
shí lìnɡ shuǐ guǒ
  • fruits in season
  1. 时令水果,男女老少皆宜。

    Fruits in season are fit for men and women , old and young .

  2. 你也可以在上面找到时令水果、蔬菜或美丽的花朵。

    You can also find seasonal fruits , vegetables or beautiful flowers on them .

  3. 经典苹果彩虹Logo,由当下各种时令水果制成。

    Classic Apple Rainbow Logo , made entirely out of fresh fruit .

  4. 大多人喜欢品尝时令水果。

    Most people like to taste what is just in season .

  5. 基本都是当地时令水果。

    Philippines breakfast – it 's all about the local fruits here .

  6. 您要来个时令水果拼盘吗?

    Would you like to have an assorted fresh fruit in season ?

  7. 随意搭配的时令水果,是不是看到就要咬一口啊。

    Random with seasonal fruit , is not that we should bite ah .

  8. 在吃月饼时,人们通常也会喝茶,喝桂花酒,或者吃时令水果。

    People usually eat it by drinking tea or osmanthus wine or eating seasonal fruit .

  9. 空气的质量变得更好了。而且我们还开始采收时令水果,在我们家的后院里。

    Quality of air became better , and we started harvesting seasonal fruits growing effortlessly right in the backyard of our house .

  10. 秋天是一个美好的季节,与大加色彩,丰富的时令水果,有时使我们感到怀旧。

    Autumn is a season which lavishes with wonderful colors , an exuberance of seasonal fruits and sometimes it makes us feel nostalgic .

  11. 您在主菜后要来点新鲜水果吗?我们有许多时令水果,如草莓、菠萝、香蕉等等。

    Would you like some fresh fruit after your main dish ? We have fresh fruit in season , such as strawberry , pineapple , banana , and so on .

  12. 所有圣诞套餐均赠送红酒、香槟及咖啡或茶各一杯,烤火鸡、圣诞糕点、时令水果各一份。

    All Set Menu Serve with a glass of Red Wine 、 Champagne , a cup of Coffee or Tea , a portion of Turkey 、 Christmas Cake 、 Fruit Platter .

  13. 来自泰国的火龙果,来自马来西亚的木瓜,来自菲律宾的香蕉。在中国北方城市,购买东南亚国家的时令水果已经是非常容易的事情。

    In the north of China , it is quite easy to purchase the season fruit from Southeast Asia , such as Pitaya fruit from Thailand , pawpaw from Malaysia and bananas from Philippine .

  14. 这所独特而隐蔽的住处完全自给自足,有太阳能板,一个容量为12000加仑的淡水保留系统,还有一个好几英亩的菜地,果园,葡萄园来源源不断地供应着时令水果,蔬菜,和葡萄酒。

    This unique and secret abode is entirely self-sustaining and features solar panels , a 12000-gallon freshwater retention system , a multi-acre vegetable garden , orchard , and vineyard with ripe fruits , veggies , and wines for every season .

  15. 我向你们推荐一些时令的新鲜水果。

    I recommend you a plate of assorted fresh fruits in season .

  16. 选用时令瓜果、水果精心炮制一系列美味的菜式,带来一夏精彩美味。

    A range of delicious dishes prepared with seasonal squash , melon and fruits , to delight a summer cuisine .

  17. 以下都是时令蔬菜和水果,它们代表着唾手可得的美味,以及最大化的健康。

    These fruits and vegetables are in season now ( which means off-the-charts deliciousness ) and deliver maximum health benefits .