
  • 网络TDM;OTDM
  1. 不同电子中继物对光产H2量子收率的影响帧中继技术与时分复用技术在电力通信中的应用比较

    Influence of some different relays on φ _ ( h2 ) a comparison between FR technology and TDM technology applied in electric power systems

  2. 帧中继技术与时分复用技术在电力通信中的应用比较

    A comparison between FR technology and TDM technology applied in electric power systems

  3. 统计时分复用技术应用于SDH设备可实现带宽的按需分配。

    The bandwidth allocation on demands will become reality when the technology of statistics & time multiplexing is applied to SDH equipment .

  4. 本文提出了一种基于时分复用技术的应用于Sigma-Delta音频DAC的63阶FIR插值滤波器电路。

    Circuit design based on time division multiplexing for 63-order FIR digital interpolation filter used in Sigma-Delta audio DAC is presented in this paper .

  5. 由于在区域网络中使用光时分复用技术,而在长距离骨干网络中使用光波分复用技术,因此称之为TWT光突发网络。

    We call it TWT photonic burst network because it employs OTDM in the regional network and OWDM in the long haul backbone network .

  6. 在链路中采用时分复用技术(TDM),实现了虚拟并行传输;

    Giga-bit / s optical interconnection link is finished , and time division multiplexing ( TDM ) and " virtual parallel transmission " are realized in this link .

  7. 首先,研究了DMR标准中采用的时分复用技术和原理,并分析了时分复用系统中所需要的同步问题。

    Firstly , the principle of Time Division Multiplexing technology that is adopted by DMR is studied , and synchronization problems required in TDM system are analyzed .

  8. 在设计中,我们采用时分复用技术,既TNS滤波器和AAC解码器的其它硬件部分时分复用一个乘法器,从而大大节省了硬件开销。

    Time-division multiplexing technology is used , that is , the TNS filter and the other hardware parts of AAC decoder use the same multiplier , and then the hardware spending is economized .

  9. 本文介绍了光时分复用技术(OTDM)的特点和现状,并从OTDM超短脉冲源和帧时钟信号提取2个方面分析了OTDM技术走向实用化的2个关键技术。

    The characteristic and actuality of Optical Time Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) is introduced in this paper The two available key techniques about OTDM are discussed based on ultra-short pulse source and frame-clock extraction .

  10. 在此基础上,运用时分复用技术,设计了采用一片LVDT信号调节芯片同时检测输出LVDT位移量信号和LVDT故障监控信号的调理电路。

    Based on that , by a technology of time division multiplexing , the circuit using one chip of universal LVDT signal conditioner that can simultaneously process the output signal and the monitoring signal is designed .

  11. 利用光纤环激光器作为孤子源和光时分复用技术成功地进行了5Gb/s的孤子传输实验。

    Based on optical time division multiplexing technology , 5 Gb / s soliton transmission is successfully carried out by using fiber ring laser as the optical source .

  12. 160Gbit/s光时分复用技术与多电平码光时分复用的研究

    The Study of 160Gbit / s OTDM Technology and Multilevel Code OTDM

  13. 基于噪声整形时分复用技术的多谐信号源研究

    Study on Multitone Signal Generator Using Noise-Shaping and TDM Technique

  14. 利用光时分复用技术实现5Gb/s的孤子传输

    Gb / s soliton transmission based on optical time division multiplexed technology

  15. 多路光纤相干检测信号的时分复用技术研究

    Research on Time-Division Multiplexing of Interferometric Fiber Optic Signals

  16. 其突出特点就是使用了时分复用技术和智能天线技术。

    Its salient features are the use of time-division multiplexing and SA technology .

  17. 采用双口帧存或时分复用技术,使该小型化设计可以并行地介入图像处理系统。

    The diminutive design can be collaterally attached to image processing system with dual-port frame memory or time division multiplex technology .

  18. 对基于自动交换光网的流媒体传送调度策略进行了研究,提出使用时分复用技术对多个并发的流媒体请求进行传输调度可降低客户请求的阻塞率。

    In this paper , we discuss two scheduling strategies of streaming media on ASON ( Automatically Switched Optical Networks ) .

  19. 由于电子迁移率的限制,采用传统的时分复用技术很难突破40Gbit/s的最高速率。

    For the electrons mobility ratio limited , traditional time division multiplexing technique can not reach the highest speed of 40Gbit / s.

  20. 串扰是困扰光纤水听器阵列时分复用技术应用发展的重要问题之一。

    Crosstalk is one of many puzzles that baffled the application to time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) technology for fiber-optic hydrophone array .

  21. 在发射端,利用时分复用技术复用多路数字信号为串行数据流,用串行信号驱动激光器发光,完成电/光转换;

    It uses time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) technique combine multi-channel signals into one series data stream which be converted optic signal in the transmitter .

  22. 本文综述了光时分复用技术的特点、关键技术、研究现状、发展趋势和应用前景。

    This article gives a comprehensive review of the enabling technologies , characteristics , the state-of-the-art of the development and the prospect of OTDM system .

  23. 时分复用技术,是解决光纤水听器大规模阵列信号传输最为基本、有效的复用方案之一。

    Time-division multiplexing ( TDM ) is considered as one of the most basic and effective schemes for signal transmission in the large fiber-optic hydrophone array .

  24. 随着密集波分复用和时分复用技术的发展,在网络节点上高速有效的处理海量信号已经成为了一个通信领域非常关键的问题。

    With the progress in wavelength division multiplexing and time division multiplexing technologies , efficiently handling a large amount of data at network nodes has become an important issue .

  25. 从交换结构分析,时分复用技术对总线速率和存储器访问速率要求过高,严重影响了交换结构在高速环境下的可实现性;

    From analysis of switching architecture , time division multiplexing technology requires higher bus rate and memory access rate , which has an influence on the realization of switching technology on the high speed environment .

  26. 考虑到当前光器件发展的水平和网络互联的机制,本论文提出了一种简单的优化整合使用光时分复用技术和光波分复用技术而构建的广域骨干网络的体系结构。

    Considering the current development of optical device technologies and the network interconnection schemes , this thesis presents a novel national transport network architecture which combines the Optical Time Division Multiplexing ( OTDM ) and Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing ( OWDM ) technologies .

  27. 通过对统计时分复用技术及固定时分复用技术在有效带宽和平均等待时延等方面的分析对比,详细讨论了统计时分复用的性能,并介绍了统计时分复用器的设计研制。

    Through comparing the technology of Statistical Time Division Multiplex ( STDM ) with Fixed Time Division Multiplex over the aspects of effective bandwidth and average queuing delay , this essay discussed the basic theory and advantages of STDM , and design of a STDM .

  28. 到目前为止,两种用时分复用PON技术&EPON和GPON被大规模应用。

    So far , two kinds of using time-division multiplexing PON technology EPON and GPON are large-scale application .

  29. 40Gb/s(STM-256)高速时分复用传输技术前景展望

    Prospect of 40Gb / s ( STM-256 ) high-speed Time Division Multiplex Technology

  30. 利用InGaAs图像传感器,结合波分复用、时分复用等技术,通过后端软件平台实现多点传感检测和多参量传感检测,并搭建了基于体相位光栅和InGaAs图像传感器的光纤光栅传感解调系统。

    With the combination of WDM / SDM techniques , the interrogation system for the fiber grating sensing based on the InGaAs image sensor and volume phase grating may realize the measurement of the multi-points and multi-parameters .