
  • 网络time rate
  1. 抽油井生产时率监测报警系统的应用

    The Application of Monitoring Alarming System for Beam Well Production Time Efficiency

  2. 要实现油田的可持续发展,必须提高油田综合管理水平,而提泵效、控躺井、增时率是关键。

    To make oilfield to develop continuously , upgrading of management level is needed and it is critical factors of increasing pump efficiency , controlling lay wells , up aging .

  3. 应用喷射引流技术后,间歇气井能够连续、平稳运行,有效提高了间歇气井开井时率和产气贡献率,提高田开发经济效益。

    After injection technology , application of gas drainage continuously and smoothly to intermittent operation , effectively improve the intermittent open when gas production rate and contribution to improve economic efficiency , field .

  4. 结合科学化管理,制定切实可行的组织措施,复杂事故时率下降到3.52%,达到了安全高效的钻井目的。

    Because of realizing scientific management and drawing up practical and feasible organizational measures , the complex accident time ratio decreased to 3.52 % , the aim of high-efficiency and safety drilling having been attained .

  5. 官195断块已进入综合治理、控水稳油阶段,油井出砂、套变较多,影响了油井正常生产和生产时率。

    With Guan 195 fault block came into comprehensive treatment and water controlled and oil production stabilized stage , sand production in oil well become more serious which have affected normal producing and producing efficiency of oil well .

  6. 同时,运用单因素影响分析法,反算油井可承受的最低油价、最低开井时率及最高单井年操作成本,以便进行分类管理。

    Using one-factor influence analysis the author makes an inverse calculation of the lowest acceptable oil price , the least open well rate and the highest single well operation cost for oil fields for the purpose of classified management .

  7. 小梁切除术组出院时成功率为73.9%,平均随访28.1个月,成功率为62.9%,两组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The rates in group two were 73.9 % and 62.9 % ( mean 28.1 months ) respectively , the differences being significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 用TG研究了无洗涤的样品的热失重情况,结果表明:样品的最大失重率达到92%左右,样品在250℃左右时失重率最快。

    The results showed that the biggest ratio of weight loss was about 92 % .

  9. 对pH值要求不严。pH值2~11均能萌发.pH值5~6时萌发率较高;

    The requirement is not strict with pH-value , the spores are able to germ at pH-value 2  ̄ 11.but the germination rate is higher at pH-value 5-6 ;

  10. 将上清液循环回用,RNA平均净得率>3%,第3次循环时净得率最高。

    The average yield of RNA was more than 3 % and the yield was the highest when the supernatant was recycled at the third time .

  11. 随搅拌时间的延长,抗菌胶衣树脂的抗菌率也有所增加,搅拌时间为1h时抗菌率为94%。

    With the more mixing time , the antibacterial rate increased , and the antibacterial rate was 94 % for one hour mixing .

  12. 结果表明:以甲苯为溶剂,在400~430℃时萃取率较高,NaOH催化剂可提高萃取物中油含量。

    The results show that extraction yield is higher on 400 ~ 430 ℃, toluene condition , oil yield was increased by adding NaOH .

  13. 本文通过对不同相对密度下Cu及CuCr50Te粉末压制材料在1050℃烧结时收缩率的测定,分析了CuCr50Te/Cu双层触头材料产生烧结变形的原因。

    The sintering shrinkage ratio of Cu and CuCr 50 Te preformed materials sintered at 1050 ℃ was determined with different relative density . The reason of sintering deformation of CuCr 50 Te / Cu double layer material was analyzed .

  14. 尤其对Pb2+的吸附作用更加强烈,在pH值为3.5时吸附率就达到95%,并且随着pH值的升高吸附率仍在95%以上。

    5.8 and 7.3 and the maximum adsorptive rates of heavy metal ions can reach over 95 % . Especially the adsorption of Pb 2 + on goethite is more intense , when pH is 3.5 the adsorptive rate is 95 % .

  15. 结果1.随着SDF-1浓度增加,新鲜脐血MNC黏附率升高,但SDF-1浓度达到100ng/ml时黏附率趋于平稳。

    The adherent rate of fresh cord blood MNCs increases along with the concentration of SDF-1 , however , it tends to be stable when the concentration of SDF-1 reaches 100ng / ml.2 .

  16. 结论未发现有显著的抗肿瘤活性,其中化合物1d和1g样品在24h,100μg·mL-1时蓝染率分别为5%和10%。

    CONCLUSION None of these compounds showed distinct antitumor activity against hepatoma H_ 22 tumor cell , among these samples 1c and 1d gave the blue-stained ratio 10 % and 5 % at the concentration of 100 ng · mL - 1 , respectively .

  17. 而碱激发材料对碱-硅酸反应的抑制效果非常好,在224d时膨胀率仍然小于0.01%。

    Alkali active material inhibitory effect on the ASR expansion is prominent , when the expansion rate in the 224d is still less than 0.01 % .

  18. 锈孢子双核,具2&4芽孔,只有1芽管优生,在2%琼脂膜上,20℃,饱和湿度,pH7时萌发率达80%。

    Aeciospore is binucleate , only one germ tube has priority to grow . On the 2 % agar water membrane with temperature 20 ℃ under saturated moisture , and pH about 7 the germination rate reached 80 % .

  19. 结果表明,在4个代表月中,交通扬尘对北京市PM10的逐时贡献率波动较大,最高可达33%,最低为3%;

    The results of our investigation and analysis suggest that the hourly PM_ 10 pollution contribution ratio of the road dust emission on the four target months fluctuates remarkably , with its biggest contribution radio being 33 % and the smallest being 3 % .

  20. 结果表明:牛粪中添加100g·kg-1的稻草在堆制开始5d,温度较高,但第30天时脱水率反而低于添加50g·kg-1稻草的处理;

    The results show that with addition of 100 g · kg - 1 of rice straws , the composting pile had a higher temperature for 5 days , but a lower dehydration rate than the treatment with addition of only 50 g · kg - 1 of rice straws .

  21. 油炸时间的长短对敌敌畏降解影响较大,炸5min时降解率为37.6%,7min时降解率为65.2%;油炸时间长短对其余农药的降解均无显著影响。

    The frying time was more impacting to dichlorvos degradation than those of other pesticides . The degradation rate of dichlorvos was 37.6 % after 5 min frying , and 65.2 % after 7 min frying , while no significant changes of degradation rate were observed on other four pesticides .

  22. 接第一发球时使用率最高的是平挡球。

    After the first service utilization rate is top is flat .

  23. 50条左右群养时成活率最高。

    The survival rate was highest for the group of 50 .

  24. 文中还导出了注气时回收率的计算公式。

    The calculation formulas of ratio of recovery are deduced .

  25. 书写训练的作业完成速度反应时正确率等可由计算机进行分析。

    Computer can analyse speed , response time , correct rate of completing writing task .

  26. 而无超声波预处理时脱水率仅为84.86%。

    However , dewatering rate is only 84.86 % when there is no ultrasonic pretreatment .

  27. 按双指标方法估计安全寿命时存活率与置信度的匹配

    The Match of Confidence with Survival Probability in the Two-Target Method for Estimation of Safe Life

  28. 知识分享不能加速决策偏差的降低率,但能加速决策反应时降低率。研究还发现认知策略及其变化与知识量和反应时变化有一定程度的相关。

    Knowledge sharing could not result in the decrease of decision biases , but could reduce the response time .

  29. 在血清1∶200稀释时阳性率为83.33%,无假阳性反应。

    At the sera titer 1200 , the positive rate was 83.33 % and no false positive reaction was noticed .

  30. 实验结果表明,处理部分边界域样本时正确率更高,效果更好。

    The experimental results show that the method dealing with part of samples in boundary region is better on classification accuracy .