
shí kè zhǔn bèi zhe
  • keep sb.'s powder dry
  1. 我们时刻准备着为每一寸领土而战。

    We are prepared to fight for every inch of territory .

  2. 他时刻准备着去应对逆境。

    He is always ready to deal with adversity .

  3. 戈登说,他的学生每天都会就此问题向美国宇航局的写邮件,时刻准备着一个可行的太空测试方案。

    Gordon says his students are emailing daily with NASA engineers about the problem , readying a workable solution to test in space .

  4. 如果你时刻准备着帮助别人,那么你生命中的每一年都会是快乐的新年。

    Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year .

  5. 无所不知是不可能,但我们应该时刻准备着,不断地进修学习

    Omniscience is impossible , but we be ready at all times , constantly studied .

  6. WTO来啦,中国保险业时刻准备着

    China 's Insurance Business in Prepared for WTO

  7. (在Barrier类中)取而代之的,它们仅需要发出已经完成当前阶段的信号并时刻准备着开始下一个阶段。

    Instead they merely need to signal that they have completed the current phase and are ready to start the next one .

  8. 在童子军(boyscout)运动创始人罗伯特贝登堡(robertbaden-powell)采纳“时刻准备着”作为座右铭时,他可能没有想到,中国制造业松懈的标准,会给该外向型组织带来威胁。

    When Robert Baden-Powell , founder of the boy scout movement , adopted the motto " be prepared " , it is unlikely he had in mind the threat posed to the outward bound movement by lax Chinese manufacturing standards .

  9. Ervin时刻准备着应对可能给公司资产负债表和收益带来重创的风险。但是他的大部分工作是“看住炉子上的茶壶”。

    Mr Ervin is ready to clamp down on exposures that might dent the bank 's balance sheet or earnings , but most of his job involves " watching the pots simmering " .

  10. 并且新的超级贸易条款,跨太平洋伙伴协议(TPP)以及跨大西洋贸易及投资伙伴协议(TTIP)整时刻准备着通过快速通道在国会中进行迅速直接表决,甚至在协议条款并未被国会或公众知晓之前。

    And the new uber-trade deals , the Trans Pacific Partnership ( TPP ) and Trans Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ( TTIP ) are poised to be fast-tracked through Congress with a quick up or down vote , even before the treaties ' contents are made known to Congress or the public .

  11. 一个好侵略的国家时刻准备着发动战争。

    An aggressive country is always ready to start a war .

  12. 你要有一个平衡稳定的站姿,并且时刻准备着运动。

    You wanna be in a balanced position ready to move .

  13. 消防队员时刻准备着紧急出动。

    Firemen are ready at all times for a sudden turnout .

  14. 对时刻准备着让我老爸飙血压

    Yeah . Ready to give my father high blood pressure .

  15. 但是俺来啦时刻准备着

    But , hey -- I 'm here and I 'm ready .

  16. 我们时刻准备着但没料到这次…

    We 're prepared for everything , but not this ,

  17. 很好。我应该时刻准备着-自杀。

    Yeah , I should be ready to kill myself any day now .

  18. 您将感到精力充沛,时刻准备着拿下26.2英里的距离。

    You 'll feel rested and ready to take on the26.2 mile distance .

  19. 我时刻准备着支持你。

    I am always ready to back you up .

  20. 而他也是时刻准备着教我。

    and he is always ready to teach me .

  21. 例如,他们时刻准备着为陌生人指路。

    For example , they are always ready to show the way to strangers .

  22. 队员们必须时刻准备着对手的进攻。

    The players must hold themselves in readiness to be attached by the rivals .

  23. 马赛人要时刻准备着为牧群而牺牲。

    A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd .

  24. ready:准备好的,乐意的await:等待order:命令,点菜时刻准备着。

    Blair : Ready and awaiting orders . -

  25. 你可能有一个潜在的敌手,他时刻准备着与你作对。

    You may have a hidden adversary who would love to prove you wrong .

  26. 我们应当时刻准备着。

    We must be ready at all times .

  27. 时刻准备着童子军的座右铭。

    Be prepared motto of the boy scouts .

  28. 坚定而自信的;坚决主张的她的儿子是个精力充沛而意志坚定的孩子,时刻准备着争论。

    Her son was an energetic , assertive boy , always ready to argue .

  29. 这个翱翔天空的英雄时刻准备着扑身而下进行施救。

    This hero of the skies is always ready to swoop in for the rescue .

  30. 牛仔必须时刻准备着同野兽和自然灾害做斗争。

    Cowboys and cowgirls should be ready to battle with wild animals and natural disasters .