithium battery are widely used in the hybrid power system .

  26. 锂离子电池由于工作电压高、自放电率低、能量密度大、循环寿命长而广泛应用于便携式设备。

    Lithium-ion secondary batteries have been used widely in the field of portable device due to their high working voltage , low self-discharge rate , high energy density and long cycle life .

  27. 而锂离子电池由于能量密度高、循环寿命长、无记忆效应、自放电率低等诸多优点使其成为了二次电池的主流产品。

    Due to high energy density , long cycle life , memoryless effects and low self discharge rate , the lithium ion battery becomes a most popular member of the battery family .

  28. 结果发现:掩蔽声对神经元放电率的抑制作用在时间上表现为前抑制(41%)、后抑制(9%)和全抑制(50%)三种类型。

    We found that there were three types of inhibition period of neuronal firing , i.e. , early-inhibition ( 41 % ), late-inhibition ( 9 % ) and whole-inhibition ( 50 % ) .

  29. 对DC750V第三轨受流地铁电动工程车牵引蓄电池的类型选择,电压、容量、放电率等参数的确定进行了分析。

    The parameters of traction battery for metro electric engineering vehicles used in DC 750 V third rail supply system are analyzed , including the battery ′ s type , voltage , capacity , discharge rate , etc.

  30. 其中模糊控制器输入参数为短路和电弧放电率误差及其误差变化、空载率误差及其误差变化,输出参数为进给频率。

    The input parameters of the fuzzy controller include the error and error change of short circuit-discharge arc rate , the error and error change of no discharge rate , and the output is the feed frequency of motor .